1. Introductory Text

  2. Part I Construction of New Severn Bridge

    1. 1.Construction of new bridge and other works

    2. 2.Acquisition and occupation of land

    3. 3.Authorised works: supplementary

  3. Part II Operation of Severn Bridges

    1. Introductory

      1. 4.Concession agreement

    2. Tolls

      1. 5.Power of Secretary of State to levy tolls

      2. 6.Exercise of power to levy tolls by concessionaire

      3. 7.Early end of tolling by Secretary of State

      4. 8.Vehicles subject to tolls

      5. 9.Level of tolls

      6. 10.Level of tolls: supplementary

      7. 11.Two-way tolling

      8. 12.Temporary suspension of tolls

      9. 13.Pre-payment of tolls

      10. 14.Payment regulations and offences

    3. Management of bridges etc.

      1. 15.Exercise of relevant functions by concessionaire

      2. 16.Delegation of relevant functions

      3. 17.Grant to concessionaire of interests in land

      4. 18.Avon County Council bridge staff

      5. 19.Termination of concession agreement

      6. 20.Termination: supplementary

    4. Regulation of traffic etc.

      1. 21.Prevention of obstruction

      2. 22.Special traffic restrictions

      3. 23.Appointed persons

      4. 24.Prevention of damage etc

      5. 25.Use of cycleway or footway

    5. Financial matters

      1. 26.Recovery of tolls and charges

      2. 27.Accounts provided by concessionaire

      3. 28.Accounts of Secretary of State

  4. Part III Miscellaneous and General

    1. Interference with river Severn

      1. 29.Works affecting river Severn

      2. 30.Dredging etc

      3. 31.Protection of new bridge

    2. Miscellaneous

      1. 32.Toll plaza areas and vehicle pounds

      2. 33.Consent of National Rivers Authority etc

      3. 34.Rates

      4. 35.Planning permission

    3. General

      1. 36.Offences by bodies corporate

      2. 37.Orders and regulations

      3. 38.Financial provisions

      4. 39.Interpretation

      5. 40.Repeals

      6. 41.Short title

      7. 42.Commencement


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Scheduled Works

      1. Part I The Scheduled Works

      2. Part II Supplementary

        1. 1.(1) The Secretary of State may carry out such works...

        2. 2.In constructing the scheduled works the Secretary of State may—...

        3. 3.(1) In constructing the new bridge the Secretary of State...

        4. 4.The British Railways Board may, subject to such requirements as...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Acquisition and Occupation of Land

      1. Part I Acquisition of Land Outside Limits of Deviation

      2. Part II Acquisition: Supplementary

        1. Acquisition of rights

          1. 1.(1) The Secretary of State may under section 2 of...

        2. Subsoil and under-surface

          1. 2.The Secretary of State may under section 2 of this...

        3. Mines and minerals

          1. 3.(1) Parts II and III of Schedule 2 to the...

        4. Private rights of way

          1. 4.(1) All private rights of way over land which may...

        5. Compensation

          1. 5.Section 4 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 (assessment...

          2. 6.Where land is or rights in or over land are...

      3. Part III Temporary Occupation of Land

        1. 7.(1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the Secretary...

      4. Part IV Correction of Deposited Plans

        1. 8.(1) If the deposited plans or the book of reference...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Authorised Works: Supplementary

      1. Stopping up of highways

        1. 1.(1) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, the Secretary...

      2. Temporary interference with highways

        1. 2.(1) The Secretary of State may, for the purpose of...

      3. Provision of new trunk and special roads

        1. 3.(1) On the day on which this Act is passed...

      4. Trunk and special road improvements

        1. 4.Works Nos. 1, 1A, 1B and 4B shall be treated...

      5. Other highway works

        1. 5.(1) Works Nos. 7, 7A, 8, 9, 9A, 9B, 9C,...

        2. 6.(1) The Secretary of State may determine in the case...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Early End of Tolling by Secretary of State

      1. Receipts

        1. 1.(1) The receipts referred to in section 7 of this...

      2. Purposes

        1. 2.The purposes referred to in section 7 of this Act...

      3. Supplementary

        1. 3.For the purpose of determining the amount of relevant receipts...

        2. 4.A reference in this Schedule to interest is a reference...

        3. 5.In this Schedule “the existing deficit” means the amount shown...

    5. SCHEDULE 5
