Passage through Parliament
60.The details of the Bill’s passage through Parliament were as follows.
1997-98 Session
29 October 1997: First reading in House of Commons (Bill 65 of the 1997-98 Session). Hansard col. 914.
25 November 1997: Second Reading in House of Commons. Hansard cols. 803-877.
24 & 26 February and 5 March 1998: House of Commons Committee Stage (Committee of the Whole House). Hansard cols. 190-272, 509-596 and 1210-1249.
12 March 1998: Report Stage and Third Reading in House of Commons. Hansard cols. 763-830.
13 March 1998: First Reading in House of Lords. (HL Bill 88 of the 1997-98 Session.) Hansard col. 417.
1 April 1998: Delegated Powers and Deregulation Select Committee (HL) Fifteenth Report on … European Parliamentary Elections Bill (HL 92 1997-98).
9 April 1998: Second Reading in House of Lords. Hansard cols. 856-901.
24 and 25 June 1998: Committee Stage in House of Lords (Committee of the Whole House). Hansard cols. 247-326 and 336-340; 351-378.
12 October 1998: Report Stage in House of Lords. Hansard cols. 701-753.
20 October 1998: Third Reading in House of Lords. Hansard cols.1316-1336. Bill returned to House of Commons with amendments.
27 October 1998: House of Commons considers Lords amendments and disagrees with amendments 1, 2, 3 and 4. Reasons reported and agreed to (see HL Bill 159). Hansard cols. 163-212.
4 November 1998: House of Lords insists on its amendments (see Bill 255). Hansard cols. 272-291.
10 November 1998: House of Commons considers Lords amendments and disagrees them (see HL Bill 162). Hansard cols. 206-248.
12 November 1998: House of Lords insists on its amendments. Bill returned to Commons with reasons (see Bill 260). Hansard cols. 846-871.
16 November 1998: House of Commons rejects Lords amendments. Hansard cols. 673-721.
17 November 1998: House of Lords gives reasons for insisting on its amendments (see Bill 262). House of Commons rejects Lords amendments (see HL Bill 166). House of Lords insists on its amendments and returns Bill to Commons. Hansard cols. 1128-1154.
18 November 1998: House of Commons rejects Lords amendments. Hansard cols. 956-998. House of Lords insists on amendments and returns Bill to Commons. Hansard cols. 1341-1362. Government statements explains Bill now lost for 1997-98 session: Commons Hansard col. 1042 and during Lords debate.
1998-99 Session
27 November 1998: First Reading in House of Commons. Hansard col. 437.
2 December 1998: All House of Commons stages. Hansard cols. 917-1016.
3 December 1998: First Reading in House of Lords. Hansard col. 606.
15 December 1998: Second reading in House of Lords. Hansard cols. 1308-1340.
After rejection by the House of Lords on 15 December 1998, the Bill was, in accordance with section 2 of the Parliament Act 1911, presented for Royal Assent which was given on 14 January 1999.