Modifications etc. (not altering text)

498 Limited right to carry back surrendered ACT.U.K.

(1)In any case where,—

(a)on a date not earlier than 17th March 1987, a company which is the surrendering company for the purposes of section 240 paid a dividend; and

(b)at no time in the accounting period of the surrendering company in which that dividend was paid was the surrendering company under the control of a company resident in the United Kingdom (construing “control” in accordance with section 416); and

(c)under section 240(1) the benefit of the advance corporation tax paid in respect of that dividend was surrendered to a subsidiary of the surrendering company; and

(d)that advance corporation tax is not such that the restriction in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of section 497(2) applies with respect to it; and

(e)in one or more of the accounting periods of the subsidiary beginning in the six years preceding the accounting period in which falls the date referred to in paragraph (a) above, the subsidiary has a liability to corporation tax in respect of profits which consist of or include ring fence profits,

sections 239 and 240 shall have effect subject to subsections (3) to (7) below.

(2)Where the conditions in subsection (1) above are fulfilled, the subsidiary to which the benefit of the advance corporation tax is surrendered is in the following provisions of this section referred to as a “qualifying subsidiary”; and in those provisions—

(a)the surrendering company” has the same meaning as in section 240;

(b)surrendered advance corporation tax” means advance corporation tax which, by virtue of section 240(2), a qualifying subsidiary is treated as having paid in respect of a distribution made on a particular date; and

(c)the principal accounting period” means the accounting period of the qualifying subsidiary in which that date falls.

(3)So much of section 240(4) as would prevent surrendered advance corporation tax being set against a qualifying subsidiary’s liability to corporation tax under section 239(3) shall not apply, but section 239(3) shall instead have effect subject to the following provisions of this section.

(4)Surrendered advance corporation tax may not under section 239(3) be set against a qualifying subsidiary’s liability to corporation tax for an accounting period earlier than the principal accounting period unless throughout—

(a)that period,

(b)the principal accounting period, and

(c)any intervening accounting period,

the qualifying subsidiary was carrying on activities which, under and for the purposes specified in section 492, constitute a separate trade.

(5)Subject to subsection (6) below, for each accounting period of the surrendering company in which is paid a dividend the advance corporation tax on which gives rise, under section 240, to surrendered advance corporation tax, the total amount of that surrendered advance corporation tax in respect of which claims may be made under section 239(3) (whether by one qualifying subsidiary of the surrendering company or by two or more taken together) shall not exceed whichever of the following limits is appropriate to the accounting period of the surrendering company—

(a)for periods ending on or after 17th March 1987 and before 1 st April 1989, £10 million;

(b)for periods ending on or after 1st April 1989 and before 1st April 1991, £15 million;

(c)for later periods, £20 million.

(6)In any case where an accounting period of the surrendering company is less than 12 months, the amount which is appropriate to it under subsection (5)(a) to (c) above shall be proportionately reduced.

(7)The amount of surrendered advance corporation tax of the principal accounting period which, on a claim under section 239(3), may be treated as if it were advance corporation tax paid in respect of distributions made by the qualifying subsidiary concerned in any earlier accounting period shall not exceed the amount of advance corporation tax that would have been payable in respect of a distribution made at the end of that earlier period of an amount which, together with the advance corporation tax so payable in respect of it, would equal the qualifying subsidiary’s ring fence profits of that period.

(8)In determining the amount (if any) of advance corporation tax which may be repayable—

(a)under section 17(3) of the 1975 Act, or

(b)under section 127(5) of the M1Finance Act 1981,

any advance corporation tax in respect of a distribution actually made on or after 17th March 1987 shall be left out of account.

Marginal Citations