Part I The Provision of Railway Services
Directions to provide, improve or develop railway facilities
F116C Making of applications for directions.
An application for a direction under section 16A above must be made to F2the Office of Rail and Road in writing.
The application must—
specify the person to whom the direction would be given;
state what it would require him to do; and
give the applicant’s reasons for considering that person to be an appropriate person to do what the direction would require him to do.
The applicant may at any time vary what the direction would require that person to do by giving to F2the Office of Rail and Road notice in writing of the variation; but if the applicant is a person other than the F3appropriate facilities authority such a notice may only be given with the consent of the Authority.
The application or notice of a variation may be accompanied by any written representations which the applicant wishes to make in relation to the direction.