102 Applications for grants.
No grant shall be paid unless an application for it is made to the local housing authority concerned in accordance with the provisions of this Part andis approved by them.
An application for a grant shall be in writing and shall specify thepremises to which it relates and contain—
particulars of the works in respect of which the grant is sought (in thisPart referred to as “the relevant works”);
unless the local housing authority otherwise direct in any particularcase, at least two estimates from different contractors of the cost ofcarrying out the relevant works;
particulars of any preliminary or ancillary services and charges inrespect of the cost of which the grant is also sought; and
such other particulars as may be prescribed.
In this Part “preliminary or ancillary services and charges”, in relationto an application for a grant, means services and charges which—
relate to the application and the preparation for and the carrying out ofworks; and
are specified for the purposes of this subsection by the Secretary ofState.
The Secretary of State may by regulations prescribe a form of applicationfor a grant and an application for a grant to which any such regulations applyshall not be validly made unless it is in the prescribed form.