Agricultural Holdings (Scotland) Act 1991

71Statement of sales of stock

(1)Where any question as to the value of any sheep stock has been submitted for determination to the Land Court or to an arbiter, the outgoing tenant shall, not less than 28 days before the determination of the question, submit to the Court or to the arbiter, as the case may be—

(a)a statement of the sales of sheep from such stock—

(i)in the case of a valuation made in respect of a tenancy terminating at Whitsunday during the preceding three years; or

(ii)in the case of a valuation made in respect of a tenancy terminating at Martinmas during the current year and in each of the two preceding years; and

(b)such sale-notes and other evidence as may be required by the Court or the arbiter to vouch the accuracy of such statement.

(2)Any document submitted by the outgoing tenant in pursuance of this section shall be open to inspection by the other party to the valuation proceedings.