[Sustainable developmentS
3ESustainable developmentS
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[3FGreenhouse gas emissions policiesS
A planning authority, in any local development plan prepared by them, must include policies requiring all developments in the local development plan area to be designed so as to ensure that all new buildings avoid a specified and rising proportion of the projected greenhouse gas emissions from their use, calculated on the basis of the approved design and plans for the specific development, through the installation and operation of low and zero-carbon generating technologies.]
[3GOpen space strategyS
(1)A planning authority is to prepare and publish an open space strategy.
(2)An open space strategy is to set out a strategic framework of the planning authority's policies and proposals as to the development, maintenance and use of green infrastructure in their district, including open spaces and green networks.
(3)An open space strategy must contain—
(a)an audit of existing open space provision,
(b)an assessment of current and future requirements,
(c)any other matter which the planning authority consider appropriate.
(4)In this section—
“green infrastructure” means features of the natural and built environments that provide a range of ecosystem and social benefits,
“green networks” means connected areas of green infrastructure and open space,
“open space” means space within and on the edge of settlements comprising green infrastructure or civic areas such as squares, market places and other paved or hard landscaped areas with a civic function.
(5)The Scottish Ministers may by regulations—
(a)make provision about how planning authorities are to discharge their functions under this section including, in particular—
(i)how they conduct an audit under subsection (3)(a), and
(ii)how they assess current and future requirements for the purposes of subsection (3)(b),
(b)amend subsection (4) by adding a definition or amending or omitting a definition for the time being specified there.
(6)For the purposes of this section a national park authority is not a planning authority.]]