1. Introductory Text

  2. Part I General

    1. Driving offences

      1. 1. Offences of dangerous driving.

      2. 2. Careless, and inconsiderate, driving.

    2. Drink and drugs

      1. 3. Causing death by careless driving when under influence of drink or drugs.

      2. 4. Driving under influence of drink or drugs.

    3. Motoring events

      1. 5. Disapplication of sections 1 to 3 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 for authorised motoring events.

    4. Danger to road-users

      1. 6. Causing danger to road-users.

    5. Cycling

      1. 7. Cycling offences.

    6. Construction and use

      1. 8. Construction and use of vehicles.

      2. 9. Vehicle examiners.

      3. 10. Testing vehicles on roads.

      4. 11. Inspection of vehicles.

      5. 12. Power to prohibit driving of unfit vehicles.

      6. 13. Power to prohibit driving of overloaded vehicles.

      7. 14. Unfit and overloaded vehicles: offences.

      8. 15. Removal of prohibitions.

      9. 16. Supply of unroadworthy vehicles etc.

    7. Licensing of drivers

      1. 17. Requirement of licence.

      2. 18. Physical fitness.

      3. 19. Effects of disqualification.

    8. Insurance

      1. 20. Exception from requirement of third-party insurance.

    9. Information

      1. 21. Information as to identity of driver etc.

    10. Trial

      1. 22. Amendment of Schedule 1 to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

      2. 23. Speeding offences etc: admissibility of certain evidence.

      3. 24. Alternative verdicts.

      4. 25. Interim disqualification.

    11. Penalties

      1. 26. Amendment of Schedule 2 to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

      2. 27. Penalty points to be attributed to offences.

      3. 28. Penalty points to be taken into account on conviction.

      4. 29. Disqualification for certain offences.

      5. 30. Courses for drink-drive offenders.

      6. 31. Experimental period for section 30.

      7. 32. Disqualification until test is passed.

      8. 33. Short periods of disqualification.

      9. 34. Conditional offer of fixed penalty.

    12. Miscellaneous

      1. 35. Disabled persons’ badges.

      2. 36. Forfeiture of vehicles.

      3. 37. Forfeiture of vehicles: Scotland.

      4. 38. Disqualification where vehicle used for assault.

      5. 39. Disqualification in Scotland where vehicle used to commit offence.

      6. 40. Power to install equipment for detection of traffic offences.

      7. 41. Variation of charges at off-street parking places.

      8. 42. Variation of charges at designated parking places.

      9. 43. Permitted and special parking areas outside London.

      10. 44. Parking attendants.

      11. 45. Variable speed limits.

      12. 46. Tramcars and trolley vehicles.

      13. 47. Applications for licences to drive hackney carriages etc.

      14. 48. Minor and consequential amendments.

      15. 49. Omission of enactments not brought into force.

  3. Part II Traffic In London

    1. Priority routes

      1. 50. Designation of priority routes.

      2. 51. The Secretary of State’s traffic management guidance.

      3. 52. The Traffic Director for London.

      4. 53. The Director’s network plan.

    2. Local plans and trunk road local plans

      1. 54. Duty of London authorities to prepare local plans.

      2. 55. The Director’s trunk road local plans.

      3. 56. The Minister’s trunk road local plans.

      4. 57. Implementation of local plans.

      5. 58. Implementation by Director of certain plans.

      6. 59. Variation of local plans.

      7. 60. Proposed action by London authorities likely to affect priority routes.

      8. 61. Intervention powers.

      9. 62. Failure to implement local plans.

    3. Parking in London

      1. 63. The Secretary of State’s parking guidance.

      2. 64. Charges at designated parking places.

      3. 65. Contravention of certain orders relating to parking places in London not to be criminal offence.

      4. 66. Parking penalties in London.

      5. 67. Recovery of vehicles or of proceeds of disposal.

      6. 68. Charges for removal, storage and disposal of vehicles.

      7. 69. Immobilisation of vehicles in parking places.

      8. 70. Exemptions from section 69.

      9. 71. Representations in relation to removal or immobilisation of vehicles.

      10. 72.Appeals to parking adjudicator in relation to decisions under section 71.

      11. 73. Appointment of parking adjudicators by joint committee of the London authorities.

      12. 74. Fixing of certain parking and other charges for London.

      13. 74A. Additional parking charges: reserve powers of Secretary of State.

      14. 75. Immobilisation of vehicles in London by police.

      15. 76. Special parking areas.

      16. 76A. Variation of special parking areas by Mayor of London.

      17. 77. Application of provisions in relation to special parking areas.

    4. Miscellaneous

      1. 78. Enforcement.

      2. 79. Application to Crown and visiting forces.

      3. 80. Financial provisions.

      4. 81. Minor and consequential amendments.

      5. 82. Interpretation of Part II.

  4. Part III Supplementary

    1. 83. Repeals.

    2. 84. Commencement.

    3. 85. Expenses.

    4. 86. Extent.

    5. 87. Short title.