School Boards (Scotland) Act 1988 (repealed) School Boards1 Constitution of School Boards.2 Composition of Boards.2A Elections.2B Co-option.3 Terms of office.4 Qualification and disqualification of members.5 Advice to Boards. 5A Conflict of interest.6 Proceedings.7 Combined schools.8 Exercise of functions of Boards.9 Books, materials, etc.10 Information and reports.11 Appointments.12 Relations between Boards and parents.13 Parents’ meetings. 14 Use of premises and occasional holidays.15 Delegation of functions to Boards.16 Powers of education authority to ensure due exercise of delegated functions.17 Financing of Boards and financial information.17A Surplus funds.18 Financial powers of Boards.19 Allowances for members of Boards.20 Schools without a Board and disestablishment of Boards. Supplementary21 Public money.22 Interpretation.23 Regulations and minor and consequential amendments.24 Short title, commencement and extent. SCHEDULESSCHEDULE 1 Electoral Procedure1 Electoral Procedure2 Electoral Procedure3 Electoral Procedure4 Electoral Procedure5 Electoral Procedure6 Electoral Procedure7 Electoral Procedure8 Electoral Procedure9 Electoral Procedure10 Electoral Procedure11 Electoral ProcedureSCHEDULE 2 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants1 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants2 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants3 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants4 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants4A Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants4B Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants Application of 1973 Act to appointment committees5 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants Conflict of interest5A Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants Short leet6 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants7 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants8 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants Preparation of short leet9 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants10 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants11 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants12 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and AssistantsAppointments of deputy or assistant headteacher, or of headteacher where no School Board established13 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants Procedure of committee14 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants15 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants16 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants17 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants18 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and Assistants19 Appointment of Headteachers, Deputies and AssistantsSCHEDULE 3 Delegation Orders Delegation on education authority’s initiative1 Delegation Orders Request by School Board for delegation2 Delegation Orders Refusal by authority3 Delegation Orders4 Delegation Orders5 Delegation Orders6 Delegation Orders7 Delegation Orders8 Delegation Orders Agreement by authority9 Delegation Orders10 Delegation Orders Disagreement on terms of the order11 Delegation Orders12 Delegation Orders Secretary of State’s power to require information13 Delegation Orders Amendment14 Delegation Orders15 Delegation OrdersSCHEDULE 4 Minor and Consequential Amendments The Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (c. 65)1 Minor and Consequential Amendments2 Minor and Consequential Amendments3 Minor and Consequential Amendments4 Minor and Consequential Amendments5 Minor and Consequential Amendments The Education (Scotland) Act 1980 (c. 44)6 Minor and Consequential Amendments7 Minor and Consequential AmendmentsSchool Boards (Scotland) Act 1988 (repealed)1988 CHAPTER 47F1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .