Scotland Act 1998 Explanatory Notes

Local Inquiries

Paragraph 6(1) provides for the Boundary Commission to hold a local inquiry in respect of any region whenever they think fit.  This inquiry can be combined with an inquiry in respect of any UK Parliamentary constituency in the region.

Paragraph 6(2) provides that the Boundary Commission must hold a local inquiry before deciding on a recommendation if, in response to a notice published under paragraph 5(1) proposing an alteration to a region or its members, objections to that proposal are received from an interested authority or from 500 electors or more.

Paragraph 6(3) relates to local inquiries held under paragraph 6(1) before the publication of a notice under paragraph 5(1).  In such circumstances the Boundary Commission can decide to disregard paragraph 6(2) if, in its opinion, the matters raised at the local inquiry, the nature of the representations received in response to the published notice and other relevant factors, would not justify holding another local inquiry.

Paragraph 6(4) provides, for the purposes of paragraph 6, that an “interested authority” means the council for an area which is wholly or partly included in the region affected by the recommendations; and that an “elector” means a person who, may vote in any constituency in the region.

Paragraph 6(5) applies the provisions regarding the attendance of witnesses at inquiries in sections 210(4) and (5) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to any local inquiry held under paragraph 6.

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