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Social Security Contributions (Transfer of Functions, etc.) Act 1999

Section 11: appeals

183.Section 11 provides for a right of appeal to an independent tribunal, the tax appeal Commissioners, against any decision taken under section 8, or a decision superseding an earlier decision. (Section 19 defines "tax appeal Commissioners" as the General and Special Commissioners for income tax.) The section recognises that for contributions, SSP or SMP issues, unlike (in most cases) for tax, more than one party may have an interest in the outcome of an appeal. For example, both the employer and employee may have an interest in the outcome of an appeal on SSP and SMP. So section 11(2)(a) gives appeal rights to both about a person’s entitlement to benefit. For other issues, because the permutations of circumstances will be wide, section 11(2)(b) provides a regulation-making power for the Inland Revenue to give interested persons a right to appeal.

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