Part I The Jobseeker’s Allowance

Denial of jobseeker’s allowance



Section 20A shall not be taken to apply to a member of a joint-claim couple merely because he has refused to seek or accept employment in a situation which is vacant in consequence of a stoppage of work due to a trade dispute.


Section 20A does not apply to a member of a joint-claim couple by virtue of any of paragraphs (a) to (c) of subsection (2) of that section if—


a direction is in force under section 16 with respect to that member of the couple; and


he has acted in such a way as to risk—


having that direction revoked under subsection (3)(b) of section 16; or


having the amount of the couple’s entitlement to a joint-claim jobseeker’s allowance reduced by virtue of section 17 because the condition in section 17(3)(b) or (c) is established.


Regulations shall make provision for the purpose of enabling any person of a prescribed description to accept any employed earner’s employment without section 20A applying to him by virtue of paragraph (e) or (g) of subsection (2) of that section should he leave that employment voluntarily and without just cause at any time during a trial period.


In such circumstances as may be prescribed, a joint-claim jobseeker’s allowance shall be payable in respect of a joint-claim couple even though section 20A(5)(a) prevents payment of such a jobseeker’s allowance to the couple.


A jobseeker’s allowance shall be payable by virtue of subsection (4) only if the couple have complied with such requirements as to the provision of information as may be prescribed for the purposes of this subsection.


Regulations under subsection (4) may, in particular, provide for a jobseeker’s allowance payable by virtue of that subsection to be—


payable at a prescribed rate;


payable for a prescribed period (which may differ from the period during which both members of the couple are subject to sanctions for the purposes of section 20A).


In subsection (3), “trial period” has such meaning as may be prescribed.


Regulations may make provision for determining, for the purposes of this section, the day on which a person’s employment is to be regarded as commencing.