


Relief for losses on unquoted shares in trading companies

573Relief for companies

(1)Subsection (2) below has effect where a company which has subscribed for shares in a qualifying trading company incurs an allowable loss (for the purpose of corporation tax on chargeable gains) on the disposal of the shares in any accounting period and the company disposing of the shares—

(a)is an investment company on the date of the disposal and either—

(i)has been an investment company for a continuous period of six years ending on that date; or

(ii)has been an investment company for a shorter continuous period ending on that date and has not before the beginning of that period been a trading company or an excluded company; and

(b)was not associated with, or a member of the same group as, the qualifying trading company at any time in the period beginning with the date when it subscribed for the shares and ending with the date of the disposal.

(2)The company disposing of the shares may, within two years after the end of the accounting period in which the loss was incurred, make a claim requiring that the loss be set off for the purposes of corporation tax against income—

(a)of that accounting period; and

(b)if the company was then an investment company and the claim so requires, of preceding accounting periods ending within the time specified in subsection (3) below;

and, subject to any relief for an earlier loss, the income of any of those periods shall then be treated as reduced by the amount of the loss or by so much of it as cannot be relieved under this subsection against income of a later accounting period.

(3)The time referred to in subsection (2) above is the period of 12 months ending immediately before the accounting period in which the loss is incurred; but the amount of the reduction which may be made under that subsection in the income of an accounting period falling partly before that time shall not exceed a part of that income proportionate to the part of the accounting period falling within that time.

(4)Relief under subsection (2) above shall be given before any deduction for charges on income, expenses of management or other amounts which can be deducted from or set against or treated as reducing profits of any description; and where relief is given under that subsection in respect of the amount of a loss no deduction shall be made in respect of that amount for the purposes of corporation tax on chargeable gains.

(5)For the purposes of subsection (1)(b) above companies are associated with each other if one controls the other or both are under the control of the same person or persons; and section 416(2) to (6) shall apply for the purposes of this subsection.

(6)For the purposes of this section a company subscribes for shares in another company if they are issued to it by that other company in consideration of money or money’s worth.

574Relief for individuals

(1)Where an individual who has subscribed for shares in a qualifying trading company incurs an allowable loss (for capital gains tax purposes) on the disposal of the shares in any year of assessment, he may, by notice given within two years after that year, make a claim for relief from income tax on an amount of his income equal to the amount of the loss; and where such relief is given in respect of the amount of a loss no deduction shall be made in respect of that amount under the 1979 Act.

(2)The following provisions shall have effect as respects relief under this section—

(a)relief may, by notice given within two years after a year of assessment, be claimed for that year in respect of a loss incurred in the preceding year of assessment so far as relief under this section in respect of that loss has not already been given in that year, and relief claimed by virtue of this paragraph shall be given in priority to any relief in respect of a loss incurred in the year for which the relief is claimed;

(b)a claim for relief may require it to be given only by reference to the income of the individual without extending to the income of his spouse;

(c)subject to paragraph (b) above, relief shall be given by treating the loss as reducing first the earned income of the individual, then his other income, then the earned income of his spouse and then his spouse’s other income;

(d)the relief shall be given in priority to relief under section 380 or 381.

(3)For the purposes of this section—

(a)an individual subscribes for shares if they are issued to him by the company in consideration of money or money’s worth; and

(b)an individual shall be treated as having subscribed for shares if his spouse did so and transferred them to him by a transaction inter vivos.

575Exclusion of relief under section 573 or 574 in certain cases

(1)Sections 573 and 574 do not apply unless the disposal is—

(a)by way of a bargain made at arm’s length for full consideration; or

(b)by way of a distribution in the course of dissolving or winding up the company; or

(c)a deemed disposal under section 22(2) of the 1979 Act (claim that value of asset has become negligible).

(2)Where a person disposes of shares (“the new shares”) which by virtue of section 78 of the 1979 Act (reorganisation etc. treated as not involving disposal) are identified with other shares (“the old shares”) previously held by him, relief shall not be given under section 573 or 574 on the disposal of the new shares unless—

(a)relief under section 573 or 574 could (or if this section had been in force could) have been given on a disposal of the old shares if he had incurred an allowable loss in disposing of them as mentioned in subsection (1)(a) above on the occasion of the disposal that would have occurred but for section 78 of the 1979 Act; or

(b)he gave new consideration for the new shares;

but in a case within paragraph (b) above the amount of relief under section 573 or 574 on the disposal of the new shares shall not exceed the amount or value of the new consideration taken into account as a deduction in computing the loss incurred on their disposal.

(3)Where the shares are the subject of an exchange or arrangement of the kind mentioned in section 85 or 86 of the 1979 Act (company reconstructions etc.) which by reason of section 87 of that Act involves a disposal of the shares, section 573 or 574 shall not apply to any allowable loss incurred on the disposal.

576Provisions supplementary to sections 573 to 575

(1)Where a person holds shares in a company which constitute a holding and comprise—

(a)shares for which he has subscribed (“qualifying shares”); and

(b)shares which he has acquired otherwise than by subscription,

any question whether a disposal by him of shares forming part of the holding is of qualifying shares shall be determined by treating that and any previous disposal by him out of the holding as relating to shares acquired later rather than earlier; and if a disposal by him is of qualifying shares forming part of a holding and he makes a claim under section 573 or 574 in respect of a loss incurred on their disposal, the amount of relief under that section on the disposal shall not exceed the sums that would be allowed as deductions in computing the loss if the shares had not been part of the holding.

(2)Where a claim is made under section 573 or 574 in respect of a loss accruing on the disposal of shares, section 26 of the 1979 Act (value-shifting) shall have effect in relation to the disposal as if for the references in subsections (1)(b) and (4) to a tax-free benefit there were substituted references to any benefit whether tax-free or not.

(3)There shall be made all such adjustments of corporation tax on chargeable gains or capital gains tax, whether by way of assessment or by way of discharge or repayment of tax, as may be required in consequence of relief being given under section 573 or 574 in respect of an allowable loss or in consequence of the whole or part of such a loss in respect of which a claim is made not being relieved under that section.

(4)For the purposes of sections 573 to 575 and this section a qualifying trading company is a company none of whose shares have at any time in the relevant period been quoted on a recognised stock exchange and which—


(i)is a trading company on the date of the disposal; or

(ii)has ceased to be a trading company at a time which is not more than three years before that date and has not since that time been an excluded company or an investment company; and


(i)has been a trading company for a continuous period of six years ending on that date or at that time; or

(ii)has been a trading company for a shorter continuous period ending on that date or at that time and has not before the beginning of that period been an excluded company or an investment company; and

(c)has been resident in the United Kingdom throughout the period from its incorporation until that date.

(5)In sections 573 to 575 and this section—


577Business entertaining expenses

(1)Subject to the provisions of this section—

(a)no deduction shall be made in computing profits or gains chargeable to tax under Schedule A or Schedule D for any expenses incurred in providing business entertainment, and such expenses shall not be included in computing any expenses of management in respect of which relief may be given under the Tax Acts;

(b)no deduction for expenses so incurred shall be made from emoluments chargeable to tax under Schedule E; and

(c)for the purposes of Chapter II of Part I of the 1968 Act and Chapter I of Part III of the [1971 c. 68.] Finance Act 1971, the use of any asset for providing business entertainment shall be treated as use otherwise than for the purposes of trade.

(2)Subsection (1) above shall not apply to expenses incurred in, or the use of an asset for, the provision by a person carrying on a trade in the United Kingdom (“a United Kingdom trader”), or by a member of his staff, of entertainment for an overseas customer of that person, being entertainment of a kind and on a scale which is reasonable having regard to all the circumstances.

(3)The expenses to which paragraph (a) of subsection (1) above applies include, in the case of any person, any sums paid by him to, or on behalf of, or placed by him at the disposal of a member of his staff exclusively for the purpose of defraying expenses incurred or to be incurred by him in providing business entertainment, but where—

(a)any such sum falls to be included in his emoluments chargeable to tax under Schedule E; and

(b)the deduction or inclusion of that sum as mentioned in that paragraph falls to be disallowed in whole or in part by virtue of this section;

paragraph (b) of that subsection shall not preclude the deduction of any expenses defrayed out of that sum.

(4)Where by virtue of subsection (2) above a person claims to deduct or include any expenses as mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) of subsection (1) above or claims any allowance under the provisions mentioned in paragraph (c) of that subsection he shall, if the inspector so requires, furnish particulars of the entertainment in question and of the person for whom it was provided.

(5)For the purposes of this section “business entertainment” means entertainment (including hospitality of any kind) provided by a person, or by a member of his staff, in connection with a trade carried on by that person, but does not include anything provided by him for bona fide members of his staff unless its provision for them is incidental to its provision also for others.

(6)For the purposes of this section “overseas customer” means, in relation to any United Kingdom trader—

(a)any person who is not ordinarily resident nor carrying on a trade in the United Kingdom and avails himself, or may be expected to avail himself, in the course of a trade carried on by him outside the United Kingdom, of any goods, services or facilities which it is the trade of the United Kingdom trader to provide; and

(b)any person who is not ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom and is acting, in relation to such goods, services or facilities, on behalf of an overseas customer within paragraph (a) above or on behalf of any government or public authority of a country outside the United Kingdom.

(7)In this section—

(a)any reference to expenses incurred in, or to the use of an asset for, providing entertainment includes a reference to expenses incurred in, or to the use of an asset for, providing anything incidental thereto;

(b)references to a trade include references to any business, profession or vocation; and

(c)references to the members of a person’s staff are references to persons employed by that person, directors of a company or persons engaged in the management of a company being for this purpose deemed to be persons employed by it.

(8)This section shall apply in relation to the provision of a gift as it applies in relation to the provision of entertainment, except that it shall not by virtue of this subsection apply in relation to the provision for any person of a gift consisting of an article incorporating a conspicuous advertisement for the donor, being an article—

(a)which is not food, drink, tobacco or a token or voucher exchangeable for goods; and

(b)the cost of which to the donor, taken together with the cost to him of any other such articles given by him to that person in the same year, does not exceed £10.

(9)Subsection (8) above shall not preclude the deduction, in computing profits or gains under Case I or II of Schedule D, of expenditure incurred in making a gift to a body of persons or trust established for charitable purposes only; and for the purposes of this subsection the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England and the Trustees of the National Heritage Memorial Fund shall each be treated as such a body of persons.

(10)Nothing in this section shall be taken as precluding the deduction of expenses incurred in, or any claim for capital allowances in respect of the use of an asset for, the provision by any person of anything which it is his trade to provide, and which is provided by him in the ordinary course of that trade for payment or, with the object of advertising to the public generally, gratuitously.

578Housing grants

(1)Where, under any enactment relating to the giving of financial assistance for the provision, maintenance or improvement of housing accommodation or other residential accommodation, a payment is made to a person by way of grant or other contribution towards expenses incurred, or to be incurred, by that or any other person, the payment shall not be treated as a receipt in computing income for any tax purpose.

(2)Subsection (1) above shall not apply to a payment in so far as it is made in respect of an expense giving rise to a deduction in computing income for any tax purpose.

579Statutory redundancy payments

(1)Any redundancy payment, and the corresponding amount of any other employer’s payment, shall be exempt from income tax under Schedule E.

(2)Where a redundancy payment or other employer’s payment is made in respect of employment wholly in a trade, profession or vocation carried on by the employer, and within the charge to tax, the amount of the redundancy payment or the corresponding amount of the other employer’s payment shall (if not otherwise so allowable) be allowable as a deduction in computing for the purposes of Schedule D the profits or gains or losses of the trade, profession or vocation, but—

(a)if it is so allowed by virtue of this section the amount of the rebate recoverable shall (if it is not otherwise to be so treated) be treated as a receipt to be brought into account in computing those profits or gains; and

(b)if the employer’s payment was made after the discontinuance of the trade, profession or vocation the net amount so deductible shall be treated as if it were a payment made on the last day on which the trade, profession or vocation was carried on.

(3)Where a redundancy payment or other employer’s payment is made in respect of employment wholly in a business carried on by the employer and expenses of management of the business are eligible for relief under section 75 or 76—

(a)the amount by which the redundancy payment, or the corresponding amount of the other employer’s payment, exceeds the recoverable rebate shall (if not otherwise so allowable) be allowable as expenses of management eligible for relief under that section, and

(b)if the employer’s payment was made after the discontinuance of the business the net amount so allowable shall be treated as if it were expenses of management incurred on the last day on which the business was carried on.

(4)Where a redundancy payment or other employer’s payment is made in respect of employment wholly in maintaining or managing property the expenses of maintaining or managing which were eligible for relief under the provisions of section 25(1) or 28—

(a)the amount by which the redundancy payment or the corresponding amount of the other employer’s payment exceeds the recoverable rebate shall (if not otherwise allowable under those provisions) be treated for the purposes of those provisions as a payment made by the employer in respect of the maintenance or management of the property, or of such part of it as he may elect; and

(b)if the employer’s payment was made after the latest time when it could be taken into account for the purposes of relief under those provisions as a payment in respect of the maintenance or management of the property or any part of it, it shall be treated as having been made at that time.

(5)Relief shall not be given under subsections (2), (3) and (4) above, or otherwise, more than once in respect of any employer’s payment, and if the employee was being employed in such a way that different parts of his remuneration fell for tax purposes to be treated in different ways—

(a)the amount by which the redundancy payment or the corresponding amount of the other employer’s payment exceeds the recoverable rebate shall be apportioned to the different capacities in which the employee was employed; and

(b)subsections (2), (3) and (4) above shall apply separately to the employment in those capacities, and by reference to the apportioned part of that amount, instead of by reference to the full amount of the employer’s payment, and the full amount of the rebate.

(6)Where the Minister pays a sum under section 106 of the [1978 c. 44.] Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978 or section 42 of the [1965 c. 19 (N.I.).] Contracts of Employment and Redundancy Payments Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 in respect of an employer’s payment this section shall apply as if—

(a)that sum had been paid on account of that redundancy or other employer’s payment, and

(b)so far as the employer has reimbursed the Minister, it had been so paid by the employer.

580Provisions supplementary to section 579

(1)In section 579—

(a)“redundancy payment”, “employer’s payment” and “rebate” have the same meaning as in the Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978 (“the 1978 Act”) or Part III of the Contracts of Employment and Redundancy Payments Act (Northern Ireland) 1965 (“the 1965 Act”);

(b)references to the corresponding amount of an employer’s payment (other than a redundancy payment) are references to the amount of that employer’s payment so far as not in excess of the amount of the relevant redundancy payment (and so that, where in consequence of section 104(2) of the 1978 Act or section 40(2) of the 1965 Act there is no relevant redundancy payment, the corresponding amount of an employer’s payment is nil);

(c)“the Minister” in relation to the 1978 Act means the Secretary of State and in relation to the 1965 Act means the Department of Health and Social Services.

(2)For the purposes of subsection (1) above “relevant redundancy payment” shall be construed in accordance with paragraph 8 of Schedule 6 to the 1978 Act or paragraph 8 of Schedule 6 to the 1965 Act.

(3)In section 579(1) the reference to tax under Schedule E does not include a reference to tax under section 148 and accordingly payments exempted by section 579(1) may be taken into account under section 148.

581Borrowing in foreign currency by local authorities and statutory corporations

(1)If the Treasury direct that this section shall apply to any securities issued by a local authority and expressed in a currency other than sterling, interest on those securities—

(a)shall be paid without deduction of income tax, and

(b)so long as the beneficial owner is not resident in the United Kingdom, shall be exempt from income tax (but not corporation tax).

(2)Where for repayment of the principal amount due under the securities there is an option between sterling and one or more currencies other than sterling, that subsection shall be applicable to the securities if the option is exercisable only by the holder of the securities, and shall not be applicable to the securities in any other case.

(3)Where any income of any person is by virtue of any provision of the Income Tax Acts to be deemed to be income of any other person, that income shall not be exempt from tax by virtue of this section by reason of the first-mentioned person not being resident in the United Kingdom.

(4)This section shall have effect in relation to any securities issued by or loan made to a statutory corporation as it has effect in relation to any securities issued by a local authority, the references to the beneficial owner or holder of the securities being for this purpose read, in the case of such a loan, as references to the person for the time being entitled to repayment or eventual repayment of the loan.

(5)In subsection (4) above “statutory corporation” means —

(a)a corporation incorporated by an Act; or

(b)any other corporation, being a corporation to which functions in respect of the carrying on of an undertaking are entrusted by an Act or by an order made under or confirmed by an Act;

but, save as is provided by paragraph (b) above, does not include any company within the meaning of the [1985 c. 6.] Companies Act 1985 or the [S.I. 1986/1032 (N.I. 6).] Companies (Northern Ireland) Order 1986.

(6)In relation to securities issued before 6th April 1982 subsections (1) and (2) above shall have effect with the substitution for references to sterling of references to a currency of a country which at the time of the issue was specified in Schedule 1 to the [1947 c. 14.] Exchange Control Act 1947.

582Funding bonds issued in respect of interest on certain debts

(1)Where any funding bonds are issued to a creditor in respect of any liability to pay interest on any debt to which this section applies—

(a)the issue of the bonds shall be treated for all the purposes of the Tax Acts as if it were the payment of an amount of that interest equal to the value of the bonds at the time of their issue, and

(b)the redemption of the bonds shall not be treated for those purposes as the payment of any amount of that interest.

(2)Where an issue of bonds is treated by virtue of subsection (1) above as if it were the payment of an amount of interest, and any person by or through whom the bonds are issued would be required by virtue of any provision of the Tax Acts to deduct income tax from that amount of interest if it had been actually paid by or through him, the following provisions shall have effect—

(a)subject to paragraph (b) below, any such person—

(i)shall retain bonds the value of which at the time of their issue is equal to income tax on that amount of interest at the basic rate for the year of assessment in which the bonds are issued, and

(ii)shall be acquitted in respect of any such retention in the same way as if he had deducted such tax from the interest, and

(iii)shall be chargeable with that tax accordingly, but may tender the bonds retained in satisfaction thereof;

(b)where the Board are satisfied that it is impracticable to retain bonds on account of income tax under paragraph (a) above—

(i)they may relieve any such person from the obligation to retain bonds and account for income tax under that paragraph, on his furnishing to them a statement of the names and addresses of the persons to whom the bonds have been issued and the amount of the bonds issued to each such person; and

(ii)tax in respect of the amount of interest treated by virtue of this section as having been paid by the issue of the bonds shall be charged under Case VI of Schedule D for the chargeable period in which the bonds are issued on the persons receiving or entitled to the bonds.

(3)This section applies to any debt incurred, whether in respect of any money borrowed or otherwise, by any government, public authority or public institution whatsoever, or by any body corporate whatsoever.

(4)For the purposes of this section “funding bonds” includes any bonds, stocks, shares, securities or certificates of indebtedness.

583Inter-American Development Bank

A person not resident in the United Kingdom shall not be liable to income tax in respect of income from any security issued by the Inter-American Development Bank if he would not be liable but for the fact that—

(a)the security or income is issued, made payable or paid in the United Kingdom or in sterling; or

(b)the Bank maintains an office or other place of business in the United Kingdom.

584Relief for unremittable overseas income

(1)Where a person is chargeable to tax by reference to the amount of any income arising in a territory outside the United Kingdom (“overseas income”), then for the purposes of tax this section shall apply to the overseas income in so far as—

(a)he is prevented from transferring the amount of the overseas income to the United Kingdom, either by the laws of that territory or any executive action of its government or by the impossibility of obtaining foreign currency in that territory; and

(b)he has not realised the overseas income outside that territory for a consideration in sterling or a consideration in some other currency which he is not prevented from transferring to the United Kingdom.

Overseas income to which this section applies is referred to below as unremittable.

(2)Subject to subsection (3) below, where a person so chargeable gives notice of his desire to be assessed in accordance with this subsection, then, in the first instance, account shall not be taken of the overseas income to the extent to which he shows to the satisfaction of the Board that the following conditions are satisfied with respect to it, that is to say—

(a)that it is unremittable; and

(b)that subsection (1)(a) above would continue to apply notwithstanding any reasonable endeavours on his part,

and tax shall be assessed and charged on all persons concerned and for all periods accordingly; but, on the Board ceasing, as respects any part of the income, to be satisfied that those conditions are satisfied, such assessments, reductions of assessments and repayments of tax shall be made as may be necessary to take account of it, and of any tax payable in respect of it under the law of the territory where it arises, according to their value at the date when, in the opinion of the Board, those conditions cease to be satisfied with respect to it, and may be so made at any time not later than six years after that date.

(3)Where the tax chargeable is corporation tax, subsection (2) above shall have effect as if—

(a)for the word “assessed” in the second place where it occurs, there were substituted “assessable”;

(b)for the words from “on the Board ceasing” to “take account” there were substituted “on the said conditions ceasing to be satisfied as respects any part of the income, it shall be treated as income arising on the date when those conditions cease to be satisfied with respect to it and account shall be taken”; and

(c)for the words from “the date” onwards there were substituted “that date”.

(4)Where a company becomes chargeable to corporation tax in respect of income from any source by virtue of subsections (2) and (3) above after it has ceased to possess that source of income, the income shall be chargeable under Case VI of Schedule D.

(5)Where under an agreement entered into under arrangements made by the Secretary of State in pursuance of section 11 of the [1978 c. 18.] Export Guarantees and Overseas Investment Act 1978 any payment is made by the Export Credit Guarantee Department in respect of any income which cannot be transferred to the United Kingdom, then, to the extent of the payment, the income shall be treated as income with respect to which the conditions mentioned in subsection (2) above are not satisfied (and accordingly cannot cease to be satisfied).

(6)Any notice under subsection (2) above shall be delivered to the inspector before an assessment made by reference to that income otherwise than in accordance with that subsection has become final and conclusive; and there shall be made all such assessments, reductions of assessments or repayments of tax as may be required by reason of any such notice.

(7)In the case of the death of a person who, if he had not died, would, under subsection (2) above, have become chargeable to any income tax, the tax which would have been so chargeable shall be assessed and charged upon his executors or administrators, and shall be a debt due from and payable out of his estate.

(8)Subject to subsections (2) and (3) above, the amount of any unremittable overseas income shall be determined by reference to the generally recognised market value in the United Kingdom (if any), or, in the absence of any such value, according to the official rate of exchange of the territory where the income arises.

(9)Any appeal against an assessment which involves a question as to the operation of this section shall be made to the Special Commissioners and not to the General Commissioners.

(10)This section shall have effect as respects any accounting period in which the conditions in subsection (2) above cease to be satisfied in relation to any income, being an accounting period ending on or before such day, not being earlier than 31st March 1992, as the Treasury may by order appoint for the purposes of this section, with the omission of subsections (3) and (4).

585Relief from tax on delayed remittances

(1)A person charged or chargeable for any year of assessment in respect of income from any source with tax which (apart from this section) falls to be computed under Case IV or V of Schedule D, or under Case III of Schedule E, on the amount of income received in the United Kingdom in the basis year for that year of assessment, may by making a claim require that the following provisions of this section shall apply, on showing that the following conditions are satisfied, that is to say—

(a)that of the income so received all or part arose before the basis year but he was unable to transfer it to the United Kingdom before that year; and

(b)subject to subsection (2) below, that that inability was due to the laws of the territory where the income arose, or to executive action of its government, or to the impossibility of obtaining foreign currency in that territory; and

(c)that the inability was not due to any want of reasonable endeavours on his part.

(2)For the purposes of this section, where in any year of assessment a person is granted a pension or increase of pension retrospectively, the amount paid in respect of any previous year of assessment by virtue of the grant shall be treated as income arising in that previous year, whenever it is paid, and he shall be treated as having possessed the source of income from the time as from which the grant has effect; and subsection (1)(b) above shall not apply in relation to any amount so paid, except as respects the period after it becomes payable.

(3)Where a person claims that the provisions of this section shall apply for any year of assessment as respects the income from any source, then for the purposes of income tax—

(a)there shall be deducted from the income received in the United Kingdom in the basis year for that year the amount as respects which the conditions in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of subsection (1) above are satisfied, so far as applicable; but

(b)the part (if any) of that amount arising in each previous year of assessment shall be treated as if it were income received in the United Kingdom in the basis year for that previous year.

(4)Nothing in this section shall alter the year which is to be taken as the basis year for computing tax chargeable for any year of assessment under Case IV or V of Schedule D, and where under subsection (3)(b) above income is treated as received in the United Kingdom in a year which is the basis year for two years of assessment, it shall not by reason thereof be taken into account except in the year in which it arose.


(a)a person makes a claim under this section for any year of assessment as respects income from any source chargeable under Case IV or V of Schedule D, and

(b)that year is the basis year for computing the tax with which he is chargeable on the income from that source both for that and for the succeeding year of assessment,

tax shall not be chargeable for either of those years of assessment on the amount referred to in paragraph (a) of subsection (3) above (without however being charged a second time by virtue of paragraph (b) of that subsection).

(6)No claim under this section shall be made in respect of any income more than six years after the end of the year of assessment in which the income is received in the United Kingdom.

(7)There shall be made all such adjustments, whether by way of repayment of tax, assessment or otherwise, as may be necessary to give effect to this section, and notwithstanding anything in the Income Tax Acts, any adjustment to give effect to a claim under this section may be made at any time.

(8)A person’s executors or administrators may make any claim under this section which he might have made, if he had not died, and after a person’s death—

(a)any tax paid by him and repayable by virtue of a claim under this section (whoever made the claim) shall be repaid to his executors or administrators; and

(b)any additional tax chargeable by virtue of such a claim shall be assessed and charged upon his executors or administrators and shall be a debt due from and payable out of his estate.

(9)In this section “basis year” means—

(a)in relation to tax chargeable for any year of assessment under Case IV or V of Schedule D in respect of income from any source, the year by reference to which the amount of the income chargeable finally falls to be computed; and

(b)in relation to tax chargeable for any year of assessment under Case III of Schedule E, that year of assessment;

and any reference in this section to a source of income includes a part of a source.

586Disallowance of deductions for war risk premiums

(1)In computing the amount of the profits or gains of any person for any tax purpose, no sum shall be deducted in respect of any payment made by him to which this section applies.

(2)No payment to which this section applies shall be included in computing the expenses of management in respect of which relief may be given under section 75 or 76.

(3)Subject to subsections (4) and (5) below, this section applies to any payment made by any person under any contract or arrangement under which that person is, in the event of war damage, entitled or eligible, either absolutely or conditionally, to or for any form of indemnification, whether total or partial, and whether by way of a money payment or not, in respect of that war damage.

(4)Where the payment is made in respect of the right or eligibility mentioned in subsection (3) above and also in respect of other matters, the deduction or inclusion of so much of the payment as is properly attributable to the other matters shall not be disallowed by virtue only of subsection (1) or (2) above.

(5)This section shall not apply to any payment made under any contract of marine insurance, or any contract of insurance of an aircraft, or any contract of insurance of goods in transit.

(6)In this section “war damage” means loss or damage arising from action taken by an enemy of Her Majesty, or action taken in combating such an enemy or in repelling an imagined attack by such an enemy, or action taken in anticipation of or in consequence of an attack by such an enemy.

587Disallowance of certain payments in respect of war injuries to employees

(1)In computing the amount of the profits or gains, or total income, of any person for any tax purpose, no sum shall be deducted in respect of any payment made by him to which this section applies.

(2)No payment to which this section applies shall be included in computing—

(a)the expenses of management in respect of which relief may be given under section 75 or 76; or

(b)the expenses of management or supervision in respect of which relief may be given under section 121.

(3)Subject to subsections (4) and (5) below, this section applies—

(a)to any payments by way of benefit made by any person to, or to the personal representatives or dependants of, any employees of his on account of their incapacity, retirement or death owing to war injuries, whether sustained in the United Kingdom or elsewhere; and

(b)to any payments made by any person by way of premium or contribution under any policy, agreement, scheme or arrangement providing for the payment of benefits to, or to the personal representatives or dependants of, any employees of his on account of their incapacity, retirement or death owing to such war injuries.

(4)This section shall not apply to any payment (whether by way of benefit or by way of premium or contribution) which is payable under any policy, agreement, scheme or arrangement made before 3rd September 1939, except to the extent that the amount of the payment is increased by any variation of the terms of that policy, agreement, scheme or arrangement made on or after that date.

(5)This section shall not apply to any payment by way of benefit if, in the opinion of the Board, that payment was made under an established practice which was such that the same or a greater payment would have been made if the incapacity, retirement or death had not been due to war injuries.

(6)Where a person makes a payment by way of benefit to which this section applies and, in the opinion of the Board, there is an established practice under which a smaller payment would have been made if the incapacity, retirement or death had not been due to war injuries, the deduction or inclusion of an amount equal to that smaller payment shall not be disallowed by virtue only of subsection (1) or (2) above.

(7)Where a person makes a payment to which this section applies by way of premium or contribution, and the policy, agreement, scheme or arrangement provides for the payment of any benefit in the event of incapacity, retirement or death not due to war injuries, the deduction or inclusion of so much of the payment of premium or contribution as, in the opinion of the Board, is properly attributable to benefit payable in the event of incapacity, retirement or death not due to war injuries shall not be disallowed by virtue only of subsection (1) or (2) above.

(8)In this section “war injuries” means physical injuries—

(a)caused by—

(i)the discharge of any missile (including liquids and gas);

(ii)the use of any weapon, explosive or other noxious thing; or

(iii)the doing of any other injurious act,

either by the enemy or in combating the enemy or in repelling an imagined attack by the enemy; or

(b)caused by the impact on any person or property of any enemy aircraft, or any aircraft belonging to, or held by any person on behalf of, or for the benefit of, Her Majesty or any allied power, or any part of, or anything dropped from, any such aircraft.

588Training courses for employees

(1)Where, on or after 6th April 1987, a person (in this section referred to as the “employer”) incurs expenditure in paying or reimbursing relevant expenses incurred in connection with a qualifying course of training which—

(a)is undertaken by a person (in this section referred to as the “employee”) who is the holder or past holder of any office or employment under the employer; and

(b)is undertaken with a view to retraining the employee,

the employee shall not thereby be regarded as receiving any emolument which forms part of his income for any purpose of Schedule E.

(2)Section 589 shall have effect to determine for the purposes of this section—

(a)what is a qualifying course of training;

(b)whether such a course is undertaken by an employee with a view to retraining; and

(c)what are relevant expenses in relation to such a course.

(3)Subject to subsection (4) below, where—

(a)an employer incurs expenditure in paying or reimbursing relevant expenses as mentioned in subsection (1) above; and

(b)that subsection has effect in relation to the income of the employee for the purposes of Schedule E;

then, if and so far as that expenditure would not, apart from this subsection, be so deductible, it shall be deductible in computing for the purposes of Schedule D the profits or gains of the trade, profession or vocation of the employer for the purposes of which the employee is or was employed.

(4)If the employer carries on a business, the expenses of management of which are eligible for relief under section 75, subsection (3) above shall have effect as if for the words from “in computing” onwards there were substituted “as expenses of management for the purposes of section 75”.

(5)In any case where—

(a)an employee’s liability to tax for any year of assessment is determined (by assessment or otherwise) on the assumption that subsection (1) above applies in his case and, subsequently, there is a failure to comply with any provision of section 589(3) and (4); or

(b)an employer’s liability to tax for any year is determined (by assessment or otherwise) on the assumption that, by virtue only of subsection (3) above (or subsections (3) and (4) above), he is entitled to a deduction on account of any expenditure and, subsequently, there is such a failure as is referred to in paragraph (a) above;

an assessment under section 29(3) of the Management Act of an amount due in consequence of the failure referred to above may be made at any time not later than six years after the end of the chargeable period in which the failure occurred.

(6)Where an event occurs by reason of which there is a failure to comply with any provision of section 589(3) and (4), the employer of the employee concerned shall within 60 days of coming to know of the event give a notice to the inspector containing particulars of the event.

(7)If the inspector has reason to believe that an employer has not given a notice which he is required to give under subsection (6) above in respect of any event, the inspector may by notice require the employer to furnish him within such time (not less that 60 days) as may be specified in the notice with such information relating to the event as the inspector may reasonably require for the purposes of this section.

589Qualifying courses of training etc

(1)Subject to subsection (2) below, a course is a qualifying course of training if—

(a)it provides a course of training designed to impart or improve skills or knowledge relevant to, and intended to be used in the course of, gainful employment (including self-employment) of any description; and

(b)the course is entirely devoted to the teaching or practical application of the skills or knowledge (or to both such teaching and practical application); and

(c)the duration of the course does not exceed one year; and

(d)all teaching and practical application forming part of the course takes place within the United Kingdom.

(2)A course shall not be regarded as a qualifying course of training in relation to a particular employee unless—

(a)he attends the course on a full-time or substantially full-time basis; and

(b)he is employed by the employer full-time throughout the period of two years ending at the time when he begins to undertake the course or, if it is earlier, at the time he ceases to be employed by him; and

(c)the opportunity to undertake the course, on similar terms as to payment or reimbursement of relevant expenses, is available either generally to holders or past holders of offices or employment under the employer or to a particular class or classes of such holders or past holders.

(3)An employee shall not be regarded as undertaking a course with a view to retraining unless—

(a)he begins to undertake the course of training while he is employed by the employer or within the period of one year after he ceases to be so employed; and

(b)he ceases to be employed by the employer not later than the end of the period of two years beginning at the end of the qualifying course of training.

(4)An employee shall not be regarded as having undertaken a course with a view to retraining if, any time within the period of two years beginning at the time when he ceased to be employed as mentioned in subsection (3)(b) above, he is again employed by the employer.

(5)Where an employee undertakes a qualifying course of training, the relevant expenses consist of—

(a)fees for attendance at the course;

(b)fees for any examination which is taken during or at the conclusion of the course;

(c)the cost of any books which are essential for a person attending the course, and

(d)travelling expenses falling within subsection (6) below.

(6)The travelling expenses referred to in subsection (5)(d) above are those which would be deductible under section 198—

(a)on the assumption that attendance at the course is one of the duties of the employee’s office or employment; and

(b)if the employee has in fact ceased to be employed by the employer, on the assumption that he continues to be employed by him.

(7)Any reference in this section to an employee being employed by an employer is a reference to the employee holding office or employment under the employer.