Industrial diseases
60Adjudication as to industrial diseases
(1)Regulations shall provide for applying, in relation—
(a)to claims for benefit under sections 108 to 110 of the Contributions and Benefits Act; and
(b)to questions arising in connection with such claims or with awards of such benefit,
the provisions of this Part of this Act subject to any prescribed additions or modifications.
(2)Regulations for those purposes may in particular provide—
(a)for the appointment of specially qualified adjudicating medical practitioners and the appointment of medical officers for the purposes of the regulations (which shall be taken to include, in the case of specially qualified adjudicating medical practitioners, the purposes for which adjudicating medical practitioners are appointed and medical appeal tribunals are established); and
(b)for the payment by the prescribed persons of fees of the prescribed amount in connection with any medical examination by specially qualified adjudicating medical practitioners or any such officer and their return in any prescribed cases, and (so far as not required to be returned) their payment into the National Insurance Fund and recovery as sums due to that Fund.