
Part IXMiscellaneous and General

Miscellaneous housing provisions

170Powers of local authorities and Secretary of State as respects services, etc., for owners and occupiers of houses for work on them: Scotland

(1)A relevant authority shall have power to provide professional, technical and administrative services for owners or occupiers of houses in connection with their arranging or carrying out relevant works or to encourage or facilitate the carrying out of such works, whether or not on payment of such charges as the authority may determine.

(2)Relevant works are such works as may be specified in regulations made by the Secretary of State and such works may be so specified by reference to such factors (including factors relating to persons of such descriptions as may be so specified) as the Secretary of State thinks fit.

(3)It shall be the duty of a relevant authority exercising any power conferred by subsection (1) above—

(a)to consider whether or not to make a charge for exercising it; and

(b)to take such measures as are reasonably available to them to secure contributions from other persons towards the cost of exercising it.

(4)A relevant authority shall have power to give financial assistance in any form to—

(a)any housing association,

(b)any charity, or

(c)any body, or body of any description, approved by the Secretary of State,

towards the cost of the provision by that association, charity or body of services of any description for owners or occupiers of houses in arranging works of maintenance, repair or improvement or the encouraging or facilitating the carrying out of such works.

(5)It shall be the duty of a relevant authority—

(a)in deciding whether to exercise any power conferred by subsection (4) above in relation to any association, charity or body, to have regard to the existence and extent of any financial assistance available from other persons to that association, charity or body; and

(b)in exercising any power conferred by subsection (4) above in relation to any association, charity or body—

(i)to have regard to whether that association, charity or body has made or will make charges and their amount; and

(ii)to encourage the association, charity or body to take such measures as are reasonably available to them to secure contributions from other persons.

(6)The Secretary of State may, with the consent of the Treasury, give financial assistance in any form to any person in respect of expenditure incurred or to be incurred by that person in connection with the provision, whether or not by that person, of services of any description for owners or occupiers of houses in arranging or carrying out works of maintenance, repair or improvement or in connection with the encouraging or facilitating, whether or not by that person, the carrying out of such works.

(7)The giving of financial assistance under subsection (6) above shall be on such terms (which may include terms as to repayment) as the Secretary of State, with the consent of the Treasury, considers appropriate.

(8)The person receiving assistance shall comply with the terms on which it is given and compliance may be enforced by the Secretary of State.

(9)In this section—