Scotland Act 1998 Explanatory Notes


This section forms part of the set of provisions in sections 31 to 34 dealing with the scrutiny of Bills to ensure that they are within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament before they are submitted for Royal Assent. It provides for the determination of such questions by the Judicial Committee at the instance of one of the specified Law Officers.

These questions may also be raised in court or tribunal proceedings after Royal Assent by any member of the public who has title and interest to sue, such as by way of judicial review. Schedule 6 provides for certain special procedures to apply when they do arise, for example, to ensure that the UK and Scottish Law Officers are given an opportunity to participate and that these questions can be determined ultimately by the Judicial Committee. Schedule 6 also enables any of the specified Law Officers to bring such proceedings or to refer the matter directly to the Judicial Committee.

Section 103 makes provision for the procedure and membership of the Judicial Committee in cases arising under either section 33 or Schedule 6. The rules regulating the procedure on a reference under section 33 are contained in the Judicial Committee (Devolution Issues) Rules Order 1999 (S.I. 1999/665). The powers of the Judicial Committee in such cases are also dealt with in the Judicial Committee (Powers in Devolution Cases) Order 1999 (S.I. 1999/1320).

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