Living accommodation

145Living accommodation provided for employee


Subject to the provisions of this section, where living accommodation is provided for a person in any period by reason of his employment, and is not otherwise made the subject of any charge to him by way of income tax, he is to be treated for the purposes of Schedule E as being in receipt of emoluments of an amount equal to the value to him of the accommodation for the period, less so much as is properly attributable to that provision of any sum made good by him to those at whose cost the accommodation is provided.


The value of the accommodation to the employee in any period is the rent which would have been payable for the period if the premises had been let to him at an annual rent equal to their annual value as ascertained under section 837; but for a period in which those at whose cost the accommodation is provided pay rent at an annual rate greater than the annual value as so ascertained, the value of the accommodation to the employee is an amount equal to the rent payable by them for the period.


From any amount to be treated as emoluments under subsection (1) above there are deductible under section 198 or 332(3) such amounts (if any) as would have been so deductible if the accommodation had been paid for by the employee out of his emoluments.


Subject to subsection (5) below, subsection (1) above does not apply to accommodation provided for the employee in any of the following cases—


where it is necessary for the proper performance of the employee’s duties that he should reside in the accommodation;


where the accommodation is provided for the better performance of the duties of his employment, and his is one of the kinds of employment in the case of which it is customary for employers to provide living accommodation for employees;


where there is a special threat to his security, special security arrangements are in force and he resides in the accommodation as part of those arrangements;

and in any such case there is no charge to tax under Schedule E (either by virtue of this section or under section 131 or otherwise) in respect of a liability for rates on the premises being discharged for or on behalf of the employee or the employee being reimbursed for the discharge of that liability.


If the accommodation is provided by a company and the employee is a director of the company or of an associated company, then, except in a case where paragraph (c) of subsection (4) above applies, no exemption is given by virtue of that subsection unless, for each employment of his which is employment as director of the company or an associated company, the following conditions are fulfilled, that is—


he has no material interest in the company, and


either his employment is as a full-time working director or the company is non-profit-making (meaning that neither does it carry on a trade nor do its functions consist wholly or mainly in the holding of investments or other property) or is established for charitable purposes only.


If by reason of a person’s employment accommodation is provided for others being members of his family or household, he is to be treated under subsections (1) to (3) above as if it were accommodation provided for him.


For the purposes of this section, living accommodation provided for an employee, or for members of his family or household, by his employer is deemed to be provided by reason of his employment unless—


the employer is an individual, and it can be shown that he makes the provision in the normal course of his domestic, family or personal relationships; or


the accommodation is provided by a local authority for an employee of theirs, and it can be shown that the terms on which it is provided are no more favourable than those on which similar accommodation is provided by the authority for persons who are not their employees but are otherwise similarly circumstanced.


For the purposes of this section—


a company is associated with another if one has control of the other or both are under the control of the same person; and


the expressions “employment”, “family or household”, “director”, “full-time working director”, “material interest” and (in relation to a body corporate) “control” shall be construed in accordance with subsections (2), (4) and (8) to (12) of section 168 as if this section were included in Chapter II of this Part.