Part IIIWater Supply

Chapter IGeneral Duties of Water Undertakers

37General duty to maintain water supply system etc

(1)It shall be the duty of every water undertaker to develop and maintain an efficient and economical system of water supply within its area and to ensure that all such arrangements have been made—

(a)for providing supplies of water to premises in that area and for making such supplies available to persons who demand them; and

(b)for maintaining, improving and extending the water undertaker’s water mains and other pipes,

as are necessary for securing that the undertaker is and continues to be able to meet its obligations under this Part.

(2)The duty of a water undertaker under this section shall be enforceable under section 18 above—

(a)by the Secretary of State; or

(b)with the consent of or in accordance with a general authorisation given by the Secretary of State, by the Director.

(3)The obligations imposed on a water undertaker by the following Chapters of this Part, and the remedies available in respect of contraventions of those obligations, shall be in addition to any duty imposed or remedy available by virtue of any provision of this section or section 38 below and shall not be in any way qualified by any such provision.

38Standards of performance in connection with water supply

(1)For the purpose–

(a)of facilitating the determination of the extent to which breaches of the obligations imposed by the following provisions of this Part are to amount to breaches of the duty imposed by section 37 above; or

(b)of supplementing that duty by establishing overall standards of performance in relation to that duty,

the Secretary of State may, in accordance with section 39 below, by regulations provide for contraventions of such requirements as may be prescribed to be treated for the purposes of this Act as breaches of that duty.

(2)The Secretary of State may, in accordance with section 39 below, by regulations prescribe such standards of performance in connection with the provision of supplies of water as, in his opinion, ought to be achieved in individual cases.

(3)Regulations under subsection (2) above may provide that if a water undertaker fails to meet a prescribed standard it shall pay such amount as may be prescribed to any person who is affected by the failure and is of a prescribed description.

(4)Without prejudice to the generality of the power conferred by subsection (2) above, regulations under that subsection may—

(a)include in a standard of performance a requirement for a water undertaker, in prescribed circumstances, to inform a person of his rights by virtue of any such regulations;

(b)provide for any dispute under the regulations to be referred by either party to the dispute to the Director;

(c)make provision for the procedure to be followed in connection with any such reference and for the Director’s determination on such a reference to be enforceable in such manner as may be prescribed;

(d)prescribe circumstances in which a water undertaker is to be exempted from requirements of the regulations.

39Procedure for regulations under section 38

(1)The Secretary of State shall not make any regulations under section 38 above unless—

(a)the Director has made to the Secretary of State a written application complying with subsection (2) below;

(b)the Secretary of State is satisfied that a copy of the application has been served by the Director on every water undertaker specified in the application;

(c)such period as the Secretary of State considers appropriate has been allowed for the making—

(i)by the Director; and

(ii)by any affected water undertaker,

of representations or objections with respect to the Director’s proposals and any modifications proposed by the Secretary of State; and

(d)the Secretary of State has considered both the Director’s reasons for his proposals and every representation or objection which has been duly made with respect to those proposals, or any proposed modifications of those proposals, and has not been withdrawn.

(2)An application made by the Director to the Secretary of State complies with this subsection if it—

(a)sets out draft provisions proposed by the Director for inclusion in regulations under section 38 above;

(b)specifies the water undertaker or undertakers in relation to which it is proposed those provisions should apply; and

(c)summarises the Director’s reasons for his proposals.

(3)The Secretary of State shall not make any regulations under section 38 above except where—

(a)the only provisions of the regulations are the provisions proposed by the Director in his application or those provisions with such modifications as the Secretary of State considers appropriate; and

(b)each of the modifications (if any) of the Director’s proposals to which effect is given by the regulations is a modification the proposal to make which has been notified—

(i)to the Director; and

(ii)to any water undertaker appearing to the Secretary of State to be likely to be affected by the modifications.

Chapter IISupply Duties

Major supplies

40Bulk supplies

(1)Where, on the application of a water undertaker—

(a)it appears to the Director that it is necessary or expedient for the purposes of this Part that another water undertaker should give a supply of water in bulk to the applicant; and

(b)he is satisfied that the giving and taking of such a supply cannot be secured by agreement,

the Director may by order require the undertakers to give and to take such a supply for such period and on such terms and conditions as may be provided in the order.

(2)An order under this section shall have effect as an agreement between the water undertakers in question but may be varied or revoked by a subsequent order made by the Director on the application of either of those undertakers, as well as by agreement between the undertakers.

(3)The Director shall not make an order under this section which he considers affects the carrying out by the NRA of any of its functions unless he has first consulted the NRA.

(4)In determining what provision to make by an order under this section in respect of the giving of any supply by a water undertaker the Director shall have regard to the desirability of the undertaker’s recovering the expenses of complying with its obligations under this section and of securing a reasonable return on its capital.

41Duty to comply with water main requisition

(1)It shall be the duty of a water undertaker (in accordance with section 44 below) to provide a water main to be used for providing such supplies of water to premises in a particular locality in its area as (so far as those premises are concerned) are sufficient for domestic purposes, if–

(a)the undertaker is required to provide the main by a notice served on the undertaker by one or more of the persons who under subsection (2) below are entitled to require the provision of the main for that locality;

(b)the premises in that locality to which those supplies would be provided by means of that main are—

(i)premises consisting in buildings or parts of buildings; or

(ii)premises which will so consist when proposals made by any person for the erection of buildings or parts of buildings are carried out;


(c)the conditions specified in section 42 below are satisfied in relation to that requirement.

(2)Each of the following persons shall be entitled to require the provision of a water main for any locality, that is to say—

(a)the owner of any premises in that locality;

(b)the occupier of any premises in that locality;

(c)any local authority within whose area the whole or any part of that locality is situated;

(d)where the whole or any part of that locality is situated in a new town, within the meaning of the [1981 c. 64.] New Towns Act 1981—

(i)the Commission for the New Towns; and

(ii)the Development Board for Rural Wales or the development corporation for the new town, according to whether or not the new town is situated within the area for which that Board is for the time being responsible;


(e)where the whole or any part of that locality is situated within an area designated as an urban development area under Part XVI of the [1980 c. 65.] Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980, the urban development corporation.

(3)The duty of a water undertaker under this section to provide a water main shall be owed to the person who requires the provision of the main or, as the case may be, to each of the persons who joins in doing so.

(4)Where a duty is owed by virtue of subsection (3) above to any person, any breach of that duty which causes that person to sustain loss or damage shall be actionable at the suit of that person; but, in any proceedings brought against a water undertaker in pursuance of this subsection, it shall be a defence for the undertaker to show that it took all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence to avoid the breach.

(5)In this section “local authority”, in relation to the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, includes, respectively, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple and the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple.

42Financial conditions of compliance

(1)The conditions mentioned in section 41(1)(c) above are satisfied in relation to a requirement for the provision of a water main by a water undertaker if—

(a)such undertakings as the undertaker may have reasonably required in accordance with subsection (2) below have been given by the person or persons who have required the provision of the main; and

(b)such security as the undertaker may have reasonably required has been provided for the discharge of any obligations imposed by those undertakings on any person who, under subsection (3) below, may be required to secure his undertakings.

(2)The undertakings which a water undertaker may require for the purposes of subsection (1) above in respect of any water main are undertakings which—

(a)bind the person or persons mentioned in that subsection to pay to the undertaker, in respect of each of the twelve years following the provision of the main, an amount not exceeding the relevant deficit (if any) for that year on that main; and

(b)in the case of undertakings binding two or more persons, bind them either jointly and severally or with liability to pay apportioned in such manner as they may agree.

(3)For the purposes of subsection (1)(b) above a person may be required to secure his undertakings in relation to the provision of a water main if—

(a)it was by virtue of section 41(2)(a) or (b) above that he required, or joined in requiring, the provision of the main; and

(b)he is not a public authority.

(4)Where for the purposes of subsection (1)(b) above any sums have been deposited with a water undertaker by way of security for the discharge of any obligation, the undertaker shall pay interest at such rate as may be determined either—

(a)by the undertaker with the approval of the Director; or

(b)in default of a determination under paragraph (a) above, by the Director,

on every sum of 50p so deposited for every three months during which it remains in the hands of the undertaker.

(5)An approval or determination given or made by the Director for the purposes of subsection (4) above—

(a)may be given or made in relation to the provision of a particular water main, in relation to the provision of mains of a particular description or in relation to the provision of water mains generally; and

(b)may be revoked at any time.

(6)Any dispute between a water undertaker and any other person as to—

(a)the undertakings or security required by the undertaker for the purposes of this section; or

(b)the amount required to be paid in pursuance of any such undertaking,

shall be referred to the arbitration of a single arbitrator appointed by agreement between the undertaker and that person or, in default of agreement, by the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

(7)In this section “relevant deficit” has the meaning given by section 43 below.

43Calculation of “relevant deficit” for the purposes of section 42

(1)For the purposes of section 42 above the relevant deficit for any year on a water main is the amount (if any) by which the water charges payable for the use during that year of that main are exceeded by the annual borrowing costs of a loan of the amount required for the provision of that main.

(2)The annual borrowing costs of a loan of the amount required for the provision of a water main is the aggregate amount which would fall to be paid in any year by way of payments of interest and repayments of capital if an amount equal to so much of the costs reasonably incurred in providing that main as were not incurred in the provision of additional capacity had been borrowed, by the water undertaker providing the main, on terms—

(a)requiring interest to be paid and capital to be repaid in twelve equal annual instalments; and

(b)providing for the amount of the interest to be calculated at such rate, and in accordance with such other provision, as may have been determined for the purposes of this subsection.

(3)A determination for the purposes of subsection (2) above shall be made either—

(a)by the undertaker with the approval of the Director; or

(b)in default of such a determination, by the Director.

(4)For the purposes of this section the costs reasonably incurred in providing a water main (“the new main”) shall include—

(a)the costs reasonably incurred in providing such other water mains and such tanks, service reservoirs and pumping stations as it is necessary to provide in consequence of the provision of the new main; and

(b)such proportion (if any) as is reasonable of the costs reasonably incurred in providing any such additional capacity in an earlier main as falls to be used in consequence of the provision of the new main.

(5)In subsection (4) above the reference to an earlier main, in relation to the new main, is a reference to any water main which—

(a)has been provided in the period of twelve years immediately before the provision of the new main; and

(b)was so provided in pursuance of a water main requisition.

(6)Any reference in this section to the provision of additional capacity in a water main provided in pursuance of a requirement under any enactment is a reference to such works carried out or other things done in connection with the provision of that main as are carried out or done for the purpose of enabling that main to be used for purposes in addition to those for which it is necessary to provide the main in order to comply with the requirement.

(7)Any reference in this section to the water charges payable for the use during any year of any main provided by a water undertaker is a reference to so much of the aggregate of any charges payable to the water undertaker in respect of services provided in the course of that year as represents charges which—

(a)have been imposed by the undertaker in relation to premises which are connected with that main; and

(b)are reasonably attributable to the provision of a supply of water (whether or not for domestic purposes) to those premises by means of that main.

(8)An approval or determination given or made by the Director for the purposes of subsection (2) above—

(a)may be given or made in relation to the provision of a particular water main, in relation to the provision of mains of a particular description or in relation to the provision of water mains generally; and

(b)may be revoked at any time except in relation to a water main that has already been provided.

(9)In this section “water main requisition” means—

(a)a requirement under section 41 above (including, by virtue of paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 to the [1991 c. 60.] Water Consolidation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1991, a requirement under section 40 of the [1989 c. 15.] Water Act 1989);

(b)a requirement under the provisions of section 36 or 37 of the [1945 c. 42.] Water Act 1945 or of section 29 of Schedule 3 to that Act (water main requisitions); or

(c)a requirement under any local statutory provision corresponding to section 41 above or to any of those provisions of that Act of 1945.

44Determination of completion date and route for requisitioned main

(1)A water undertaker shall not be in breach of a duty imposed by section 41 above in relation to any locality unless–

(a)the period of three months beginning with the relevant day has expired; and

(b)the water undertaker has not, before the end of that period, so laid the water main to be provided as to enable service pipes to premises in that locality to connect with the main at the places determined under subsection (3) below.

(2)The period mentioned in subsection (1)(a) above may be extended in any case—

(a)by agreement between the water undertaker and the person or persons who required the provision of the main; or

(b)where there is a dispute as to whether the period should be extended, by an arbitrator on a reference under subsection (4) below.

(3)The places mentioned in subsection (1)(b) above shall be—

(a)such places as are determined by agreement between the water undertaker and the person or persons who required the provision of the water main; or

(b)in default of agreement, such places as are determined by an arbitrator, on a reference under subsection (4) below, to be the places at which it is reasonable, in all the circumstances, for service pipes to premises in the locality in question to connect with the water main.

(4)A reference for the purposes of subsection (2) or (3) above shall be to a single arbitrator appointed—

(a)by agreement between the undertaker and the person or persons who required the provision of the water main; or

(b)in default of agreement, by the President of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

(5)In this section “relevant day”, in relation to a requirement to provide a water main for any locality, means the day after whichever is the later of the following, that is to say—

(a)the day on which the conditions specified in section 42 above are satisfied in relation to the requirement; and

(b)the day on which the places where service pipes to premises in that locality will connect with the main are determined under subsection (3) above.

Domestic connections

45Duty to make connections with main

(1)Subject to the following provisions of this section and to sections 46 and 47 below, it shall be the duty of a water undertaker (in accordance with section 51 below) to make a connection under this section where the owner or occupier of any premises in the undertaker’s area which—

(a)consist in the whole or any part of a building; or

(b)are premises on which any person is proposing to erect any building or part of a building,

serves a notice on the undertaker requiring it, for the purpose of providing a supply of water for domestic purposes to that building or part of a building, to connect a service pipe to those premises with one of the undertaker’s water mains.

(2)Where a notice has been served for the purposes of this section, the duty imposed by subsection (1) above shall be a duty, at the expense of the person serving the notice, to make the connection required by the notice if—

(a)the main with which the service pipe is required to be connected is neither a trunk main nor a water main which is or is to be used solely for the purpose of supplying water otherwise than for domestic purposes; and

(b)such conditions as the undertaker may have imposed under sections 47 to 50 below have been satisfied;

and, subject to section 51 below, that duty shall arise whether or not the service pipe to which the notice relates has been laid when the notice is served.

(3)A notice for the purposes of this section—

(a)shall be accompanied or supplemented by all such information as the undertaker may reasonably require; and

(b)if the notice has effect so that a requirement is imposed on the undertaker by virtue of section 46(4) below, shall set out the matters that have given rise to the imposition of that requirement;

but, subject to section 51(5) below and without prejudice to the effect (if any) of any other contravention of this subsection, a failure to provide information in pursuance of the obligation to supplement such a notice shall not invalidate that notice.

(4)The duty imposed on a water undertaker by this section shall be owed to the person who served the notice by virtue of which the duty arises.

(5)Where a duty is owed by virtue of subsection (4) above to any person, any breach of that duty which causes that person to sustain loss or damage shall be actionable at the suit of that person; but, in any proceedings brought against a water undertaker in pursuance of this subsection, it shall be a defence for the undertaker to show that it took all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence to avoid the breach.

(6)Where a water undertaker carries out any works which it is its duty under this section to carry out at another person’s expense, the undertaker shall be entitled to recover from that person an amount equal to the expenses reasonably incurred by the undertaker in carrying out the works.

(7)Nothing in this section or in sections 46 to 51 below shall impose any duty on a water undertaker to connect a service pipe to any premises with a service pipe to any other premises.

(8)In the following provisions of this Chapter a notice served for the purposes of this section is referred to as a connection notice.

46Duty to carry out ancillary works for the purpose of making domestic connection

(1)Where a water undertaker is required to make a connection in pursuance of any connection notice, it shall also be the duty of the undertaker, at the expense of the person serving the notice, to carry out such of the works to which this section applies as need to be carried out before the connection can be made.

(2)This section applies to the laying of so much of the service pipe to be connected with the water main as it is necessary, for the purpose of making that connection, to lay in a street.

(3)In a case where—

(a)the water main with which the service pipe is to be connected is situated in a street;

(b)the premises consisting in the building or part of a building in question together with any land occupied with it abut on the part of the street where the main is situated; and

(c)the service pipe to those premises will—

(i)enter the premises otherwise than through an outer wall of a building abutting on the street; and

(ii)have a stopcock fitted to it by the undertaker in the premises,

this section applies to the laying of so much of the service pipe as it is necessary, for the purpose of making the required connection, to lay in land between the boundary of the street and that stopcock.

(4)In a case where the connection notice is served in compliance with a requirement imposed by a notice by a local authority under section 80 below, this section applies to the laying of so much of the service pipe to be connected with a water main in pursuance of the connection notice as it is necessary, for the purpose of making the connection, to lay in land owned or occupied by a person who is certified by that authority—

(a)to have unreasonably refused his consent to the laying of the service pipe; or

(b)to have sought to make the giving of his consent subject to unreasonable conditions.

(5)Where a water main is alongside a street and within eighteen metres of the middle of that street, subsections (2) to (4) above shall have effect in relation to the laying, for the purpose of making a connection with that main, of a service pipe to any premises as if the street included so much of the land between the main and the boundary of the street as is not comprised in those premises or in any land occupied with those premises.

(6)It shall be the duty of any water undertaker making a connection in pursuance of a connection notice to ensure that a stopcock belonging to the undertaker is fitted to the service pipe which is connected.

(7)Subsections (4) to (6) of section 45 above shall have effect–

(a)in relation to any duties which, by virtue of a connection notice, are imposed on a water undertaker by this section; and

(b)in relation to any works which, by virtue of the service of such a notice, such an undertaker carries out under this section at another person’s expense,

as they have effect by virtue of that notice in relation to the duty which arises under that section or, as the case may be, to works which the undertaker carries out under that section at another person’s expense.

(8)Subject to subsection (9) below, a water undertaker may comply with any duty under this section to lay a service pipe by laying a water main instead; but nothing in section 45 above or this section shall impose any duty on a water undertaker to lay a water main where it has no power to lay a service pipe.

(9)Where a water undertaker exercises its power under subsection (8) above to lay a water main instead of a service pipe—

(a)paragraph (a) of section 51(1) below shall have effect as if any additional time reasonably required by reason of the laying of the main instead of the service pipe were included in the time allowed by that paragraph for the laying of the service pipe; but

(b)the expenses recoverable by virtue of section 45(6) and subsection (7) above shall not exceed such amount as it would have been reasonable for the undertaker to have incurred in laying a service pipe instead of the main.

47Conditions of connection with water main

(1)Subject to subsection (3) and sections 48 to 50 below, where the owner or occupier of any premises (“the relevant premises”) serves a connection notice on a water undertaker, the undertaker may make compliance with one or more of the requirements specified in subsection (2) below a condition of its complying with the duties to which it is subject by virtue of that notice.

(2)The requirements mentioned in subsection (1) above are—

(a)a requirement that such security as the undertaker may reasonably require has been provided for the discharge of any obligations imposed by virtue of section 45(6) or 46(7)(b) above on the person who served the connection notice;

(b)a requirement, in a case where the connection required by the connection notice is necessary as a consequence of a disconnection made by reason of any person’s failure to pay any charges, that the person serving the connection notice has paid any amount owed by him to the undertaker—

(i)in respect of a supply of water to the relevant premises; or

(ii)in respect of expenses incurred in the making of the disconnection;

(c)a requirement that a meter for use in determining the amount of any charges which have been or may be fixed in relation to the relevant premises by reference to volume has been installed and connected either—

(i)by the undertaker; or

(ii)in accordance with specifications approved by the undertaker;

(d)a requirement that—

(i)so much of the service pipe to the relevant premises as does not belong to, or fall to be laid by, the undertaker; and

(ii)the plumbing of the premises,

comply with specifications approved by the undertaker for the purpose of ensuring that it will be reasonably practicable for such a meter as is mentioned in paragraph (c) above to be installed and connected as so mentioned;

(e)a requirement that a separate service pipe has been provided—

(i)to each house or building on the relevant premises; or

(ii)where different parts of a building on the relevant premises are separately occupied, to each of those parts or to any of them;

(f)a requirement, in relation to the relevant premises—

(i)that such a requirement as may be imposed under section 66 below has been complied with; or

(ii)in a case where such a requirement could be imposed but for there already being such a cistern as is mentioned in that section, that the cistern and its float-operated valve are in good repair;

(g)a requirement that there is no contravention in relation to the water fittings used or to be used in connection with—

(i)the supply of water to the relevant premises; or

(ii)the use of water in those premises,

of such of the requirements of regulations under section 74 below as are prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph; and

(h)a requirement that every such step has been taken as has been specified in any notice served on any person under section 75 below in relation to the relevant premises.

(3)A condition shall not be imposed by a water undertaker under this section on a person who has served a connection notice except by a counter-notice served on that person before the end of the period of fourteen days beginning with the day after the service of the connection notice.

(4)This section shall be without prejudice to the provisions of sections 233 and 372 of the [1986 c. 45.] Insolvency Act 1986 (conditions of supply after insolvency).

48Interest on sums deposited in pursuance of the deposit condition

(1)Where for the purposes of subsection (2)(a) of section 47 above any sums have been deposited with a water undertaker by way of security for the discharge of any obligation, the undertaker shall pay interest at such rate as may be determined either—

(a)by the undertaker with the approval of the Director; or

(b)in default of a determination under paragraph (a) above, by the Director,

on every sum of 50p so deposited for every three months during which it remains in the hands of the undertaker.

(2)An approval or determination by the Director for the purposes of this section—

(a)may be given or made in relation to a particular case or description of cases or generally; and

(b)may be revoked at any time.

49Supplemental provisions with respect to the metering conditions

(1)The power conferred on a water undertaker to impose conditions under section 47 above for the purposes of metering—

(a)shall be exercisable in relation to any premises even if the undertaker has no immediate intention, when the power is exercised, of fixing charges in relation to those premises by reference to volume; but

(b)shall not be exercisable so as to require the alteration or removal of any pipe laid or plumbing installed before 1st April 1989.

(2)Specifications approved by any water undertaker for the purposes of subsection (2)(c) or (d) of section 47 above may be approved—

(a)in relation to particular premises; or

(b)by being published in such manner as the undertaker considers appropriate, in relation to premises generally or to any description of premises.

(3)Any dispute between a water undertaker and any other person as to the terms of any condition imposed under section 47 above for the purposes of metering shall be referred to the arbitration of a single arbitrator appointed—

(a)by agreement between the undertaker and that person; or

(b)in default of agreement, by the Secretary of State.

(4)References in this section to the imposition of a condition under section 47 above for the purposes of metering are references to the imposition of conditions by virtue of subsection (2)(c) or (d) of that section.

50Restriction on imposition of condition requiring separate service pipes

(1)This section applies where the effect of a connection notice served in respect of any house is to require a service pipe to that house to be connected with a water main with which it has previously been connected.

(2)Where this section applies, the water undertaker on which the connection notice is served shall not be entitled to make the reconnection subject to any such condition as, apart from this section, may be imposed by virtue of section 47(2)(e) above unless the undertaker would have been entitled under section 64 below to require the provision of a separate service pipe if the reconnection had already been made.

51Time for performance of connection etc. duties

(1)A water undertaker shall not be in breach of a duty imposed by virtue of the service of a connection notice unless—

(a)in the case of a duty to lay any service pipe or to connect any service pipe to which such a duty relates, it has failed to lay that pipe or to make that connection as soon as reasonably practicable after the relevant day;

(b)in the case of a duty to connect a service pipe the whole of which has already been laid when the notice is served on the undertaker, it has failed to make the connection before the end of the period of fourteen days beginning with the relevant day.

(2)In any case in which a water undertaker is subject to any such duty as is mentioned in subsection (1)(a) above, it shall be presumed, unless the contrary is shown in relation to that case, that the period of twenty-one days beginning with the relevant day is the period within which it is reasonably practicable for a water undertaker—

(a)to lay so much of any service pipe; and

(b)to fit such stopcock,

as it is necessary to lay or fit in that case for connecting a water main in a street with a service pipe at the boundary of any premises which abut on the part of the street where the main is situated.


(a)a connection notice is served in respect of any premises; and

(b)at the time when the notice is served, the customer’s part of the service pipe to those premises has not been laid,

the duties of the undertaker under sections 45 and 46 above shall not arise by virtue of that notice until the person serving the notice, having obtained the necessary consents from the owners and occupiers of any affected land, has, at his own expense, laid so much of the service pipe as it is necessary, for the purpose of making the connection, to lay otherwise than in a street or in land mentioned in subsections (3) to (5) of section 46 above.

(4)In subsection (3) above the reference to the customer’s part of the service pipe to any premises is a reference to so much of the service pipe to those premises as falls to be laid otherwise than by the water undertaker in pursuance of section 46 above.


(a)a person who has served a connection notice on a water undertaker has failed to comply with his obligation under section 45(3)(a) above to supplement that notice with information required by the undertaker; and

(b)that requirement was made by the undertaker at such a time before the end of the period within which the undertaker is required to comply with the duties imposed by virtue of the notice as gave that person a reasonable opportunity to provide the required information within that period,

the undertaker may delay its compliance with those duties until a reasonable time after the required information is provided.

(6)In this section “the relevant day”, in relation to a duty imposed on a water undertaker by virtue of a connection notice, means the day after whichever is the latest of the following days, that is to say–

(a)the day on which the notice was served on the undertaker;

(b)in a case where it is necessary for the person serving the notice to lay any service pipe after serving the notice, the day on which a notice stating that the pipe has been laid is served on the undertaker;

(c)the day on which all such conditions are satisfied as the undertaker has, under sections 47 to 50 above, made conditions of its compliance with that duty.

Domestic supplies

52The domestic supply duty

(1)The domestic supply duty of a water undertaker in relation to any premises is a duty, until there is an interruption of that duty—

(a)to provide to those premises such a supply of water as (so far as those premises are concerned) is sufficient for domestic purposes; and

(b)to maintain the connection between the undertaker’s water main and the service pipe by which that supply is provided to those premises.

(2)Subject to the following provisions of this section and to section 53 below, a water undertaker shall owe a domestic supply duty in relation to any premises to which this section applies and which are situated in the area of the undertaker if—

(a)a demand for a supply of water for domestic purposes has been made, in accordance with subsection (5) below, to the undertaker in respect of those premises; or

(b)those premises are premises to which this section applies by reason of a supply of water provided before 1st September 1989,

and there has been no interruption of the domestic supply duty in relation to those premises since that demand was made or, as the case may be, since the beginning of 1st September 1989.

(3)This section applies to any premises if—

(a)they consist in the whole or any part of a building and are connected by means of a service pipe to a water main; and

(b)the requirements of subsection (4) below are satisfied in relation to those premises.

(4)The requirements of this subsection are satisfied in relation to any premises if—

(a)the pipe by means of which the premises are connected to the water main in question was first connected with that main in pursuance of a connection notice served in respect of those premises;

(b)that pipe was the means by which a supply of water from that main was being supplied to those premises for domestic purposes immediately before 1st September 1989;

(c)the condition specified in paragraph (b) above would be satisfied in relation to the premises if any service pipe to those premises had not been temporarily disconnected for the purposes of any necessary works which were being carried out immediately before 1st September 1989; or

(d)the condition specified in any of the preceding paragraphs—

(i)has been satisfied in relation to the premises at any time on or after 1st September 1989; and

(ii)would continue to be satisfied in relation to the premises had not the whole or any part of a service pipe to those premises, or the main with which such a pipe had been connected, been renewed (on one or more previous occasions).

(5)For the purposes of this section a demand in respect of any premises is made in accordance with this subsection if it is made—

(a)by the person who is the occupier of the premises at the time when the demand is made; or

(b)by a person who is the owner of the premises at that time and agrees with the undertaker to pay all the undertaker’s charges in respect of the supply demanded.

(6)For the purposes of this section—

(a)there is an interruption of the domestic supply duty owed by a water undertaker in relation to any premises if that supply is cut off by anything done by the undertaker in exercise of any of its disconnection powers, other than a disconnection or cutting off for the purposes of the carrying out of any necessary works; and

(b)a domestic supply duty owed in relation to any premises shall not be treated as interrupted by reason only of a change of the occupier or owner of the premises.

(7)Nothing in this section shall impose any duty on a water undertaker—

(a)to provide a supply of water directly from, or maintain any connection with, a water main which is a trunk main or is or is to be used solely for the purpose of supplying water otherwise than for domestic purposes; or

(b)to provide a supply of water to any premises, or maintain the connection between a water main and a service pipe to any premises, during any period during which it is reasonable—

(i)for the supply of water to those premises to be cut off or reduced; or

(ii)for the pipe to be disconnected,

for the purposes of the carrying out of any necessary works.

(8)In this section references to the disconnection powers of a water undertaker are references to the powers conferred on the undertaker by any of sections 60 to 62 and 75 below.

53Conditions of compliance with domestic supply duty

(1)Where a demand for the purposes of section 52(2) above has been made to a water undertaker in respect of any premises (“the relevant premises”), the undertaker may make compliance with one or more of the requirements specified in subsection (2) below a condition of providing his first supply of water in compliance with that demand.

(2)The requirements mentioned in subsection (1) above are—

(a)a requirement, in a case where the demand is made as a consequence of a supply having been cut off by reason of any person’s failure to pay any charges, that the person making the demand has paid any amount owed by him to the undertaker—

(i)in respect of a supply of water to the relevant premises; or

(ii)in respect of expenses incurred in cutting off any such supply;

(b)a requirement, in relation to the relevant premises

(i)that such a requirement as may be imposed under section 66 below has been complied with; or

(ii)in a case where such a requirement could be imposed but for there already being such a cistern as is mentioned in that section, that the cistern and its float-operated valve are in good repair;

(c)a requirement that there is no contravention in relation to the water fittings used or to be used in connection with—

(i)the supply of water to the relevant premises; or

(ii)the use of water in those premises,

of such of the requirements of regulations under section 74 below as are prescribed for the purposes of this subsection; and

(d)a requirement that every such step has been taken as has been specified in any notice served on any person under section 75 below in relation to the relevant premises.

(3)This section shall be without prejudice to the provisions of sections 233 and 372 of the [1986 c. 45.] Insolvency Act 1986 (conditions of supply after insolvency).

54Enforcement of domestic supply duty

(1)A duty imposed on a water undertaker under section 52 above—

(a)to provide a supply of water to any premises; or

(b)to maintain a connection between a water main and a service pipe by which such a supply is provided,

shall be owed to the consumer.

(2)Where a duty is owed by virtue of this section to any person, any breach of that duty which causes that person to sustain loss or damage shall be actionable at the suit of that person; but, in any proceedings brought against a water undertaker in pursuance of this subsection, it shall be a defence for the undertaker to show that it took all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence to avoid the breach.

Other supplies

55Supplies for non-domestic purposes

(1)This section applies where the owner or occupier of any premises in the area of a water undertaker requests the undertaker to provide a supply of water to those premises and—

(a)the premises are premises which do not consist in the whole or any part of a building; or

(b)the requested supply is for purposes other than domestic purposes.

(2)Where this section applies, it shall be the duty of the water undertaker, in accordance with such terms and conditions as may be determined under section 56 below—

(a)to take any such steps as may be so determined in order to enable the undertaker to provide the requested supply; and

(b)having taken any such steps, to provide that supply.

(3)A water undertaker shall not be required by virtue of this section to provide a new supply to any premises, or to take any steps to enable it to provide such a supply, if the provision of that supply or the taking of those steps would—

(a)require the undertaker, in order to meet all its existing obligations to supply water for domestic or other purposes, together with its probable future obligations to supply buildings and parts of buildings with water for domestic purposes, to incur unreasonable expenditure in carrying out works; or

(b)otherwise put at risk the ability of the undertaker to meet any of the existing or probable future obligations mentioned in paragraph (a) above.

(4)A water undertaker shall not be required by virtue of this section to provide a new supply to any premises, or to take any steps to enable it to provide such a supply, if there is a contravention in relation to the water fittings used or to be used in connection with—

(a)the supply of water to those premises; or

(b)the use of water in those premises,

of such of the requirements of regulations under section 74 below as are prescribed for the purposes of this subsection.


(a)a request has been made by any person to a water undertaker for the purposes of subsection (2) above; and

(b)the steps which the undertaker is required to take by virtue of that request include steps for the purpose of obtaining any necessary authority for, or agreement to, any exercise by the undertaker of any of its powers or the carrying out by the undertaker of any works,

the failure of the undertaker to acquire the necessary authority or agreement shall not affect any liability of that person, under any term or condition in accordance with which those steps are taken, to re-imburse the undertaker in respect of some or all of the expenses incurred by the undertaker in taking those steps.

(6)Nothing in this section shall impose any duty on a water undertaker to provide a supply of water to any premises during any period during which it is reasonable for the supply of water to those premises to be cut off or reduced for the purposes of the carrying out of any necessary works.

(7)The duty of a water undertaker to supply water under this section at the request of any person, and any terms and conditions determined under section 56 below in default of agreement between the undertaker and that person, shall have effect as if contained in such an agreement.

(8)Except so far as otherwise provided by the terms and conditions determined under section 56 below in relation to any supply, the duties of a water undertaker under this section shall have effect subject to the provisions of sections 60 to 63 and 75 below.

56Determinations on requests for non-domestic supplies

(1)Subject to subsection (3) below, any terms or conditions or other matter which falls to be determined for the purposes of a request made by any person to a water undertaker for the purposes of section 55 above shall be determined—

(a)by agreement between that person and the water undertaker; or

(b)in default of agreement, by the Director according to what appears to him to be reasonable.

(2)Subject to subsection (3) below, the Director shall also determine any dispute arising between any person and a water undertaker by virtue of subsection (3) or (4) of section 55 above.

(3)The Director may, instead of himself making a determination under subsection (1) or (2) above, refer any matter submitted to him for determination under that subsection to the arbitration of such person as he may appoint.

(4)For the purposes of any determination under this section by the Director or any person appointed by him it shall be for a water undertaker to show that it should not be required to comply with a request made for the purposes of section 55 above.

(5)The charges in respect of a supply provided in compliance with any request made for the purposes of section 55 above—

(a)shall not be determined by the Director or a person appointed by him, except in so far as, at the time of the request, no provision is in force by virtue of a charges scheme under section 143 below in respect of supplies of the applicable description; and

(b)in so far they do fall to be determined, shall be so determined having regard to the desirability of the undertaker's—

(i)recovering the expenses of complying with its obligations under section 55 above; and

(ii)securing a reasonable return on its capital.

(6)To the extent that subsection (5)(a) above excludes any charges from a determination under this section, those charges shall be fixed from time to time by a charges scheme under section 143 below, but not otherwise.

(7)The determination of any matter under this section shall be without prejudice to the provisions of sections 233 and 372 of the [1986 c. 45.] Insolvency Act 1986 (conditions of supply after insolvency).

57Duty to provide a supply of water etc. for fire-fighting

(1)It shall be the duty of a water undertaker to allow any person to take water for extinguishing fires from any of its water mains or other pipes on which a fire-hydrant is fixed.

(2)Every water undertaker shall, at the request of the fire authority concerned, fix fire-hydrants on its water mains (other than its trunk mains) at such places as may be most convenient for affording a supply of water for extinguishing any fire which may break out within the area of the undertaker.

(3)It shall be the duty of every water undertaker to keep every fire-hydrant fixed on any of its water mains or other pipes in good working order and, for that purpose, to replace any such hydrant when necessary.

(4)It shall be the duty of a water undertaker to ensure that a fire authority has been supplied by the undertaker with all such keys as the authority may require for the fire-hydrants fixed on the water mains or other pipes of the undertaker.

(5)Subject to section 58(3) below, the expenses incurred by a water undertaker in complying with its obligations under subsections (2) to (4) above shall be borne by the fire authority concerned.

(6)Nothing in this section shall require a water undertaker to do anything which it is unable to do by reason of the carrying out of any necessary works.

(7)The obligations of a water undertaker under this section shall be enforceable under section 18 above by the Secretary of State.

(8)In addition, where a water undertaker is in breach of its obligations under this section, the undertaker shall be guilty of an offence and liable—

(a)on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum;

(b)on conviction on indictment, to a fine.

(9)In any proceedings against any water undertaker for an offence under subsection (8) above it shall be a defence for that undertaker to show that it took all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of the offence.

(10)In this section “fire authority” has the same meaning as in the [1947 c. 41.] Fire Services Act 1947.

58Specially requested fire-hydrants

(1)A water undertaker shall, at the request of the owner or occupier of any factory or place of business, fix a fire-hydrant, to be used for extinguishing fires and not other purposes, at such place on any suitable water main or other pipe of the undertaker as is as near as conveniently possible to that factory or place of business.

(2)For the purposes of subsection (1) above a water main or other pipe is suitable, in relation to a factory or place of business, if—

(a)it is situated in a street which is in or near to that factory or place of business; and

(b)it is of sufficient dimensions to carry a hydrant and is not a trunk main.

(3)Subsection (5) of section 57 above shall not apply in relation to expenses incurred in compliance, in relation to a specially requested fire-hydrant, with the obligations under subsections (3) and (4) of that section.

(4)Any expenses incurred by a water undertaker—

(a)in complying with its obligations under subsection (1) above; or

(b)in complying, in relation to a specially requested fire-hydrant, with its obligations under section 57(3) or (4) above,

shall be borne by the owner or occupier of the factory or place of business in question, according to whether the person who made the original request for the hydrant did so in his capacity as owner or occupier.

(5)Subsections (6) to (9) of section 57 above shall apply in relation to the obligations of a water undertaker under this section as they apply to the obligations of a water undertaker under that section.

(6)In this section—

  • “factory” has the same meaning as in the [1961 c. 34.] Factories Act 1961; and

  • “specially requested fire-hydrant” means a fire-hydrant which—


    is fixed on a water main or other pipe of a water undertaker; and


    was fixed on that main or pipe (whether before or after it became such a main or pipe under the [1989 c. 15.] Water Act 1989) in pursuance of a request made by the owner or occupier of a factory or place of business.

59Supplies for other public purposes

(1)A water undertaker shall, at the request of a sewerage undertaker, highway authority or local authority, provide, from such of its pipes as are of an appropriate capacity, a supply of water for cleansing sewers and drains, for cleansing and watering highways or, as the case may be, for supplying any public pumps, baths or wash-houses.

(2)A supply of water provided by a water undertaker under this section shall be provided upon such terms and conditions as may be reasonable.

(3)A water main or other pipe of a water undertaker shall be treated as of an appropriate capacity for the purposes of this section if and only if it has a fire-hydrant fixed on it.

(4)Nothing in this section shall require a water undertaker to do anything which it is unable to do by reason of the carrying out of any necessary works.

(5)The obligations of a water undertaker under this section shall be enforceable under section 18 above by the Director.


60Disconnections for the carrying out of necessary works

(1)Subject to the following provisions of this section, a water undertaker may—

(a)disconnect a service pipe which, for the purposes of providing a supply of water to any premises, is connected with any water main of that undertaker; or

(b)otherwise cut off a supply of water to any premises,

if it is reasonable for the disconnection to be made, or the supply to be cut off, for the purposes of the carrying out of any necessary works.

(2)The power of a water undertaker under this section to cut off a supply of water shall include power to reduce a supply of water.

(3)Except in an emergency or in the case of a reduction which is immaterial, the power of a water undertaker under this section to cut off or reduce a supply shall be exercisable in relation to any premises only after the undertaker has served reasonable notice on the consumer of the proposal for the carrying out of the necessary works.

(4)Where a water undertaker exercises its power under this section to make any disconnection or to cut off or reduce a supply of water to any premises for the purposes of the carrying out of any necessary works, it shall owe a duty to the consumer to secure—

(a)that those works are carried out with reasonable dispatch; and

(b)that any supply of water to those premises for domestic purposes is interrupted for more than twenty-four hours for the purposes of the carrying out of those works only if an emergency supply has been made available (whether or not in pipes) within a reasonable distance of the premises.

(5)Any breach by a water undertaker of the duty owed by virtue of subsection (4) above which causes any person to whom it is owed to sustain loss or damage shall be actionable at the suit of that person.

61Disconnections for non-payment of charges

(1)Subject to the following provisions of this section, a water undertaker may disconnect a service pipe which for the purposes of providing a supply of water to any premises is connected with any water main of that undertaker, or may otherwise cut off a supply of water to any premises, if the occupier of the premises—

(a)is liable (whether in his capacity as occupier or under any agreement with the undertaker) to pay charges due to the undertaker in respect of the supply of water to those premises; and

(b)has failed to do so before the end of the period of seven days beginning with the day after he is served with notice requiring him to do so.


(a)a water undertaker has served a notice for the purposes of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) above on a person; and

(b)within the period of seven days mentioned in that paragraph, that person serves a counter-notice on the undertaker stating that he disputes his liability to pay the charges in question,

the undertaker shall not in respect of that notice exercise his power by virtue of that subsection in relation to any premises except at a time when that person is the occupier of the premises and those charges are enforceable against that person in a manner specified in subsection (3) below.

(3)For the purposes of subsection (2) above charges are enforceable in a manner specified in this subsection against a person if–

(a)the undertaker is able to enforce a judgment against that person for the payment of the charges; or

(b)that person is in breach of an agreement entered into, since the service of his counter-notice, for the purpose of avoiding or settling proceedings by the undertaker for the recovery of the charges.

(4)A water undertaker which exercises its power under this section to disconnect any pipe or otherwise to cut off any supply of water may recover, from the person in respect of whose liability the power is exercised, any expenses reasonably incurred by the undertaker in making the disconnection or in otherwise cutting off the supply.


(a)a water undertaker has power under this section to disconnect any pipe to any premises, or otherwise to cut off any supply to any premises; and

(b)a supply of water is provided to those premises and to other premises wholly or partly by the same service pipe,

the undertaker may exercise that power so as to cut off the supply to those other premises if and only if the same person is the occupier of the premises in relation to which the charges are due and of the other premises.

62Disconnections at request of customer

(1)Subject to the following provisions of this section, a water undertaker may—

(a)disconnect a service pipe which for the purposes of providing a supply of water to any premises is connected with any water main of that undertaker; or

(b)otherwise cut off a supply of water to any premises,

if notice specifying the time after which a supply of water to those premises will no longer be required has been served on the undertaker by a consumer and that time has passed.

(2)No person shall be liable to a water undertaker for any expenses incurred by the undertaker in exercising the power conferred on the undertaker by this section.

63General duties of undertakers with respect to disconnections

(1)Where a water undertaker—

(a)disconnects a service pipe to any inhabited house, or otherwise cuts off a supply of water to such a house; and

(b)does so without restoring the supply to that house before the end of the period of twenty-four hours beginning with the time when it is cut off,

the undertaker shall, no later than forty-eight hours after that time, serve notice that it has cut off that supply on the local authority in whose area the house is situated.

(2)A water undertaker which fails, without reasonable excuse, to serve a notice on a local authority as required by subsection (1) above shall be guilty of an offence under this section.

(3)A water undertaker shall be guilty of an offence under this section if—

(a)it disconnects a service pipe to any premises, or otherwise cuts off a supply of water to any premises, in a case in which it has no power to do so under sections 60 to 62 above, section 75 below or any other enactment; or

(b)in disconnecting any such pipe or cutting off any such supply it fails, without reasonable excuse, to comply with any requirement of the provisions in pursuance of which it disconnects the pipe or cuts off the supply.

(4)A water undertaker which is guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

Means of supply

64Supply by means of separate service pipes

(1)Subject to the following provisions of this section, a water undertaker may require the provision of a separate service pipe to any premises within its area which—

(a)consist in a house or any other building or part of a building, being, in the case of a part of a building, a part which is separately occupied; and

(b)are already supplied with water by the undertaker but do not have a separate service pipe.

(2)Where the supply of water to two or more houses was provided to those houses before 15th April 1981 wholly or partly by the same service pipe and continues to be so provided, the water undertaker shall not require the provision of separate service pipes to those houses until—

(a)the service pipe, in so far as it belongs to a person other than the undertaker, becomes so defective as to require renewal or is no longer sufficient to meet the requirements of those houses;

(b)a payment in respect of the supply of water to any of those houses remains unpaid after the end of the period for which it is due;

(c)the houses are, by structural alterations to one or more of them, converted into a larger number of houses;

(d)the owner or occupier of any of those houses has interfered with, or allowed another person to interfere with, the existing service pipe and thereby caused the supply of water to any house to be interfered with; or

(e)the undertaker has reasonable grounds for believing that such interference as is mentioned in paragraph (d) above is likely to take place.

(3)If, in the case of any such premises as are described in subsection (1) above, the water undertaker which provides a supply of water to those premises serves notice on the consumer requiring the provision of a separate service pipe and setting out the power of the undertaker under subsection (4) below—

(a)that consumer shall, within three months after the service of the notice, lay so much of the required pipe as the undertaker is not under a duty to lay by virtue of paragraph (b) below;

(b)sections 45 to 51 above shall apply as if that consumer had by a connection notice required the undertaker to connect the separate service pipe to those premises with the undertaker’s water main;

(c)that consumer shall be presumed, without prejudice to his power to make further demands and requests—

(i)in so far as those premises were provided before the service of the notice with a supply of water for domestic purposes, to have made a demand for the purposes of section 52 above that such a supply is provided by means of the separate service pipe; and

(ii)in so far as those premises were provided before the service of the notice with a supply of water for other purposes, to have requested the undertaker to provide the same supply by means of that pipe as was provided before the service of the notice;


(d)on providing a supply of water to those premises by means of the separate service pipe, the undertaker may cut off any supply replaced by that supply and may make such disconnections of pipes by which the replaced supply was provided as it thinks fit.

(4)If a person upon whom a notice has been served for the purposes of subsection (3) above fails to comply with the notice, the water undertaker may—

(a)itself carry out the works which that person was required to carry out; and

(b)recover the expenses reasonably incurred by the undertaker in doing so from that person.

(5)Without prejudice—

(a)to the power of a water undertaker by virtue of paragraph (b) of subsection (3) above to impose conditions under section 47 above; or

(b)to the power conferred by virtue of paragraph (d) of that subsection,

any works carried out by a water undertaker by virtue of the provisions of the said paragraph (b) or of subsection (4) above shall be necessary works for the purposes of this Chapter.

65Duties of undertakers as respects constancy and pressure

(1)Subject to the following provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of a water undertaker to cause the water in such of its water mains and other pipes as—

(a)are used for providing supplies of water for domestic purposes; or

(b)have fire-hydrants fixed on them,

to be laid on constantly and at such a pressure as will cause the water to reach to the top of the top-most storey of every building within the undertaker’s area.

(2)Nothing in subsection (1) above shall require a water undertaker to provide a supply of water at a height greater than that to which it will flow by gravitation through its water mains from the service reservoir or tank from which that supply is taken.

(3)For the purposes of this section a water undertaker shall be entitled to choose the service reservoir or tank from which any supply is to be taken.

(4)Nothing in subsection (1) above shall impose any duty on a water undertaker to maintain the constancy or pressure of any supply of water during any period during which it is reasonable for that supply to be cut off or reduced for the purposes of the carrying out of any necessary works.

(5)The Secretary of State may by order modify the application of the preceding provisions of this section in relation to any water undertaker.

(6)The Secretary of State shall not make an order under subsection (5) above except—

(a)in accordance with Schedule 5 to this Act; and

(b)on an application made in accordance with that Schedule by the Director or by the water undertaker in relation to which the order is made.

(7)Subject to subsection (6) above, the power of the Secretary of State to make an order under subsection (5) above shall be exercisable by statutory instrument subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament

(8)An order under subsection (5) above may—

(a)require the payment of compensation by a water undertaker to persons affected by the order;

(b)make different provision for different cases, including different provision in relation to different persons, circumstances or localities; and

(c)contain such supplemental, consequential and transitional provision as the Secretary of State considers appropriate.

(9)The obligations of a water undertaker under this section shall be enforceable under section 18 above by the Secretary of State.

(10)In addition, where a water undertaker is in breach of a duty under this section, the undertaker shall be guilty of an offence and liable—

(a)on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum;

(b)on conviction on indictment, to a fine.

(11)In any proceedings against any water undertaker for an offence under subsection (10) above it shall be a defence for that undertaker to show that it took all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of the offence.

66Requirements by undertaker for maintaining pressure

(1)A water undertaker may require that any premises consisting in—

(a)any building or part of a building the supply of water to which need not, in accordance with provision contained in or made under this Act, be constantly laid on under pressure; or

(b)any relevant house to which water is required to be delivered at a height greater than a point 10.5 metres below the draw-off level of the service reservoir or tank from which a supply of water is being provided by the undertaker to those premises,

shall be provided with a cistern which has a float-operated valve and is fitted on the pipe by means of which water is supplied to those premises.

(2)A water undertaker may, in the case of such a house as is mentioned in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) above, require that a cistern the provision of which is required under that subsection shall be capable of holding sufficient water to provide an adequate supply to the house for a period of twenty-four hours.

(3)If, where a water undertaker provides a supply of water to any premises, the consumer, after having been required to do so by notice served on him by the undertaker, fails before the end of the period specified in the notice—

(a)to provide a cistern in accordance with a requirement under this section; or

(b)to put any such cistern and its float-operated valve into good repair,

the water undertaker may itself provide a cistern, or carry out any repairs necessary to prevent waste of water.

(4)The period specified for the purposes of subsection (3) above in a notice under this section shall be a period of not less than twenty-eight days beginning with the day after the service of the notice.

(5)Where a water undertaker provides a cistern or carries out any repairs under subsection (3) above, it may recover the expenses reasonably incurred by it in doing so from the owner of the premises in question.

(6)In this section—

  • “pre-transfer supplier”, in relation to a house, means the person who was supplying water to that house immediately before 1st September 1989; and

  • “relevant house” means any house other than a house in relation to which the following two conditions are satisfied, that is to say—


    the erection of the house was commenced before 1st September 1989; and


    no such requirement as is mentioned in subsection (1) or (2) above could have been imposed in relation to the house under any enactment having effect immediately before that date in relation to the pre-transfer supplier.

Chapter IIIQuality and Sufficiency of Supplies

Standards of wholesomeness

67Standards of wholesomeness

(1)The Secretary of State may by regulations make provision that water that is supplied to any premises is or is not to be regarded as wholesome for the purposes of this Chapter if it satisfies or, as the case may be, fails to satisfy such requirements as may be prescribed.

(2)Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) above, regulations under this section may, for the purpose of determining the wholesomeness of any water—

(a)prescribe general requirements as to the purposes for which the water is to be suitable;

(b)prescribe specific requirements as to the substances that are to be present in or absent from the water and as to the concentrations of substances which are or are required to be present in the water;

(c)prescribe specific requirements as to other characteristics of the water;

(d)provide that the question whether prescribed requirements are satisfied may be determined by reference to such samples as may be prescribed;

(e)enable the Secretary of State to authorise such relaxations of and departures from the prescribed requirements (or from any of them) as may be prescribed, to make any such authorisation subject to such conditions as may be prescribed and to modify or revoke any such authorisation or condition; and

(f)enable the Secretary of State to authorise a local authority (either instead of the Secretary of State or concurrently with him) to exercise in relation to a private supply any power conferred on the Secretary of State by regulations made by virtue of paragraph (e) above.

General obligations of undertakers

68Duties of water undertakers with respect to water quality

(1)It shall be the duty of a water undertaker—

(a)when supplying water to any premises for domestic or food production purposes to supply only water which is wholesome at the time of supply; and

(b)so far as reasonably practicable, to ensure, in relation to each source or combination of sources from which that undertaker supplies water to premises for domestic or food production purposes, that there is, in general, no deterioration in the quality of the water which is supplied from time to time from that source or combination of sources.

(2)For the purposes of this section and section 69 below and subject to subsection (3) below, water supplied by a water undertaker to any premises shall not be regarded as unwholesome at the time of supply where it has ceased to be wholesome only after leaving the undertaker’s pipes.

(3)For the purposes of this section where water supplied by a water undertaker to any premises would not otherwise be regarded as unwholesome at the time of supply, that water shall be regarded as unwholesome at that time if—

(a)it has ceased to be wholesome after leaving the undertaker’s pipes but while in a pipe which is subject to water pressure from a water main or which would be so subject but for the closing of some valve; and

(b)it has so ceased in consequence of the failure of the undertaker, before supplying the water, to take such steps as may be prescribed for the purpose of securing the elimination, or reduction to a minimum, of any prescribed risk that the water would cease to be wholesome after leaving the undertaker’s pipes.

(4)The provisions of this section shall apply in relation to water which is supplied by a water undertaker whether or not the water is water which the undertaker is required to supply by virtue of any provision of this Act.

(5)The duties of a water undertaker under this section shall be enforceable under section 18 above by the Secretary of State.

69Regulations for preserving water quality

(1)The Secretary of State may by regulations require a water undertaker to take all such steps as may be prescribed for the purpose of securing compliance with section 68 above.

(2)Without prejudice to the generality of the power conferred by subsection (1) above, regulations under that subsection may impose an obligation on a water undertaker—

(a)to take all such steps as may be prescribed for monitoring and recording whether the water which that undertaker supplies to premises for domestic or food production purposes is wholesome at the time of supply;

(b)to take all such steps as may be prescribed for monitoring and recording the quality of the water from any source, or combination of sources, which that undertaker uses or is proposing to use for supplying water to any premises for domestic or food production purposes;

(c)to ensure that a source which that undertaker is using or proposing to use for supplying water for domestic or food production purposes is not so used until prescribed requirements for establishing the quality of water which may be supplied from that source have been complied with;

(d)to keep records of the localities within which all the premises supplied with water for domestic or food production purposes by that undertaker are normally supplied from the same source or combination of sources;

(e)to comply with prescribed requirements with respect to the analysis of water samples or with respect to internal reporting or organisational arrangements.

(3)Without prejudice to subsections (1) and (2) above, the Secretary of State may by regulations make provision with respect to the use by water undertakers, for the purposes of or in connection with the carrying out of their functions—

(a)of such processes and substances; and

(b)of products that contain or are made with such substances or materials,

as he considers might affect the quality of any water.

(4)Without prejudice to the generality of the power conferrred by subsection (3) above, regulations under that subsection may—

(a)forbid the use by water undertakers of processes, substances and products which have not been approved under the regulations or which contravene the regulations;

(b)for the purposes of provision made by virtue of paragraph (a) above, require processes, substances and products used by water undertakers to conform to such standards as may be prescribed by or approved under the regulations;

(c)impose such other requirements as may be prescribed with respect to the use by water undertakers of prescribed processes, substances and products;

(d)provide for the giving, refusal and revocation, by prescribed persons, of approvals required for the purposes of the regulations, for such approvals to be capable of being made subject to such conditions as may be prescribed and for the modification and revocation of any such condition;

(e)impose obligations to furnish prescribed persons with information reasonably required by those persons for the purpose of carrying out functions under the regulations;

(f)provide for a contravention of the regulations to constitute—

(i)a summary offence punishable, on summary conviction, by a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale or such smaller sum as may be prescribed; or

(ii)an offence triable either way and punishable, on summary conviction, by a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum and, on conviction on indictment, by a fine;


(g)require prescribed charges to be paid to persons carrying out functions under the regulations.

(5)The Secretary of State may by regulations require a water undertaker—

(a)to publish information about the quality of water supplied for domestic or food production purposes to any premises by that undertaker; and

(b)to provide information to prescribed persons about the quality of water so supplied.

(6)Regulations under subsection (5) above—

(a)shall prescribe both the information which is to be published or provided in pursuance of the regulations and the manner and circumstances in which it is to be published or provided;

(b)may require the provision of information by a water undertaker to any person to be free of charge or may authorise it to be subject to the payment by that person to the undertaker of a prescribed charge; and

(c)may impose such other conditions on the provision of information by a water undertaker to any person as may be prescribed.

70Offence of supplying water unfit for human consumption

(1)Subject to subsection (3) below, where a water undertaker supplies water by means of pipes to any premises and that water is unfit for human consumption, the undertaker shall be guilty of an offence and liable—

(a)on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum;

(b)on conviction on indictment, to a fine.

(2)For the purposes of section 210 below and any other enactment under which an individual is guilty of an offence by virtue of subsection (1) above the penalty on conviction on indictment of an offence under this section shall be deemed to include imprisonment (in addition to or instead of a fine) for a term not exceeding two years.

(3)In any proceedings against any water undertaker for an offence under this section it shall be a defence for that undertaker to show that it—

(a)had no reasonable grounds for suspecting that the water would be used for human consumption; or

(b)took all reasonable steps and exercised all due diligence for securing that the water was fit for human consumption on leaving its pipes or was not used for human consumption.

(4)Proceedings for an offence under this section shall not be instituted except by the Secretary of State or the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Waste, contamination, misuse etc.

71Waste from water sources

(1)Subject to subsections (2) and (3) below, a person shall be guilty of an offence under this section if—

(a)he causes or allows any underground water to run to waste from any well, borehole or other work; or

(b)he abstracts from any well, borehole or other work water in excess of his reasonable requirements.

(2)A person shall not be guilty of an offence by virtue of subsection (1)(a) above in respect of anything done for the purpose—

(a)of testing the extent or quality of the supply; or

(b)of cleaning, sterilising, examining or repairing the well, borehole or other work in question.

(3)Where underground water interferes or threatens to interfere with the carrying out or operation of any underground works (whether waterworks or not), it shall not be an offence under this section, if no other method of disposing of the water is reasonably practicable, to cause or allow the water to run to waste so far as may be necessary for enabling the works to be carried out or operated.

(4)A person who is guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

(5)On the conviction of a person under this section, the court may—

(a)order that the well, borehole or other work to which the offence relates shall be effectively sealed; or

(b)make such other order as appears to the court to be necessary to prevent waste of water.

(6)If any person fails to comply with an order under subsection (5) above, then, without prejudice to any penalty for contempt of court, the court may, on the application of the NRA, authorise the NRA to take such steps as may be necessary to execute the order; and any expenses incurred in taking any such steps shall be recoverable summarily as a civil debt from the person convicted.

(7)Any person designated for the purpose by the NRA shall, on producing some duly authenticated document showing his authority, have a right at all reasonable times—

(a)to enter any premises for the purpose of ascertaining whether there is, or has been, any contravention of the provisions of this section on or in connection with the premises;

(b)to enter any premises for the purpose of executing any order of the court under this section which the NRA has been authorised to execute in those premises.

(8)Part I of Schedule 6 to this Act shall apply to the rights of entry conferred by subsection (7) above.

72Contamination of water sources

(1)Subject to subsections (2) and (3) below, a person is guilty of an offence under this section if he is guilty of any act or neglect whereby the water in any waterworks which is used or likely to be used—

(a)for human consumption or domestic purposes; or

(b)for manufacturing food or drink for human consumption,

is polluted or likely to be polluted.

(2)Nothing in this section shall be construed as restricting or prohibiting any method of cultivation of land which is in accordance with the principles of good husbandry.

(3)Nothing in this section shall be construed as restricting or prohibiting the reasonable use of oil or tar on any highway maintainable at public expense so long as the highway authority take all reasonable steps for preventing—

(a)the oil or tar; and

(b)any liquid or matter resulting from the use of the oil or tar,

from polluting the water in any waterworks.

(4)A person who is guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable—

(a)on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding £50 for every day during which the offence is continued after conviction;

(b)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to a fine or to both.

(5)In this section “waterworks” includes—

(a)any spring, well, adit, borehole, service reservoir or tank; and

(b)any main or other pipe or conduit of a water undertaker.

73Offences of contaminating, wasting and misusing water etc

(1)If any person who is the owner or occupier of any premises to which a supply of water is provided by a water undertaker intentionally or negligently causes or suffers any water fitting for which he is responsible to be or remain so out of order, so in need of repair or so constructed or adapted, or to be so used—

(a)that water in a water main or other pipe of a water undertaker, or in a pipe connected with such a water main or pipe, is or is likely to be contaminated by the return of any substance from those premises to that main or pipe;

(b)that water that has been supplied by the undertaker to those premises is or is likely to be contaminated before it is used; or

(c)that water so supplied is or is likely to be wasted or, having regard to the purposes for which it is supplied, misused or unduly consumed,

that person shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

(2)Any person who uses any water supplied to any premises by a water undertaker for a purpose other than one for which it is supplied to those premises shall, unless the other purpose is the extinguishment of a fire, be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

(3)Where a person has committed an offence under subsection (2) above, the water undertaker in question shall be entitled to recover from that person such amount as may be reasonable in respect of any water wasted, misused or improperly consumed in consequence of the commission of the offence.

(4)For the purposes of this section the owner or occupier of any premises shall be regarded as responsible for every water fitting on the premises which is not a water fitting which a person other than the owner or, as the case may be, occupier is liable to maintain.

74Regulations for preventing contamination, waste etc. and with respect to water fittings

(1)The Secretary of State may by regulations make such provision as he considers appropriate for any of the following purposes, that is to say—

(a)for securing—

(i)that water in a water main or other pipe of a water undertaker is not contaminated; and

(ii)that its quality and suitability for particular purposes is not prejudiced,

by the return of any substance from any premises to that main or pipe;

(b)for securing that water which is in any pipe connected with any such main or other pipe or which has been supplied to any premises by a water undertaker is not contaminated, and that its quality and suitability for particular purposes is not prejudiced, before it is used;

(c)for preventing the waste, undue consumption and misuse of any water at any time after it has left the pipes of a water undertaker for the purpose of being supplied by that undertaker to any premises; and

(d)for securing that water fittings installed and used by persons to whom water is or is to be supplied by a water undertaker are safe and do not cause or contribute to the erroneous measurement of any water or the reverberation of any pipes.

(2)Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) above, regulations under this section may, for any of the purposes specified in that subsection, make provision in relation to such water fittings as may be prescribed—

(a)for forbidding the installation, connection or use of the fittings if they have not been approved under the regulations or if they contravene the regulations;

(b)for requiring the fittings, for the purposes of provision made by virtue of paragraph (a) above, to be of such a size, nature, strength or workmanship, to be made of such materials or in such a manner or to conform to such standards as may be prescribed by or approved under the regulations;

(c)for imposing such other requirements as may be prescribed with respect to the installation, arrangement, connection, testing, disconnection, alteration and repair of the fittings and with respect to the materials used in their manufacture;

(d)for the giving, refusal and revocation, by prescribed persons, of approvals required for the purposes of the regulations; and

(e)for such approvals to be capable of being made subject to such conditions as may be prescribed and for the modification and revocation of any such condition.

(3)Without prejudice as aforesaid, regulations under this section may—

(a)impose separate or concurrent duties with respect to the enforcement of the regulations on water undertakers, local authorities and such other persons as may be prescribed;

(b)confer powers on a water undertaker or local authority to carry out works and take other steps, in prescribed circumstances, for remedying any contravention of the regulations;

(c)provide for the recovery by a water undertaker or local authority of expenses reasonably incurred by the undertaker or authority in the exercise of any power conferred by virtue of paragraph (b) above;

(d)repeal or modify the provisions of section 73 above or section 75 below;

(e)provide for a contravention of the regulations to constitute a summary offence punishable, on summary conviction, by a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale or such smaller sum as may be prescribed;

(f)require prescribed charges to be paid to persons carrying out functions under the regulations;

(g)enable the Secretary of State to authorise such relaxations of and departures from such of the requirements of the regulations as may be prescribed, to make any such authorisation subject to such conditions as may be prescribed and to modify or revoke any such authorisation or condition;

(h)enable the Secretary of State to authorise a water undertaker or local authority (either instead of the Secretary of State or concurrently with him) to exercise any power conferred on the Secretary of State by regulations made by virtue of paragraph (g) above; and

(i)require disputes arising under the regulations to be referred to arbitration and for determinations under the regulations to be subject to such rights of appeal as may be prescribed.

(4)Without prejudice to sections 84 and 170 below, any person designated in writing for the purposes of this subsection in such manner as may be prescribed may—

(a)enter any premises for the purpose of—

(i)ascertaining whether any provision contained in or made or having effect under this Act with respect to any water fittings or with respect to the waste or misuse of water is being or has been contravened;

(ii)determining whether, and if so in what manner, any power or duty conferred or imposed on any person by regulations under this section should be exercised or performed; or

(iii)exercising any such power or performing any such duty;


(b)carry out such inspections, measurements and tests on premises entered by that person or on water fittings or other articles found on any such premises, and take away such samples of water or of any land and such water fittings and other articles, as that person has been authorised to carry out or take away in accordance with regulations under this section.

(5)Part II of Schedule 6 to this Act shall apply to the rights and powers conferred by subsection (4) above.

(6)The power of the Secretary of State under this section to make regulations with respect to the matters specified in the preceding provisions of this section shall include power, by regulations under this section—

(a)to modify the operation of Schedule 2 to the [1991 c. 60.] Water Consolidation (Consequential Provisions) Act 1991 in relation to any byelaws made under section 17 of the [1945 c. 42.] Water Act 1945 which have effect by virtue of paragraph 19 of Schedule 26 to the [1989 c. 15.] Water Act 1989 and that Schedule 2; and

(b)to revoke or amend any such byelaws;

but, so long as any such byelaws so have effect, the references in sections 47(2)(g), 53(2)(c) and 55(4) above to such regulations under this section as are prescribed shall have effect as including references to those byelaws.

(7)Any sums received by the Secretary of State in consequence of the provisions of any regulations under this section shall be paid into the Consolidated Fund.

(8)In this section “safe” has the same meaning as in Part II of the [1987 c. 43.] Consumer Protection Act 1987.

75Power to prevent damage and to take steps to prevent contamination, waste etc

(1)Without prejudice to any power conferred on water undertakers by regulations under section 74 above, where a water undertaker which provides a supply of water to any premises has reason for believing—

(a)that damage to persons or property is being or is likely to be caused by any damage to, or defect in, any water fitting used in connection with the supply of water to those premises which is not a service pipe belonging to the undertaker;

(b)that water in a water main or other pipe of the undertaker is being or is likely to be contaminated by the return of any substance from those premises to that main or pipe;

(c)that water which is in any pipe connected with any such main or other pipe or which has been supplied by the undertaker to those premises is being or is likely to be contaminated before it is used; or

(d)that water which has been or is to be so supplied is being or is likely to be wasted or, having regard to the purposes for which it is supplied, misused or unduly consumed,

the undertaker may exercise the power conferred by subsection (2) below in relation to those premises.

(2)The power conferred by this subsection in relation to any premises is—

(a)where the case constitutes an emergency, power to disconnect the service pipe or otherwise to cut off the supply of water to those premises; and

(b)in any other case, power to serve notice on the consumer requiring him to take such steps as may be specified in the notice as necessary to secure that the damage, contamination, waste, misuse or undue consumption ceases or, as the case may be, does not occur.

(3)Where a water undertaker, in exercise of the power conferred by virtue of subsection (2)(a) above, disconnects a service pipe to any premises or otherwise cuts off any supply of water to any premises, the undertaker shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after the supply is disconnected or cut off, serve a notice on the consumer specifying the steps which that person is required to take before the undertaker will restore the supply.

(4)The steps specified in a notice under subsection (3) above shall be the steps necessary to secure that, as the case may be—

(a)the damage, contamination, waste, misuse or undue consumption; or

(b)the likelihood of damage, contamination, waste, misuse or undue consumption,

would not recur if the supply were restored.

(5)A water undertaker which fails, without reasonable excuse, to serve a notice in accordance with subsection (3) above shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

(6)A notice served for the purposes of subsection (2)(b) above shall—

(a)specify the period, not being less than the period of seven days beginning with the day after the service of the notice, within which the steps specified in the notice are to be taken; and

(b)set out the powers of the undertaker under subsections (7) to (9) below.

(7)Where a water undertaker has served a notice for the purposes of subsection (2)(b) above in relation to any premises and—

(a)the case becomes an emergency; or

(b)the premises appear to be unoccupied and the steps specified in the notice are not taken before the end of the period so specified,

the undertaker may disconnect the service pipe to those premises or otherwise cut off the supply of water to those premises.

(8)Subsections (3) to (5) above shall apply where a water undertaker exercises its power under subsection (7) above as they apply where such an undertaker exercises its power by virtue of subsection (2)(a) above.

(9)Where, in a case not falling within subsection (7)(a) or (b) above, any steps specified in a notice served by a water undertaker for the purposes of subsection (2)(b) above have not been taken by the end of the period so specified, the water undertaker shall have power—

(a)to take those steps itself; and

(b)subject to subsection (10) below, to recover any expenses reasonably incurred by the undertaker in taking those steps from the person on whom the notice was served;

and any steps taken by a water undertaker by virtue of paragraph (a) above shall be necessary works for the purposes of Chapter II of this Part.

(10)Where any steps are taken by virtue of this section and it is shown that, in the circumstances of the case, those steps were not necessary as mentioned in subsection (2) or, as the case may be, (4) above, the water undertaker in question–

(a)shall not be entitled to recover any expenses incurred by it in taking those steps; and

(b)shall be liable to pay to any other person who took any of those steps an amount equal to any expenses reasonably incurred by that person in taking any of those steps.

76Temporary hosepipe bans

(1)If a water undertaker is of the opinion that a serious deficiency of water available for distribution by that undertaker exists or is threatened, that undertaker may, for such period as it thinks necessary, prohibit or restrict, as respects the whole or any part of its area, the use for the purpose of—

(a)watering private gardens; or

(b)washing private motor cars,

of any water supplied by that undertaker and drawn through a hosepipe or similar apparatus.

(2)A water undertaker imposing a prohibition or restriction under this section shall, before it comes into force, give public notice of it, and of the date on which it will come into force, in two or more newspapers circulating in the locality affected by the prohibition or restriction.

(3)Any person who, at a time when a prohibition or restriction under this section is in force, contravenes its provisions shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

(4)Where a prohibition or restriction is imposed by a water undertaker under this section, charges made by the undertaker for the use of a hosepipe or similar apparatus shall be subject to a reasonable reduction and, in the case of a charge paid in advance, the undertaker shall make any necessary repayment or adjustment.

(5)In this section “private motor car” means any mechanically propelled vehicle intended or adapted for use on roads other than—

(a)a public service vehicle, within the meaning of the [1981 c. 14.] Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981; or

(b)a goods vehicle within the meaning of the [1988 c. 52.] Road Traffic Act 1988,

and includes any vehicle drawn by a private motor car.

Local authority functions

77General functions of local authorities in relation to water quality

(1)It shall be the duty of every local authority to take all such steps as they consider appropriate for keeping themselves informed about the wholesomeness and sufficiency of water supplies provided to premises in their area, including every private supply to any such premises.

(2)It shall be the duty of a local authority to comply with any direction given by the Secretary of State to that authority, to authorities of a description applicable to that authority or to local authorities generally as to—

(a)the cases and circumstances in which they are or are not to exercise any of the powers conferred on them by this Chapter in relation to private supplies; and

(b)the manner in which those powers are to be exercised.

(3)The Secretary of State may by regulations make such provision, supplementing the provisions of this section and of sections 78 and 79(2) below, as he considers appropriate for—

(a)imposing duties and conferring powers on local authorities with respect to the acquisition of information about the quality and sufficiency of water supplies provided to premises in their areas; and

(b)regulating the performance of any duty imposed by or under any of those provisions.

(4)Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (3) above, regulations under that subsection may—

(a)prescribe the matters to be taken into account by a local authority in determining, for the purposes of subsection (1) above, what is appropriate;

(b)provide, for the purposes of the exercise or performance of any power or duty conferred or imposed on a local authority by or under any of the provisions mentioned in subsection (3) above, for such samples of water to be taken and analysed at such times and in such manner as may be prescribed;

(c)authorise local authorities to exercise or perform any such power or duty through prescribed persons;

(d)provide for the recovery by a local authority from prescribed persons of such amounts as may be prescribed in respect of expenses reasonably incurred by the authority in the exercise of any such power or the performance of any such duty.

78Local authority functions in relation to undertakers' supplies

(1)It shall be the duty of a local authority to notify any water undertaker of anything appearing to the authority to suggest—

(a)that any supply by that undertaker of water for domestic or food production purposes to any premises in the area of that authority is, has been or is likely to become unwholesome or (so far as any such premises are concerned) insufficient for domestic purposes;

(b)that the unwholesomeness or insufficiency of any such supply is, was or is likely to be such as to cause a danger to life or health; or

(c)that the duty imposed on that undertaker by virtue of section 68(1)(b) above is being, has been or is likely to be so contravened as to affect any supply of water to premises in that area.

(2)Where a local authority have notified a water undertaker of any such matter as is mentioned in subsection (1) above, it shall be the duty of that authority, if they are not satisfied that all such remedial action as is appropriate will be taken by the undertaker, to inform the Secretary of State about the contents of the notification.

79Local authority functions where piped supplies insufficient or unwholesome

(1)This section applies to a case in which it is not practicable at reasonable cost for a water undertaker, by supplying water in pipes, to provide or maintain such a supply of wholesome water to any particular premises in its area as (so far as those premises are concerned) is sufficient for domestic purposes.

(2)In any case to which this section applies, it shall be the duty of the local authority in whose area the premises in question are situated, if they are satisfied—

(a)that the insufficiency or unwholesomeness of the supply of water for domestic purposes to those premises is such as to cause a danger to life or health; and

(b)that it is practicable at reasonable cost for the water undertaker, by providing it otherwise than in pipes, to provide to those premises such a supply of wholesome water as is sufficient for those purposes,

to require the undertaker, under subsection (3) below, to provide a supply of water to those premises otherwise than in pipes.

(3)Where, in a case to which this section applies—

(a)the insufficiency or unwholesomeness of the supply of water for domestic purposes to the premises in question is such as to cause a danger to life or health;

(b)it is practicable at reasonable cost for the water undertaker, by providing it otherwise than in pipes, to provide to those premises such a supply of wholesome water as (so far as those premises are concerned) is sufficient for domestic purposes; and

(c)the local authority in whose area those premises are situated notify the undertaker of the danger to life or health and require the undertaker to provide a supply otherwise than in pipes,

it shall be the duty of the undertaker, for such period as may be required by that local authority, to provide any supply to those premises which it is practicable at reasonable cost to provide otherwise than in pipes and which it is required to provide by that authority.

(4)Where under this section a local authority require the provision by a water undertaker of a supply of water to any premises, that authority—

(a)shall be liable to the undertaker for any charges payable by virtue of Chapter I of Part V of this Act in respect of the provision of that supply; but

(b)shall have power to recover the whole or any part of any charges paid by virtue of this subsection from the owner or occupier of the premises to which the supply is provided.

(5)In this section references to the provision of a supply of water to any premises otherwise than in pipes shall have effect, in a case in which it is practicable at reasonable cost to provide a supply (whether or not in pipes) to a place within a reasonable distance of those premises, as including references to the provision of a supply to that place.

(6)The duty of a water undertaker under subsection (3) above shall be enforceable under section 18 above by the Secretary of State.

80Remedial powers of local authorities in relation to private supplies

(1)Subject to the following provisions of this section, where a local authority are satisfied in relation to any premises in their area which are supplied with water for domestic or food production purposes by means of a private supply—

(a)that any water which is being, has been or is likely to be supplied for those purposes to those premises by means of that private supply is not, was not or, as the case may be, is likely not to be wholesome; or

(b)that that private supply is failing, has failed or is likely to fail to provide to any house on those premises such a supply of wholesome water as (so far as that house is concerned) is sufficient for domestic purposes,

the authority may serve a notice in relation to that private supply on one or more of the relevant persons.

(2)A notice under this section in relation to a private supply of water to any premises shall–

(a)give particulars of the matters mentioned in subsection (1) above in respect of which the notice is served;

(b)specify the steps which, in the opinion of the authority serving the notice, are required to be taken for ensuring that there is a supply of water to those premises which is both wholesome and (so far as any house on those premises is concerned) sufficient for domestic purposes;

(c)specify a period, ending not less than twenty-eight days after the day on which the notice is served, within which any representations or objections with respect to the notice must be received by that authority; and

(d)state the effect in relation to that notice of section 81(2) and (3) below.

(3)Subject to sections 81 and 82 below, where a local authority serve a notice under this section on any relevant person they may do one or more of the following, that is to say—

(a)by that notice designate as steps to be taken by the authority themselves such of the steps specified in the notice as they consider it appropriate so to designate;

(b)by that notice require that person, within such reasonable period as may be specified in the notice, to take one or more of the steps so specified;

(c)by that notice require that person, at such times as may be determined in accordance with provision contained in the notice, to make to another relevant person or to that authority such payments as may be so determined in respect of expenses reasonably incurred by that other person or that authority in taking any step specified in the notice;

(d)by that notice undertake from time to time to make such payments to that person as may be so determined in respect of expenses reasonably incurred by that person in taking any step specified in the notice.

(4)The power of a local authority to serve a notice under this section specifying the steps which are required to be taken in relation to any source from which a private supply is provided both to premises in the area of that authority and to premises in the area of another local authority shall be exercisable only where—

(a)the other authority consent to the service of the notice; or

(b)the authorities act jointly in exercising their respective powers under this section in relation to that source.

(5)The powers conferred by this section and sections 81 and 82 below shall be so exercised in relation to a private supply of water to any premises where there is no house as to secure that no local authority are required to bear any of the expenses incurred (whether by the authority or by any other person) in taking any of the steps for ensuring that the supply is wholesome which are specified in a notice under this section.

(6)The steps that a relevant person may be required by a notice under this section to take in relation to any premises shall include—

(a)requiring a supply of water to be provided to those premises by a water undertaker or by any other person; and

(b)taking such steps for the purpose of securing that such a requirement is complied with, and of enabling such a supply to be so provided, as may be specified in the notice.

(7)For the purposes of this section and sections 81 to 83 below the relevant persons, in relation to a private supply of water to any premises in the area of a local authority, are—

(a)the owners and occupiers of those premises; and

(b)whether or not the source of the private supply is in that authority’s area, the owners and occupiers of the premises where that source is situated and any other person who exercises powers of management or control in relation to that source;

and in sections 81 to 83 below a notice under this section is referred to as a private supply notice.

81Confirmation of private supply notices

(1)Subject to subsection (2) below, a private supply notice served by a local authority shall not take effect until the end of the period specified in the notice as the period within which representations or objections with respect to the notice must be received by that authority.

(2)Where any written representation or objection with respect to a private supply notice served by a local authority is received by the authority, before the end of the period specified in the notice, from a person on whom the notice was served, that notice shall not take effect unless—

(a)the notice is submitted by the authority to the Secretary of State and is confirmed by him either with or without modifications; or

(b)the representation or objection is withdrawn.

(3)If a local authority submit a private supply notice to the Secretary of State for confirmation, the Secretary of State—

(a)shall consider whether the notice should be confirmed and whether, if it is confirmed, it should be confirmed with or without modifications;

(b)may, with respect to the matters specified in the notice or any proposed modification of it, direct the local authority to serve a private supply notice, in such terms as may be specified in the direction, on any relevant person who has not previously been served with such a notice;

(c)may, for the purposes of paragraph (a) or (b) above cause a local inquiry to be held or afford—

(i)to the local authority; and

(ii)to every person who has made representations or objections with respect to the notice or any proposed direction under paragraph (b) above,

an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by a person appointed by the Secretary of State for the purpose; and

(d)if he is satisfied that the person on whom any notice to be served in pursuance of a direction under paragraph (b) above has had a proper opportunity of having his representations or objections with respect to the proposal for the direction considered, may dispense, in relation to the notice so served, with the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) above and of section 80(2)(c) and (d) above.

(4)Where the Secretary of State confirms a private supply notice (whether with or without modifications)—

(a)he, or if he so directs, the local authority concerned shall serve notice of that confirmation on every person originally served with the notice under section 80 above; and

(b)that notice shall take effect, with any modifications made by the Secretary of State, at such time as may be specified in the notice served under this subsection.

82Enforcement and variation of private supply notice

(1)Where any relevant person who is required by virtue of a private supply notice to take any step in relation to any premises fails to take that step within the period specified in the notice, the authority which served the notice may, in accordance with any applicable provision having effect by virtue of section 83 or 84 below, take that step themselves.

(2)Where any step is taken by a local authority in relation to any premises by virtue of subsection (1) above—

(a)the authority may recover from the person who failed to take that step within the specified period any expenses reasonably incurred by the authority in taking that step; and

(b)for the purposes of any requirement under which payments are required to be made to that person by any person other than the authority, sums paid by virtue of paragraph (a) above in respect of the taking of any step shall be deemed to be expenses incurred in the taking of that step by the person who failed to take it.

(3)Nothing in this Act shall confer any right of action on any person in respect of any loss or damage sustained by that person in consequence of the failure by any other person to take any step specified in a private supply notice.

(4)Any sum required to be paid to any person by virtue of any requirement or undertaking contained in a private supply notice shall be recoverable by that person from the person who is required to pay it.

(5)Any requirement which—

(a)is imposed by virtue of a private supply notice on the owner or occupier of any premises; and

(b)is expressed to bind those premises in relation to the owners or occupiers from time to time,

shall bind successive owners or, as the case may be, occupiers of those premises and shall be a local land charge.

(6)Subject to subsection (7) below, a local authority may by notice served on any person modify or revoke the effect in relation to that person of any private supply notice or notice under this subsection (including a notice which has been confirmed, with or without modifications, by the Secretary of State).

(7)Sections 80(2)(c) and (d) and 81 above shall apply, as they apply in relation to a private supply notice, in relation to any notice served by a local authority on any person under subsection (6) above except where the notice—

(a)extends the period within which any step is required to be taken by that person; or

(b)discharges, postpones or abates any obligation of that person to make a payment to the local authority.

83Application of certain powers to local authorities in relation to private supplies

(1)For the purposes of the taking of any steps falling to be taken by a local authority by virtue of a designation under subsection (3)(a) of section 80 above the provisions of Part VI of this Act shall have effect—

(a)as if the relevant works powers, so far as conferred on a water undertaker for the purpose of carrying out its functions, were also conferred on a local authority for the purpose of ensuring that a supply of water provided by means of a private supply to any premises in the authority’s area is both wholesome and (so far as any house on those premises is concerned) sufficient for domestic purposes;

(b)as if any such power, so far as it is conferred on a water undertaker in relation to things belonging to or operated or used by the undertaker for the purposes of its functions, were conferred by virtue of paragraph (a) above on a local authority in relation to things belonging to or operated or used by that authority, or a relevant person, in connection with the provision of water by means of a private supply;

(c)as if references to a water undertaker in any provision of Part VI of this Act relating to a relevant works power, except the references in sections 181 and 182 below, included references to a local authority; and

(d)as if the making by any person in pursuance of a private supply notice of any payment in respect of sums incurred in the laying of any pipe entitled that person, for the purposes of section 179(1) below, to an interest in the pipe.

(2)Where by virtue of this Act a local authority have power under Part VII of the [1972 c. 70.] Local Government Act 1972 (miscellaneous powers of a local authority) to acquire (whether compulsorily or otherwise) any land or right over land for the purpose of ensuring that private supplies of water to premises in their area are both wholesome and (so far as houses on those premises are concerned) sufficient for domestic purposes, that power shall include power to acquire land or any interest or right in or over land in order, for that purpose, to dispose of the land or the interest or right to a person who is a relevant person in relation to such a private supply.

(3)In this section “relevant works powers” means the powers conferred on water undertakers by sections 158, 159, 161, 163 and 165 below.

84Local authority rights of entry etc

(1)Any person designated for the purpose by a local authority within whose area any waterworks are situated shall, on producing some duly authenticated document showing his authority, have a right at all reasonable hours to enter any premises for the purpose of ascertaining whether there is or has been any contravention of section 72 above in relation to those waterworks.

(2)Any person designated in writing for the purpose by a local authority may—

(a)enter any premises for the purpose of—

(i)ascertaining whether any provision contained in or made or having effect under this Act with respect to any water fittings, or with respect to the waste or misuse of water, is being or has been contravened;

(ii)determining whether, and if so in what manner, any power or duty conferred or imposed on any person by regulations under section 74 above should be exercised or performed; or

(iii)exercising any such power or performing any such duty;


(b)carry out such inspections, measurements and tests on premises entered by that person or on water fittings or other articles found on any such premises, and take away such samples of water or of any land and such water fittings and other articles, as that person has been authorised to carry out or take away in accordance with regulations under that section.

(3)Any person designated in writing for the purpose by any local authority may—

(a)enter any premises for the purpose, in relation to any private supply, of—

(i)determining whether, and if so in what manner, any power or duty conferred or imposed on that authority by or under any of sections 77 to 82 above should be exercised or performed; or

(ii)exercising any such power or performing any such duty;

(b)enter any premises to which a supply of water is provided by a water undertaker for the purpose, in relation to a supply so provided of—

(i)determining whether, and if so in what manner, any such power should be exercised or any such duty performed; or

(ii)exercising any such power or performing any such duty;


(c)carry out such inspections, measurements and tests on premises entered by that person or of articles found on any such premises, and take away such samples of water or of any land or articles, as the local authority—

(i)consider appropriate for the purposes of any such power or duty; and

(ii)have authorised that person to carry out or take away.

(4)Part I of Schedule 6 to this Act shall apply to the right of entry conferred by subsection (1) above; but nothing in that subsection or in that Part of that Schedule shall entitle any person designated for the purposes of that subsection by a local authority to have access to any waterworks belonging to a water undertaker.

(5)Part II of Schedule 6 to this Act shall apply to the rights and powers conferred by subsections (2) and (3) above.

(6)In subsection (1) above the reference to a local authority includes a reference to a county council and to the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple and the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and any expenses incurred by the Common Council of the City of London in the exercise of their functions under that subsection shall be defrayed as part of their general expenses.

(7)In this section “waterworks” has the same meaning as in section 72 above.

85Local authority power to obtain information for the purposes of functions under Chapter III

(1)Subject to subsection (2) below, a local authority may serve on any person a notice requiring him to furnish that authority, within a period or at times specified in the notice and in a form and manner so specified, with such information as is reasonably required by that authority for the purpose of exercising or performing any power or duty conferred or imposed on that authority by or under any of sections 77 to 82 above.

(2)The Secretary of State may by regulations make provision for restricting the information which may be required under subsection (1) above and for determining the form in which the information is to be so required.

(3)A person who fails without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirements of a notice served on him under subsection (1) above shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale.

Assessors for the enforcement of water quality

86Assessors for the enforcement of water quality

(1)The Secretary of State may for the purposes of this section appoint persons to act on his behalf as technical assessors in relation to some or all of—

(a)the powers and duties conferred or imposed on him by or under sections 67 to 70 and 77 to 82 above; and

(b)such other powers and duties in relation to the quality and sufficiency of water supplied by a water undertaker as are conferred or imposed on him by or under any other enactments.

(2)A person appointed under this section shall—

(a)carry out such investigations as the Secretary of State may require him to carry out for the purpose of—

(i)ascertaining whether any duty or other requirement imposed on that undertaker by or under any of sections 68 to 70 or section 79 above is being, has been or is likely to be contravened; or

(ii)advising the Secretary of State as to whether, and if so in what manner, any of the powers of the Secretary of State in relation to such a contravention, or any of the powers (including the powers to make regulations) which are conferred on him by or under any of sections 67 to 70 and 77 to 82 above should be exercised;


(b)make such reports to the Secretary of State with respect to any such investigation as the Secretary of State may require.

(3)Without prejudice to the powers conferred by subsection (4) below, it shall be the duty of a water undertaker—

(a)to give a person appointed under this section all such assistance; and

(b)to provide a person so appointed with all such information,

as that person may reasonably require for the purpose of carrying out any such investigation as is mentioned in subsection (2) above.

(4)Any person appointed under this section who is designated in writing for the purpose by the Secretary of State may—

(a)enter any premises for the purpose of carrying out any such investigation as is mentioned in subsection (2) above;

(b)carry out such inspections, measurements and tests on premises entered by that person or of articles or records found on any such premises, and take away such samples of water or of any land or articles, as that person considers appropriate for the purpose of enabling him to carry out any such investigation; or

(c)at any reasonable time require any water undertaker to supply him with copies of, or of extracts from, the contents of any records kept for the purpose of complying with any duty or other requirement imposed on that undertaker by or under any of sections 68 to 70 or section 79 above.

(5)Part II of Schedule 6 to this Act shall apply to the rights and powers conferred by subsection (4) above.

(6)Any water undertaker which fails to comply with the duty imposed on it by virtue of subsection (3) above shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale.

Chapter IVFluoridation

87Fluoridation of water supplies at request of health authorities

(1)Where a District Health Authority have applied in writing to a water undertaker for the water supplied within an area specified in the application to be fluoridated, that undertaker may, while the application remains in force, increase the fluoride content of the water supplied by the undertaker within that area.

(2)For the purposes of subsection (1) above an application under this section shall remain in force until the Health Authority, after giving reasonable notice to the water undertaker, withdraw it.

(3)The area specified in an application under this section may be the whole, or any part of, the district of the authority making the application.

(4)Where in exercise of the power conferred by this section, the fluoride content of any water is increased, the increase may be effected only by the addition of one or more of the following compounds of fluorine, that is to say—

  • hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6);

  • disodium hexafluorosilicate (Na2SiF6).

(5)Any District Health Authority making arrangements with a water undertaker in pursuance of an application under this section shall ensure that those arrangements include provisions designed to secure that the concentration of fluoride in the water supplied to consumers in the area in question is, so far as reasonably practicable, maintained at one milligram per litre.

(6)Water to which fluoride has been added by a water undertaker in exercise of the power conferred by this section (with a view to its supply in any area) may be supplied by that or any other undertaker to consumers in any other area if the undertaker or undertakers concerned consider that it is necessary to do so—

(a)for the purpose of dealing with any serious deficiency in supply; or

(b)in connection with the carrying out of any works (including cleaning and maintenance) by the undertaker concerned or, as the case may be, by any of the undertakers concerned.

(7)In subsection (6) above—

(a)the reference to water to which fluoride has been added by a water undertaker in exercise of the power conferred by this section includes a reference to water to which fluoride has been added by a water authority (within the meaning of the [1980 c. 45.] Water (Scotland) Act 1980) in exercise of the power conferred by section 1 of the [1985 c. 63.] Water (Fluoridation) Act 1985; and

(b)in relation to a supply of such water by a water undertaker, the reference to the water undertakers concerned shall have effect as references to the water undertaker and the water authority concerned.

(8)In this section “serious deficiency in supply” means any existing or threatened serious deficiency in the supply of water (whether in quantity or quality) caused by an exceptional lack of rain or by any accident or unforeseen circumstances.

(9)In this section and the following provisions of this Chapter references to a District Health Authority are references to any such authority within the meaning of the [1977 c. 49.] National Health Service Act 1977.

88Power to vary permitted fluoridation agents

(1)The Secretary of State may by order amend section 87(4) above by—

(a)adding a reference to another compound of fluorine; or

(b)removing any reference to a compound of fluorine.

(2)The power of the Secretary of State to make orders under this section shall be exercisable by statutory instrument subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.

89Publicity and consultation

(1)This section applies where a District Health Authority propose to make or withdraw an application under section 87 above.

(2)At least three months before implementing their proposal the District Health Authority shall—

(a)publish details of the proposal in one or more newspapers circulating within the area affected by the proposal; and

(b)give notice of the proposal to every local authority whose area falls wholly or partly within that area.

(3)Before implementing the proposal the District Health Authority shall consult each of the local authorities to which they are required, by virtue of subsection (2)(b) above, to give notice of the proposal.

(4)The District Health Authority shall, not earlier than seven days after publishing details of the proposal in the manner required by subsection (2)(a) above, republish them in that manner.

(5)Where a District Health Authority have complied with this section in relation to the proposal they shall, in determining whether or not to proceed, have such regard as they consider appropriate—

(a)to any representations which have been made to them with respect to it; and

(b)to any consultations under subsection (3) above.

(6)The Secretary of State may direct that this section shall not apply in relation to any proposal of a District Health Authority to withdraw an application under section 87 above.

(7)Where, at any meeting of a District Health Authority, consideration is given to the question whether the authority should make or withdraw an application under section 87 above, section 1(2) of the [1960 c. 67.] Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (which allows the exclusion of the public in certain circumstances) shall not apply to any proceedings on that question.

(8)In this section “local authority” includes a county council.

90Indemnities in respect of fluoridation

The Secretary of State may, with the consent of the Treasury, agree to indemnify any water undertaker in respect of such of any of the following as he thinks fit, that is to say—

(a)liabilities incurred by the undertaker in connection with anything done by the undertaker for the purpose of increasing the fluoride content of any water supplied by the undertaker;

(b)costs or expenses which are incurred by the undertaker, or for which the undertaker is liable, in connection with any proceedings which have been or may be brought by any person with respect to—

(i)things done for the purpose of increasing the fluoride content of any water; or

(ii)a proposal to increase the fluoride content of any water;

(c)expenditure incurred by the undertaker in complying with an order made in any such proceedings;

(d)liabilities transferred to the undertaker in accordance with a scheme under Schedule 2 to the [1989 c. 15.] Water Act 1989 or Schedule 2 to this Act which, in relation to the person from whom they were transferred, were liabilities falling within paragraph (a) above or liabilities in respect of costs, expenses or other expenditure mentioned in sub-paragraph (b) or (c) above.

91Pre-1985 fluoridation schemes

Schedule 7 to this Act shall have effect with respect to fluoridation schemes made before the coming into force of the [1985 c. 63.] Water (Fluoridation) Act 1985.

Chapter VSupplemental Provisions of Part III

92Power to give effect to international obligations

(1)Subject to subsection (2) below, the Secretary of State may by regulations provide that the provisions of Chapters I to III of this Part shall have effect with such modifications as may be prescribed for the purpose of enabling Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom to give effect—

(a)to any Community obligations; or

(b)to any international agreement to which the United Kingdom is for the time being a party.

(2)This section shall not authorise any modification of any of sections 71, 72 and 76 above or of any other provisions of this Part so far as they have effect for the purposes of or in relation to those sections.

93Interpretation of Part III

(1)In this Part—

  • “connection notice” shall be construed in accordance with section 45(8) above;

  • “consumer”, in relation to a supply of water provided by a water undertaker to any premises, means (except in Chapter IV) a person who is for the time being the person on whom liability to pay charges to the undertaker in respect of that supply of water would fall;

  • “food production purposes” means the manufacturing, processing, preserving or marketing purposes with respect to food or drink for which water supplied to food production premises may be used, and for the purposes of this definition “food production premises” means premises used for the purposes of a business of preparing food or drink for consumption otherwise than on the premises;

  • “necessary works” includes works carried out, in exercise of any power conferred by or under any enactment, by a person other than a water undertaker;

  • “private supply” means, subject to subsection (2) below, a supply of water provided otherwise than by a water undertaker (including a supply provided for the purposes of the bottling of water), and cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly;

  • “private supply notice” shall be construed in accordance with section 80(7) above;

  • “water fittings” includes pipes (other than water mains), taps, cocks, valves, ferrules, meters, cisterns, baths, water closets, soil pans and other similar apparatus used in connection with the supply and use of water;

  • “wholesome” and cognate expressions shall be construed subject to the provisions of any regulations made under section 67 above.

(2)For the purposes of any reference in this Part to a private supply, or to supplying water by means of a private supply, water shall be treated as supplied to any premises not only where it is supplied from outside those premises, but also where it is abstracted, for the purpose of being used or consumed on those premises, from a source which is situated on the premises themselves; and for the purposes of this subsection water shall be treated as used on any premises where it is bottled on those premises for use or consumption elsewhere.

(3)For the purposes of this Part a service pipe shall be treated as connected with a water main other than a trunk main even if the connection is an indirect connection made by virtue of a connection with another service pipe.

(4)The rights conferred by virtue of this Part as against the owner or occupier of any premises shall be without prejudice to any rights and obligations, as between themselves, of the owner and occupier of the premises.