Part X Dissolution, Winding Up, Mergers and Transfer of Business


94 Transfer of engagements. C1


A building society may, in accordance with this section and Schedule 16 to this Act, transfer its engagements to any extent to another building society which, in accordance with this section and that Schedule, undertakes to fulfil the engagements.


A building society, in order to transfer its engagements, must resolve to do so by two resolutions, of which one is passed as a special resolution and the other as a borrowing members’ resolution in accordance with the applicable provisions of Schedule 2.


A building society, in order to transfer some but not all of its engagements to its members in respect of shares held by them (with or without other engagements) must, in addition to resolving to transfer the engagements by the two resolutions required by subsection (2) above, resolve to do so by an affected shareholders’ resolution.


For the purposes of this section in its application to a transfer by a society of engagements in respect of some shares in the society, an “affected shareholders’ resolution” is a resolution passed by a majority of the holders of those shares who, under the rules of the society, would be entitled to vote on a special resolution, disregarding for this purpose any shares of theirs in respect of which the society’s engagements are not to be transferred.


A building society, in order to undertake to fulfil the engagements of another society, must resolve to do so—


by two resolutions, of which one is passed as a special resolution and the other as a borrowing members’ resolution in accordance with the applicable provisions of Schedule 2; or


by a resolution of the board of directors, if the Commission consents to that mode of proceeding.


The extent of the transfer, as so resolved by the society making and the society taking the transfer, shall be recorded in an instrument of transfer of engagements.


A transfer of engagements between building societies shall be of no effect unless—


the transfer is confirmed by the Commission under section 95; and


a registration certificate is issued in respect of the transfer under subsection (8) below.


Where the Commission confirms a transfer of engagements between building societies, the central office shall—


register a copy of the instrument of transfer of engagements; and


issue a registration certificate to the building society taking the transfer;

and, on such date as is specified in the certificate, the property, rights and liabilities of the society transferring its engagements (whether or not capable of being transferred or assigned) shall, by virtue of this subsection, be transferred to and vested in the society taking the transfer to the extent provided in the instrument of transfer of engagements.


The central office shall keep a copy of the instrument and of the registration certificate issued under subsection (8) above in the public file of the building society taking the transfer.


Where all its engagements have been transferred, the society shall, by virtue of this subsection, be dissolved on the date specified in the registration certificate; but the transfer effected by subsection (8) above shall be deemed to have been effected immediately before the dissolution.