[Article 6U.K.Determination of hazard
When determining whether a wreck poses a hazard, the following criteria should be taken into account by the Affected State:
(a)the type, size and construction of the wreck;
(b)depth of the water in the area;
(c)tidal range and currents in the area;
(d)particularly sensitive sea areas identified and, as appropriate, designated in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Organization, or a clearly defined area of the exclusive economic zone where special mandatory measures have been adopted pursuant to article 211, paragraph 6, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982;
(e)proximity of shipping routes or established traffic lanes;
(f)traffic density and frequency;
(g)type of traffic;
(h)nature and quantity of the wreck's cargo, the amount and types of oil (such as bunker oil and lubricating oil) on board the wreck and, in particular, the damage likely to result should the cargo or oil be released into the marine environment;
(i)vulnerability of port facilities;
(j)prevailing meteorological and hydrographical conditions;
(k)submarine topography of the area;
(l)height of the wreck above or below the surface of the water at lowest astronomical tide;
(m)acoustic and magnetic profiles of the wreck;
(n)proximity of offshore installations, pipelines, telecommunications cables and similar structures; and
(o)any other circumstances that might necessitate the removal of the wreck.]