Court of Session Act 1988

8 Rules Council.S

(1)The Rules Council established under section 18 of the M1Administration of Justice (Scotland) Act 1933 shall continue and shall consist of the Lord President exofficio, two other judges of the Court to be appointed by the Lord President, five members of the Faculty of Advocates to be appointed by the Faculty, and five solicitors, of whom not less than two shall be solicitors practising before the Court, to be appointed by the Council of the Law Society of Scotland.

(2)The members of the Rules Council, other than the Lord President, shall, so long as they retain the respective qualifications set out in subsection (1) above, hold office for three years and be eligible for reappointment.

(3)Any vacancy in the membership of the Rules Council occurring by death, resignation, or other cause prior to the expiry of three years from the date of appointment of the member whose office is so vacated shall be filled by the appointment by the person or body by whom that member was appointed of another person possessing the same qualification:

Provided that any person appointed in pursuance of this subsection to fill a vacancy shall remain a member of the council only until the expiry of three years from the date of the appointment of the member whose office is so vacated.

(4)The Rules Council may from time to time frame rules regarding any of the matters relating to the Court, being matters which the court is empowered to regulate by act of sederunt, and shall submit any rules so framed to the Court, and the Court shall consider such rules and, if approved, embody them (with or without amendment) in an act of sederunt.

(5)At any meeting of the Rules Council seven members shall form a quorum.

Marginal Citations