Part IV Transport

Chapter VII Public-Private Partnership Agreements

Key system assets

215 Related third party agreements.


Where a PPP agreement is or has been entered into, the powers of the relevant authority include power to enter into and carry out other agreements with other persons in connection with the PPP agreement, whether or not there is any term in the PPP agreement relating to such other agreements.




a PPP agreement is or has been entered into, and


the PPP company or the relevant authority, or a subsidiary of the PPP company or relevant authority, enters into arrangements with another person (a PPP related third party)—


which do not constitute a PPP agreement, but


which involve the provision of property or rights for use for the purposes of or otherwise in connection with the PPP agreement,

subsection (3) below applies.


Where this subsection applies, the relevant authority, or a subsidiary of the relevant authority, may enter into an agreement with the PPP related third party for the purpose of enabling the property or rights in question to be designated as, and to be, key system assets as if—


the agreement between the relevant authority or subsidiary and the PPP related third party were a PPP agreement, and


the PPP related third party were the PPP company under that agreement.