Part IIIDiscipline

Professional standards

13Code of practice


The Board shall issue a code laying down standards of professional conduct and practice expected of registered persons.


The Board shall keep the code under review and vary its provisions whenever it considers it appropriate to do so.


Before issuing or varying the code, the Board shall—


consult such professional bodies and such other persons with an interest in architecture as it considers appropriate; and


publish in such manner as it considers appropriate notice that it proposes to issue or vary the code, stating where copies of the proposals can be obtained.


Failure by a registered person to comply with the provisions of the code—


shall not be taken of itself to constitute unacceptable professional conduct or serious professional incompetence on his part; but


shall be taken into account in any proceedings against him under section 14.


The Board shall provide a copy of the code to any person who requests one on payment of a reasonable charge decided by the Board (and may provide a copy free of charge whenever it considers appropriate).