Class V 1996–97
SCHEDULE (B).—Part 7Class V
Schedule of Sums granted, and of the sums which may be applied as appropriations in aid in addition thereto, to defray the charges of the several Services herein particularly mentioned, which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st March 1997, viz.:—
Sums not exceeding | ||
Supply Grants £ | Appropriations in Aid £ | |
1. For expenditure by the Department of Transport’s Highways Agency on the construction, improvement, maintenance and management of motorways and trunk roads, including the acquisition of land; publicity; scheme design and preparation; archaeological survey and rescue work; compensation; administration costs of the Highways Agency and research and development in support of Highways Agency operations. | 1,641,172,000 | 110,526,000 |
2. For expenditure by the Department of Transport on Central Transport Group administration; Government Office administration; miscellaneous services; shipping services; civil aviation services; international aviation services; transport security; freight grants; land transport research and development; residual expenses associated with the privatisation of transport industries, and expenses associated with the sale of the Trust Ports and the Transport Research Laboratory Agency. | 129,008,000 | 48,932,000 |
3. For expenditure by the Department of Transport on support to nationalised transport industries; grants to Railtrack, European Passenger Services, Union Railways, DoA Ltd; payments in respect of the transfer of European Passenger services and Union Railways to the private sector; expenditure connected with the privatisation of British Rail businesses and Railtrack; capital expenditure by transport industries funded by EU grants, railway industry and National Freight Company pension funds; Royal travel by rail, audit of Government grants and rebate of fuel duty to bus operators (Including a supplementary sum of £408,519,000). | 1,646,729,000 | 1,000 |
4. For expenditure by the Department of Transport in connection with driver and vehicle registration and licensing, the collection of revenue, compensation and payments towards the pensions of local authority staff employed on driver and vehicle licensing before the setting up of DVLC; the development and operation of other registration and licensing systems; the provision of anonymised data; and the provision of miscellaneous services to other parts of the Department. | 178,326,000 | 12,144,000 |
5. For expenditure by the Department of Transport on grants and consultancies for roads and local transport; Central Transport Group services and consultancies for national roads; priority routes in London; Government Office programme expenditure; maintenance and operation of the Woolwich ferry; vehicle and traffic enforcement; publicity; statistics; censuses and surveys; trans European network payments; transport supplementary grants to highway authorities in England; public transport facilities grants; grants to highway authorities and developers under the Industrial Development Act; agency payments on behalf of the European Community; licence fee refunds to goods vehicle and public service vehicle operators and drivers; and grants to the Humber Bridge Board (Revised sum). | 389,580,000 | 15,618,000 |
6. For expenditure by the Department of Transport on the Marine Safety, Coastguard, Vehicle Certification and Driving Standards agencies and loans to the Vehicle Inspectorate. | 157,764,000 | 9,300,000 |
7. For expenditure by the Office of Passenger Rail Franchising on the franchising of passenger rail services; the provision of, and support for, passenger rail services; the formation and financing of companies formed to facilitate the Franchising Director’s functions; and administration and miscellaneous services. | 1,650,668,000 | — |
8. For expenditure by the Office of the Rail Regulator on administration and associated capital and other expenditure and on costs of the Rail Users Consultative Committees. | 8,216,000 | 1,000 |
Total, Class V | 5,801,463,000 | 196,522,000 |