Part III Education in Inner London

Disposal of functions and property of ILEA

168 Transfers of property, rights and liabilities.


The Secretary of State may by an order or orders made at any time before the abolition date provide for the transfer to each inner London council ofโ€”


such of the property, rights and liabilities of ILEA (other than excepted rights and liabilities) as, in his opinion, need to be so transferred for the purpose of enabling that council properly to perform its LEA functions; and


such of the rights and liabilities of ILEA (other than excepted rights and liabilities) as, in his opinion, it is appropriate to transfer to that council for the purposes of or in connection with the exercise by that council by virtue of section 166 of this Act of functions in relation to, or in relation to registered pupils at, any grant-maintained school which were formerly exercisable by ILEA.


The Secretary of State may by such an order or orders provide for the transfer to any local authority other than an inner London council of such of the property, rights and liabilities of ILEA (other than excepted rights and liabilities) as do not in his opinion fall to be transferred to such a council by virtue of subsection (1) above.


Any transfer for which provision is made by order under this section may be on such terms, including financial terms, as the Secretary of State thinks fit and the Secretary of State may by order create or impose such new rights or liabilities in respect of what is transferred as appear to him to be necessary or expedient.


The Secretary of State may by order confer on any inner London council or local authority to which property is transferred by or under the order any statutory functions which before the abolition date were exercisable in relation to that property by ILEA.


In this section โ€œexcepted rights and liabilitiesโ€ means rights and liabilities arising under contracts of employment between ILEA and its employees.