Part III Miscellaneous and general

E1I1C1C282 Joint exercise of functions.


Any two or more F1relevant authorities may exercise jointly any of their functions where it appears to them that to do so—


will be more efficient, or


will enable them more effectively to discharge any of their functions.


Any two or more F1relevant authorities shall, if directed to do so by the Secretary of State, jointly make provision for the assessment by a person appointed by them of matters relating to the arrangements made by each institution in Great Britain which is within the higher education sector for maintaining academic standards in the institution.


The power of the Secretary of State to give directions under subsection (2) above shall, as regards the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council, be treated as exercisable in or as regards Scotland and may be exercised separately.


In this section—


“relevant authority” means a higher education funding council, the Learning and Skills Council for England, the National Assembly for Wales to the extent that it is discharging its functions under Part 2 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000 or the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council, and


references to institutions within the higher education sector include institutions within the higher education sector within the meaning of Part II of the M1Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992.