Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988

15Schedule A

(1)The Schedule referred to as Schedule A is as follows:—


1Tax under this Schedule shall be charged on the annual profits or gains arising in respect of any such rents or receipts as follows, that is to say—

(a)rents under leases of land in the United Kingdom;

(b)rentcharges, ground annuals and feuduties, and any other annual payments reserved in respect of, or charged on or issuing out of, such land;

(c)other receipts arising to a person from or by virtue of his ownership of an estate or interest in or right over such land or any incorporeal hereditament or incorporeal heritable subject in the United Kingdom.

2Tax under this Schedule shall be charged by reference to the rents or receipts to which a person becomes entitled in the chargeable period.


3Paragraph 1 above does not apply—

(a)to any yearly interest, or

(b)to any profits or gains charged to tax under Schedule D by virtue of section 55, or

(c)to any payment so charged by virtue of section 119 or 120;

and has effect subject also to the provisions of section 98 with respect to tied premises.

4Where rent is payable under a lease under which the tenant is entitled to the use of furniture and tax in respect of the payment for its use is chargeable under Case VI of Schedule D, tax in respect of the rent shall be charged under that Case instead of under this Schedule unless the landlord elects that this paragraph shall not apply.

(2)An election that paragraph 4 of Schedule A shall not apply shall be made by notice to the inspector given within two years after the end of the chargeable period; and where such notice is given, any adjustment of the liability to tax of the person giving it which is required in consequence thereof may be made by an assessment or by repayment or otherwise as the case may require.

(3)Profits or gains arising in any chargeable period from payments for any easement over or right to use any land made to the person who occupies the land shall not be excluded from the charge to tax under Schedule A by reason only that he is chargeable with respect to the land under Schedule B, but shall be treated for the purposes of Schedule A as limited to the amount (if any) by which they exceed the assessable value for the purposes of Schedule B of his occupation of the land in that period.

(4)Part II contains further provisions relating to the charge to tax under Schedule A.