Part IIDevelopment Plans

Chapter IIStructure and Local Plans: Non-Metropolitan Areas

Structure plans

35Approval or rejection of proposals for alteration or replacement of structure plans


The Secretary of State may, after considering proposals for the alteration or repeal and replacement of a structure plan submitted (or resubmitted) to him, either approve them (in whole or in part and with or without modifications or reservations) or reject them.


In considering any such proposals the Secretary of State may take into account any matters which he thinks are relevant, whether or not they were taken into account in the proposals as submitted to him.


Where on taking any such proposals into consideration the Secretary of State does not determine then to reject them, he shall before determining whether or not to approve them—


consider any objections to the proposals, so far as they are made in accordance with regulations under this Chapter, and


subject to subsection (4), cause a person or persons appointed by him for the purpose to hold an examination in public of such matters affecting his consideration of the proposals as he considers ought to be so examined.


If it appears to the Secretary of State, on consideration of the proposals, that no matters which require an examination in public arise from them or from any structure plan submitted with them under section 32(4), no such examination need be held.


The Secretary of State may, after consultation with the Lord Chancellor, make regulations with respect to the procedure to be followed at any examination under subsection (3)(b).


The Secretary of State need not secure to any local planning authority or other person a right to be heard at any such examination and, subject to subsection (7), only such bodies and persons as he may before or during the course of the examination invite to do so may take part in it.


The person or persons holding the examination may before or during the course of the examination invite additional bodies or persons to take part in it if it appears to him or them desirable to do so.


An examination under subsection (3)(b) shall constitute a statutory inquiry for the purposes of section 1(1)(c) of the [1971 c. 62.] Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1971 but shall not constitute such an inquiry for any other purpose of that Act.


On considering any proposals the Secretary of State may (but need not) consult with or consider the views of any local planning authority or other person.


On exercising his powers under subsection (1) in relation to any proposals, the Secretary of State shall give such statement as he considers appropriate of the reasons governing his decision.