55The Director’s trunk road local plans
(1)Where any priority route, or part of a priority route, is a trunk road, the Secretary of State may give a direction to the Director requiring him to prepare a statement of the Director’s proposals with respect to the operation of that priority route or of such part of it as may be specified in the direction.
(2)Subsection (1) above does not apply in relation to any trunk road in relation to which provision has been made by a London authority (under section 54(5) of this Act) in their local plan.
(3)A statement prepared under subsection (1) above is referred to in this Part of this Act as a “trunk road local plan”.
(4)The Director may from time to time vary any trunk road local plan.
(5)In preparing any trunk road local plan or variation, the Director shall have regard to the Secretary of State’s traffic management guidance and the network plan and shall consult—
(a)the Secretary of State;
(b)the relevant Commissioner or, if appropriate, both Commissioners;
(c)any London authority within whose area is situated—
(i)any priority route to which the trunk road local plan will apply; or
(ii)any road which is not a priority route but which, in the opinion of the Director, is likely to be affected by any priority route to which the trunk road local plan will apply;
(d)such organisations representing the interests of people with a disability who may be affected by the plan as appear to him to be appropriate; and
(e)London Regional Transport.
(6)Any trunk road local plan shall—
(a)indicate which powers under the [1980 c. 66.] Highways Act 1980 or the [1984 c. 27.] Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the Director proposes should be exercised in relation to the priority routes to which the plan relates and the manner in which he proposes they should be exercised;
(b)identify any orders made under the Act of 1984 which are, in his opinion, inconsistent with the plan and indicate his proposals for their variation or revocation;
(i)which powers under the Act of 1980 or the Act of 1984 he proposes should be exercised in relation to those other roads within London which are (or would otherwise be) likely to affect, or be affected by, traffic using any of the priority routes to which the plan relates; and
(ii)the manner in which he proposes they should be exercised;
(d)indicate how the proposals referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) relate, in particular, to the needs of people with a disability;
(i)the period which he considers will be required to implement the plan; and
(ii)a timetable for implementing the different elements of the plan;
(f)specify a programme of maintenance of those traffic management measures, which are derived from the exercise, on or in relation to the priority routes to which the plan relates, of powers under the Acts of 1980 and 1984; and
(g)deal with any other matter which the Director considers relevant to the proper and effective implementation of the plan.
(7)The Director shall, in relation to each of his trunk road local plans—
(a)keep the plan under review; and
(b)consider whether it needs to be varied, particularly in the light of—
(i)any further guidance issued by the Secretary of State under section 51 of this Act; and
(ii)any variation of the network plan which he makes under section 53(6) of this Act.