Remuneration, pensions etc.
2(1)The Authority shall pay to its members such remuneration, and such travelling and other allowances, as may be determined by the appropriate Minister.
(2)The Authority shall, if so required by the appropriate Minister—
(a)pay such pension, allowances or gratuities to or in respect of a person who has been or is a member; or
(b)make such payments towards provision for the payment of a pension, allowances or gratuities to or in respect of such a person,
as may be determined by the appropriate Minister.
(3)If, when any member ceases to hold office, the appropriate Minister determines that there are special circumstances which make it right that that member should receive compensation, the Authority shall pay to him a sum by way of compensation of such amount as may be so determined.
(4)Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Schedule—
(a)the Authority may enter into a contract with any person under which, in consideration of payments made by the Authority by way of premium or otherwise, that person undertakes to pay to the Authority such sums as may be provided in the contract in the event of any member of the Authority or of any of its committees meeting with a personal accident, whether fatal or not, while he is engaged on the business of the Authority;
(b)any sum received by the Authority under any such contract shall, after deduction of any expenses incurred in the recovery of that sum, be paid by the Authority to, or to the personal representatives of, the person in respect of whose accident the sum is received;
and the provisions of the [1774 c. 48.] Life Assurance Act 1774 shall not apply to any such contract.
(5)The approval of the Treasury shall be required for the making of a determination under this paragraph.