PART IILocal Authority Publicity

4Codes of recommended practice as regards publicity


The Secretary of State may issue one or more codes of recommended practice as regards the content, style, distribution and cost of local authority publicity, and such other related matters as he thinks appropriate, for the guidance of local authorities in determining whether to incur expenditure on publicity.


Codes may deal with different kinds of publicity or different kinds of local authority or the same kind of local authority in different circumstances or different areas.


The Secretary of State may revise or withdraw a code issued under this section.


The Secretary of State shall before issuing, revising or withdrawing a code consult such associations of local authorities as appear to him to be concerned and any local authority with whom consultation appears to him to be desirable.


A code shall not be issued unless a draft of it has been laid before and approved by a resolution of each House of Parliament.


Where the Secretary of State proposes to revise a code he shall lay a draft of the proposed alterations before each House of Parliament and—


he shall not make the revision until after the expiration of the period of 40 days beginning with the day on which the draft is laid (or, if copies are laid before each House of Parliament on different days, with the later of those days), and


if within that period either House resolves that the alterations be withdrawn, he shall not proceed with the proposed alterations (but without prejudice to the laying of a further draft).

In computing the period of 40 days no account shall be taken of any time during which Parliament is dissolved or prorogued or during which both Houses are adjourned for more than four days.