Material interests in non-qualifying offshore funds

760 Non-qualifying offshore funds


For the purposes of this Chapter, an offshore fund is a non-qualifying fund except during an account period of the fund in respect of which the fund is certified by the Board as a distributing fund.


An offshore fund shall not be certified as a distributing fund in respect of any account period unless, with respect to that period, the fund pursues a full distribution policy, within the meaning of Part I of Schedule 27.


Subject to Part II of that Schedule, an offshore fund shall not be certified as a distributing fund in respect of any account period if, at any time in that period—


more than 5 per cent. by value of the assets of the fund consists of interests in other offshore funds; or


subject to subsections (4) and (5) below, more than 10 per cent. by value of the assets of the fund consists of interests in a single company; or


the assets of the fund include more than 10 per cent. of the issued share capital of any company or of any class of that share capital; or


subject to subsection (6) below, there is more than one class of material interest in the offshore fund and they do not all receive proper distribution benefits, within the meaning of subsection (7) below.


For the purposes of subsection (3)(b) above, in any account period the value, expressed as a percentage of the value of all the assets of an offshore fund, of that portion of the assets of the fund which consists of an interest in a single company shall be determined as at the most recent occasion (whether in that account period or an earlier one) on which the fund acquired an interest in that company for consideration in money or money’s worth; but for this purpose there shall be disregarded any occasion—


on which the interest acquired constituted the “new holding” for the purposes of section F1127 of the 1992 Act (equation of original shares and new holding), including that section as applied by any later provision of Chapter II of Part IV of that Act (reorganisation of share capital etc.); and


on which no consideration fell to be given for the interest acquired, other than the interest which constituted the “original shares” for the purposes of that section.


Except for the purpose of determining the total value of the assets of an offshore fund, an interest in a company shall be disregarded for the purposes of subsection (3)(b) above if—


the company carries on (in the United Kingdom or elsewhere) a banking business providing current or deposit account facilities in any currency for members of the public and bodies corporate; and


the interest consists of a current or deposit account provided in the normal course of the company’s banking business.


There shall be disregarded for the purposes of subsection (3)(d) above any interests in an offshore fund—


which are held solely by persons employed or engaged in or about the management of the assets of the fund; and


which carry no right or expectation to participate, directly or indirectly, in any of the profits of the fund; and


which, on a winding up or on redemption, carry no right to receive anything other than the return of the price paid for the interests.


If in any account period of an offshore fund there is more than one class of material interests in the fund, the classes of interest do not, for the purposes of subsection (3)(d) above, all receive proper distribution benefits unless, were each class of interests and the assets which that class represents interests in and assets of a separate offshore fund, each of those separate funds would, with respect to that period, pursue a full distribution policy, within the meaning of Part I of Schedule 27.


For the purposes of this Chapter, an account period of an offshore fund shall begin—


whenever the fund begins to carry on its activities; and


whenever an account period of the fund ends without the fund then ceasing to carry on its activities.


For the purposes of this Chapter, an account period of an offshore fund shall end on the first occurrence of any of the following—


the expiration of 12 months from the beginning of the period;


an accounting date of the fund or, if there is a period for which the fund does not make up accounts, the end of that period; and


the fund ceasing to carry on its activities.


For the purposes of this Chapter—


an account period of an offshore fund which is a company falling within section 759(1)(a) shall end if, and at the time when, the company ceases to be resident outside the United Kingdom; and


an account period of an offshore fund which is a unit trust scheme falling within section 759(1)(b) shall end if, and at the time when, the trustees of the scheme become resident in the United Kingdom.


The provisions of Part III of Schedule 27 shall have effect with respect to the procedure for and in connection with the certification of an offshore fund as a distributing fund, and the supplementary provisions in Part IV of that Schedule shall have effect.