Singlewell to StroodU.K.
Work No. 12—A railway (7,700 metres in length) commencing by a junction with the railway (Work No. 10) at its termination, passing eastwards on the southern side of the A2 (Watling Street), under Henhurst Road (Work No. 12D), Scotland Lane (Work No. 12E), Watling Street (B395) (Work No. 12F) and Halfpence Lane (C492) (Work No. 32C), then in tunnel for a distance of 75 metres beneath Work No. 32B and an adjoining area, under Brewers Road (Work No. 12H), over the access road (Work No. 12K) and under the access road (Work No. 12L), then passing south-eastwards on the western side of the M2, under a land bridge in Temple Wood, and terminating at a point 435 metres north-west of the southern end of the subway by which the footpath RS203 passes under the M2 as existing, including a bridge over Work No. 12K;