SCHEDULE 1Local Planning Authorities: Distribution of Functions

The Crown

19(1)Elsewhere than in a metropolitan county or a National Park the functions conferred by section 302 and Schedule 15 on the authority responsible for enforcing planning control shall, subject to sub-paragraph (3)—

(a)in the case of works on or a use of land which in the opinion of the district planning authority relates to a county matter, be exercised by the county planning authority;

(b)in any other case be exercised by the district planning authority.

(2)As respects an area in a National Park outside a metropolitan county those functions shall be exercised by the county planning authority.

(3)Every application made under subsection (3) of that section to an authority responsible for enforcing planning control shall be made to the district planning authority who, in the case of an application falling to be determined by the county planning authority, shall send it on to the latter.

(4)A county planning authority determining any such application shall give the district planning authority for the area in which the land to which the application relates is situated an opportunity to make recommendations to the county planning authority as to the manner in which the application should be determined and shall take any such recommendations into account.

(5)A county or district planning authority who have dealt with any such application shall notify the district or, as the case may be, the county planning authority of the terms of their determination or, in a case where the application has been referred to the Secretary of State, the date when it was so referred.