

SCHEDULE 1Conduct of investigations by the Commission

Information and evidence

7(1)For the purposes of the investigation the Commission may require any person who in its opinion is able to furnish information or produce documents relevant to the investigation to furnish any such information or produce any such document.

(2)For those purposes the Commission shall have the same powers as the High Court in respect of—

(a)the attendance and examination of witnesses, including the administration of oaths and the examination of witnesses abroad, and

(b)the production of documents.

(3)A person shall not be compelled for the purposes of the investigation—

(a)to give any information or produce any document which he could not be compelled to give in evidence or produce in civil proceedings before the High Court, or

(b)to give any information or produce any document which discloses, or from which there can be deduced, his religious belief, if he informs the Commission that he objects to doing so, or

(c)to attend at any place unless the necessary expenses of his journey to and from that place are paid or tendered to him.