Prisoners and Criminal Proceedings (Scotland) Act 1993

8Children detained in summary proceedings

For subsection (6) of section 413 of the 1975 Act (review of case and release of child detained in summary proceedings) there shall be substituted the following subsections—

(6)Where a child is detained in residential care in pursuance of an order under—

(a)subsection (1) above, he shall be released from such detention not later than the date by which half the period specified in the order has (following commencement of the detention) elapsed but, without prejudice to subsection (6A) below, until the entire such period has so elapsed may be required by the local authority to submit to supervision in accordance with such conditions as they consider appropriate;

(b)subsection (1) above or (6B) below, the local authority may at any time review his case and may, in consequence of such review and after having regard to the best interests of the child and the need to protect members of the public, release the child—

(i)for such period and on such conditions as the local authority consider appropriate; or


(6A)Where a child released under paragraph (a) or (b)(ii) of subsection (6) above is subject to a supervision requirement within the meaning of the 1968 Act, the effect of that requirement shall commence, or as the case may be resume, upon such release.

(6B)If, while released under paragraph (a) or (b) of subsection (6) above (and before the date on which the entire period mentioned in the said paragraph (a) has, following commencement of the detention, elapsed), a child commits an offence to which this section applies and (whether before or after that date) pleads guilty to or is found guilty of it a court may, instead of or in addition to making any other order in respect of that plea or finding, order that he be returned to the residential care of the authority which released him and that his detention in their care shall continue for the whole or any part of the period which—

(a)begins with the date of the order for his return; and

(b)is equal in length to the period between the date on which the new offence was committed and the date on which that entire period elapses.

(6C)An order under subsection (6B) above for return to residential care—

(a)shall be taken to be an order for detention in residential care for the purposes of this Act and of any appeal; and

(b)shall, as the court making that order may direct, either be for a period of residential care before and to be followed by, or to be concurrent with, any period of residential care to be imposed in respect of the new offence (being in either case disregarded in determining the appropriate length of the period so imposed)..