25 Interpretation of Chapter I.E+W
(1)In this Chapter, except in so far as the context otherwise requires—
“assess ” includes examine and test, and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly;
“assessment arrangements ”, “attainment targets ” and “programmes of study ” have the meanings given by section 2 of this Act;
“core subjects ”, “foundation subjects ” and “key stages ” have the meanings given by section 3 of this Act and “foundation subjects ” includes “core subjects ”;
“the Curriculum Council ” means the National Curriculum Council in relation to England and the Curriculum Council for Wales in relation to Wales;
“maintained school ” means—
any county or voluntary school;
any maintained special school which is not established in a hospital; and
except in relation to a local education authority, any grant-maintained school.
(2)Nothing in this Chapter shall apply in relation to a nursery school or a nursery class in a primary school.