SCHEDULE 2Local Authority Support for Children and Families

Part IIChildren Looked After By Local Authorities

Visits to or by children: expenses

16(1)This paragraph applies where—

(a)a child is being looked after by a local authority; and

(b)the conditions mentioned in sub-paragraph (3) are satisfied.

(2)The authority may—

(a)make payments to—

(i)a parent of the child;

(ii)any person who is not a parent of his but who has parental responsibility for him; or

(iii)any relative, friend or other person connected with him,

in respect of travelling, subsistence or other expenses incurred by that person in visiting the child; or

(b)make payments to the child, or to any person on his behalf, in respect of travelling, subsistence or other expenses incurred by or on behalf of the child in his visiting—

(i)a parent of his;

(ii)any person who is not a parent of his but who has parental responsibility for him; or

(iii)any relative, friend or other person connected with him.

(3)The conditions are that—

(a)it appears to the authority that the visit in question could not otherwise be made without undue financial hardship; and

(b)the circumstances warrant the making of the payments.