Part I Trade Unions

Chapter III Trade union administration

F6Investigation of financial affairs

Amendments (Textual)

F137A Power of Certification Officer to require production of documents etc.


The Certification Officer may at any time, if he thinks there is good reason to do so, give directions to a trade union, or a branch or section of a trade union, requiring it to produce such relevant documents as may be specified in the directions; and the documents shall be produced at such time and place as may be so specified.


The Certification Officer may at any time, if he thinks there is good reason to do so, authorise a member of his staff or any other person, on producing (if so required) evidence of his authority, to require a trade union, or a branch or section of a trade union, to produce forthwith to the member of staff or other person such relevant documents as the member of staff or other person may specify.


Where the Certification Officer, or a member of his staff or any other person, has power to require the production of documents by virtue of subsection (1) or (2), the Certification Officer, member of staff or other person has the like power to require production of those documents from any person who appears to the Certification Officer, member of staff or other person to be in possession of them.


Where such a person claims a lien on documents produced by him, the production is without prejudice to the lien.


The power under this section to require the production of documents includes power—


if the documents are produced—


to take copies of them or extracts from them, and


to require the person by whom they are produced, or any person who is or has been an official or agent of the trade union, to provide an explanation of any of them; and


if the documents are not produced, to require the person who was required to produce them to state, to the best of his knowledge and belief, where they are.


In subsections (1) and (2) “relevant documents”, in relation to a trade union or a branch or section of a trade union, means accounting documents, and documents of any other description, which may be relevant in considering the financial affairs of the trade union.


A person shall not be excused from providing an explanation or making a statement in compliance with a requirement imposed under subsection (5) on the ground that to do so would tend to expose him to proceedings for an offence; but an explanation so provided or statement so made may only be used in evidence against the person by whom it is made or provided—


on a prosecution for an offence under section 45(9) (false explanations and statements), or


on a prosecution for some other offence where in giving evidence the person makes a statement inconsistent with it.

F237B Investigations by inspectors.


The Certification Officer may appoint one or more members of his staff or other persons as an inspector or inspectors to investigate the financial affairs of a trade union and to report on them in such manner as he may direct.


The Certification Officer may only make such an appointment if it appears to him that there are circumstances suggesting—


that the financial affairs of the trade union are being or have been conducted for a fraudulent or unlawful purpose,


that persons concerned with the management of those financial affairs have, in connection with that management, been guilty of fraud, misfeasance or other misconduct,


that the trade union has failed to comply with any duty imposed on it by this Act in relation to its financial affairs, or


that a rule of the union relating to its financial affairs has not been complied with.


Where an inspector is, or inspectors are, appointed under this section it is the duty of all persons who are or have been officials or agents of the trade union—


to produce to the inspector or inspectors all relevant documents which are in their possession,


to attend before the inspector or inspectors when required to do so, and


otherwise to give the inspector or inspectors all assistance in connection with the investigation which they are reasonably able to give.


Where any person (whether or not within subsection (3)) appears to the inspector or inspectors to be in possession of information relating to a matter which he considers, or they consider, to be relevant to the investigation, the inspector or inspectors may require him—


to produce to the inspector or inspectors any relevant documents relating to that matter,


to attend before the inspector or inspectors, and


otherwise to give the inspector or inspectors all assistance in connection with the investigation which he is reasonably able to give;

and it is the duty of the person to comply with the requirement.


In subsections (3) and (4) “relevant documents”, in relation to an investigation of the financial affairs of a trade union, means accounting documents, and documents of any other description, which may be relevant to the investigation.


A person shall not be excused from providing an explanation or making a statement in compliance with subsection (3) or a requirement imposed under subsection (4) on the ground that to do so would tend to expose him to proceedings for an offence; but an explanation so provided or statement so made may only be used in evidence against the person by whom it is provided or made—


on a prosecution for an offence under section 45(9) (false explanations and statements), or


on a prosecution for some other offence where in giving evidence the person makes a statement inconsistent with it.

F337C Inspectors’ reports etc.


An inspector or inspectors appointed under section 37B—


may, and if so directed by the Certification Officer shall, make interim reports, and


on the conclusion of their investigation shall make a final report,

to the Certification Officer.


Any report under subsection (1) shall be written or printed, as the Certification Officer directs.


An inspector or inspectors appointed under section 37B may at any time, and if so directed by the Certification Officer shall, inform the Certification Officer of any matters coming to his or their knowledge as a result of the investigation.


The Certification Officer may direct an inspector or inspectors appointed under section 37B to take no further steps in the investigation, or to take only such further steps as are specified in the direction, if—


it appears to the Certification Officer that matters have come to light in the course of the investigation which suggest that a criminal offence has been committed and those matters have been referred to the appropriate prosecuting authority, or


it appears to the Certification Officer appropriate to do so in any other circumstances.


Where an investigation is the subject of a direction under subsection (4), the inspector or inspectors shall make a final report to the Certification Officer only where the Certification Officer directs him or them to do so at the time of the direction under that subsection or subsequently.


The Certification Officer shall publish a final report made to him under this section.


The Certification Officer shall furnish a copy of such a report free of charge—


to the trade union which is the subject of the report,


to any auditor of that trade union or of any branch or section of the union, if he requests a copy before the end of the period of three years beginning with the day on which the report is published, and


to any member of the trade union if—


he has complained to the Certification Officer that there are circumstances suggesting any of the states of affairs specified in section 37B(2)(a) to (d),


the Certification Officer considers that the report contains findings which are relevant to the complaint, and


the member requests a copy before the end of the period of three years beginning with the day on which the report is published.


A copy of any report under this section, certified by the Certification Officer to be a true copy, is admissible in any legal proceedings as evidence of the opinion of the inspector or inspectors in relation to any matter contained in the report; and a document purporting to be a certificate of the Certification Officer under this subsection shall be received in evidence and be deemed to be such a certificate unless the contrary is proved.

F437D Expenses of investigations.


The expenses of an investigation under section 37B shall be defrayed in the first instance by the Certification Officer.


For the purposes of this section there shall be treated as expenses of an investigation, in particular, such reasonable sums as the Certification Officer may determine in respect of general staff costs and overheads.


A person who is convicted on a prosecution instituted as a result of the investigation may in the same proceedings be ordered to pay the expenses of the investigation to such extent as may be specified in the order.

F537E Sections 37A and 37B: supplementary.




a report of the auditor or auditors of a trade union, or a branch or section of a trade union, on the accounts audited by him or them and contained in the annual return of the union, or branch or section—


does not state without qualification that the accounts give a true and fair view of the matters to which they relate, or


includes a statement in compliance with section 36(4), or


a member of a trade union has complained to the Certification Officer that there are circumstances suggesting any of the states of affairs specified in section 37B(2)(a) to (d),

the Certification Officer shall consider whether it is appropriate for him to exercise any of the powers conferred on him by sections 37A and 37B.


If in a case where a member of a trade union has complained as mentioned in subsection (1)(b) the Certification Officer decides not to exercise any of the powers conferred by those sections he shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after making a decision not to do so, notify the member of his decision and, if he thinks fit, of the reasons for it.


Nothing in section 37A or 37B—


requires or authorises anyone to require the disclosure by a person of information which he would in an action in the High Court or the Court of Session be entitled to refuse to disclose on grounds of legal professional privilege except, if he is a lawyer, the name and address of his client, or


requires or authorises anyone to require the production by a person of a document which he would in such an action be entitled to refuse to produce on such grounds.


Nothing in section 37A or 37B requires or authorises anyone to require the disclosure of information or the production of documents in respect of which the person to whom the requirement would relate owes an obligation of confidence by virtue of carrying on the business of banking unless—


the person to whom the obligation is owed is the trade union, or any branch or section of the union, concerned or a trustee of any fund concerned, or


the person to whom the obligation of confidence is owed consents to the disclosure or production.


In sections 37A and 37B and this section—


references to documents include information recorded in any form, and


in relation to information recorded otherwise than in legible form, references to its production are to the production of a copy of the information in legible form.