Part VIIIE+W Grants Towards Cost of Improvements and Repairs etc.

Group repair schemesE+W

130 Payment of balance of costs in case of certain disposals.E+W

(1)When the external works specified in a group repair scheme are completed,the local housing authority shall, for the purposes of this section, send toeach assisted participant a certificate specifying the date on which the workswere completed to their satisfaction; and in subsection (2) below that dateis referred to as “the completion date”.

(2)It shall be a condition of participation in a group repair scheme as anassisted participant that if, before the expiry of the period of three yearsbeginning with the completion date, the assisted participant makes a relevantdisposal (other than an exempt disposal) of the dwelling or other premises inwhich he had an owner’s interest at the date of the approval of the scheme,then, subject to subsection (6) below, he shall pay to the local housingauthority on demand the outstanding balance determined in accordance withsubsections (3) and (4) below or such lesser amount, being not less thanone-third of that outstanding balance, as the authority may specify in thedemand.

(3)Subject to subsection (4) below, in the case of any assisted participant,the outstanding balance referred to in subsection (2) above is the differencebetween—

(a)the cost, as notified to him under the scheme, of such of the externalworks specified in the scheme as relate to the house or other premises inwhich his owner’s interest subsisted; and

(b)the amount of the contribution in respect of that cost paid by him byvirtue of section 129 above.

(4)If, in the case of any assisted participant, the cost of the externalworks relating to the house in which he had an owner’s interest falls to beapportioned as mentioned in subsection (2) of section 129 above, the referencein subsection (3) above to the cost of the works relating to the house shallbe construed as a reference to that part of the cost which is apportioned tothe part of the house in which his owner’s interest subsisted.

(5)Section 124 above applies for the purposes of this section as it appliesfor the purposes of sections 120 to 123 above, except that for any referencein that section to the dwelling there shall be substituted a reference to thehouse (or part of a house) or other premises in which the assisted participanthad an owner’s interest.

(6)The duty of an assisted participant under subsection (2) above shall ceaseto apply if he makes such a disposal as is mentioned in that subsection eitherfor no consideration or for consideration of an amount less than that eitherprescribed, or calculated in accordance with a formula prescribed, byregulations made by the Secretary of State.

(7)In subsections (3) to (5) above “house” shall be construed in accordance with section 129(2)above.