14Functions in respect of provision of primary and secondary schools
(1)A local education authority shall secure that sufficient schools for providing—
(a)primary education, and
(b)education that is secondary education by virtue of section 2(2)(a),
are available for their area.
(2)The schools available for an area shall not be regarded as sufficient for the purposes of subsection (1) unless they are sufficient in number, character and equipment to provide for all pupils the opportunity of appropriate education.
(3)In subsection (2) “appropriate education” means education which offers such variety of instruction and training as may be desirable in view of—
(a)the pupils' different ages, abilities and aptitudes, and
(b)the different periods for which they may be expected to remain at school,
including practical instruction and training appropriate to their different needs.
(4)A local education authority is not by virtue of subsection (1)(a) under any duty in respect of children under the age of five.
(5)A local education authority may secure the provision for their area of full-time education suitable to the requirements of persons over compulsory school age who have not attained the age of 19, including provision for persons from other areas.
(6)In exercising their functions under this section, a local education authority shall in particular have regard to—
(a)the need for securing that primary and secondary education are provided in separate schools;
(b)the need for securing that special educational provision is made for pupils who have special educational needs; and
(c)the expediency of securing the provision of boarding accommodation (in boarding schools or otherwise) for pupils for whom education as boarders is considered by their parents and the authority to be desirable.
(7)The duty imposed by subsection (6)(a) does not apply in relation to middle schools or special schools.