Part XIStatutory Sick Pay

The qualifying conditions

150Qualifying days


The third condition is that the day in question is a qualifying day.


The days which are for the purposes of this Part of this Act to be qualifying days as between an employee and an employer of his (that is to say, those days of the week on which he is required by his contract of service with that employer to be available for work or which are chosen to reflect the terms of that contract) shall be such day or days as may, subject to regulations, be agreed between the employee and his employer or, failing such agreement, determined in accordance with regulations.


In any case where qualifying days are determined by agreement between an employee and his employer there shall, in each week (beginning with Sunday), be at least one qualifying day.


A day which is a qualifying day as between an employee and an employer of his may also be a qualifying day as between him and another employer of his.