[210DInterim hospital order and assessment of riskS
(1)Where subsection (1) of section 210B of this Act applies, the High Court, if—
(a)it may make an interim compulsion order in respect of the person under section 53 of this Act; and
(b)it considers that the risk criteria may be met,
shall make such an order unless the person is subject to an order for lifelong restriction previously imposed.
(2)Where an interim compulsion order is made by virtue of subsection (1) above, a report as to the risk the convicted person’s being at liberty presents to the safety of the public at large shall be prepared by a person accredited for the purposes of this section by the Risk Management Authority and in such manner as may be so accredited.
(3)Section 210C(1) to (4) and (7)(except paragraph (ii)) of this Act shall apply in respect of any such report as it does in respect of a risk assessment report.]