Part IE+W Schools

Chapter IIIE+W Finance and Staff

Financial delegation: appointment and dismissal of staffE+W

44 Staff employed by the local education authority.E+W

(1)This section applies to a county, controlled or special agreement school at any time when it has a delegated budget.

(2)None of the following shall have effect in relation to a school to which this section for the time being applies—

(a)sections 34 and 35 of the 1986 Act (determination of staff complement for schools by local education authority and general provisions about appointment and dismissal of staff);

(b)any provision made by the articles of government in accordance with any of sections 36 to 41 of that Act (procedure for appointments, suspensions and dismissals); and

(c)any provision of section 40 of that Act (appointment and dismissal of clerk to the governing body) other than subsection (5).

(3)Subject to the following provisions of this section—

(a)the appointment, suspension and dismissal of staff at a school to which this section for the time being applies and the determination of their duties, grading and remuneration; and

(b)the application in relation to such staff of—

(i)any disciplinary rules and procedures; and

(ii)any procedures for affording to them opportunities for seeking redress of any grievances relating to their employment;

shall be subject to Schedule 3 to this Act.

(4)Within the period of five years beginning with the date on which the financial year begins in which any county, controlled or special agreement school first has a delegated budget under a scheme, it shall be the duty of the local education authority concerned to amend the articles of government of the school so as to include a statement indicating that provisions made by the articles in accordance with any of sections 36 to 41 of the 1986 Act (specifying those provisions) are superseded by this section and Schedule 3 to this Act during any period when the school has a delegated budget.

(5)This section is subject to the provisions of sections 27 and 28 of the 1944 Act (which relate to religious education).