Part I Trade Unions

Chapter III Trade union administration

Register of members’ names and addresses

24ZCF1Appointment and removal of an assurer


The rules of every trade union to which section 24ZB applies must contain provision for the appointment and removal of an assurer.

But the following provisions have effect notwithstanding anything in the rules.


An assurer must not be removed from office except by resolution passed at a general meeting of the members of the union or of delegates of its members.


A person duly appointed as an assurer in relation to a reporting period must be reappointed as assurer in relation to the following reporting period, unless—


a resolution has been passed at a general meeting of the trade union appointing somebody else instead or providing expressly that the person is not to be re-appointed,


the person has given notice to the union in writing of the person's unwillingness to be re-appointed,


the person is not qualified for the appointment in accordance with section 24ZB, or


the person has ceased to act as assurer by reason of incapacity.


But a person need not automatically be re-appointed where—


the person is retiring,


notice has been given of an intended resolution to appoint somebody else instead, and


that resolution cannot be proceeded with at the meeting because of the death or incapacity of the proposed replacement.