Part IIE+W Old Improvements for which Compensation is Payable
1E+WErection, alteration or enlargement of buildings.
2E+WFormation of silos.
3E+WMaking and planting of osier beds.
4E+WMaking of water meadows or works of irrigation.
5E+WMaking of gardens.
6E+WMaking or improvement of roads or bridges.
7E+WMaking or improvement of watercourses, ponds, wells or reservoirs or of works for the application of water power or for supply of water for agricultural or domestic purposes.
8E+WMaking or removal of permanent fences.
9E+WPlanting of hops.
10E+WPlanting of orchards or fruit bushes.
11E+WReclaiming of waste land.
12E+WWarping or weiring of land.
13E+WEmbankments and sluices against floods.
14E+WErection of wirework in hop gardens.
15E+WProvision of permanent sheep-dipping accommodation.