Scotland Act 1998 Explanatory Notes

Details of Provisions

Paragraph 1 - Preservation of order. Standing orders must make provision for preserving order in the proceedings of the Parliament.  Provision must be made for (a) preventing conduct which could constitute a criminal offence or contempt of court and (b) a sub judice rule.  These provisions may provide for the exclusion of a member.

Paragraph 2 - Withdrawal of rights and privileges. Standing orders may include provision for withdrawing from a member of the Parliament his rights and privileges as a member.

Paragraph 3 - Proceedings to be in public. Standing orders must make provision for the proceedings of the Parliament normally to be in public, but may provide for circumstances where proceedings may be in private.  Standing orders may set out conditions with which members of the public who are attending the proceedings must comply and may provide for the exclusion of a member of the public.

Paragraph 4 - Reporting and publishing.  Standing orders must make provision for the proceedings of the Parliament to be reported and for reports to be published.

Paragraph 5 - The Presiding Officer and deputies. Standing orders must make provision to ensure that the Presiding Officer and deputies do not all represent the same political party.

Paragraph 6 - Committees. The Parliament has power to establish committees.  The standing orders about the appointment of committees may allow committees to appoint sub-committees.  Standing orders must make provision to ensure that in appointing members to committees and subcommittees regard is had to the balance of political parties in the Parliament.  The standing orders may also provide for the exclusion of any member who is not a member of the committee concerned.

Paragraph 7 - Crown interests. This paragraph places Bills of the Scottish Parliament in the same position as Bills of the UK Parliament by requiring standing orders to include provision for obtaining the consent of Her Majesty or HRH The Prince of Wales, where a provision of a Bill impacts on Crown interests, before the Bill may be passed.

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