Greater London Authority Act 1999 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections

Part Iv: Transport

Chapter Xiii: Highways
Sections 267 to 270: Miscellaneous and supplementary

385.Section 267 provides for consultation between the Royal Parks Agency and the local highway authority, if either of them proposes to carry out functions likely to affect a road for which the other is responsible. Where consultation would not be reasonably practicable, they may go ahead and then inform the other party afterwards.

386.Section 268 provides for TfL and boroughs to construct road humps which do not conform to current Government regulations without the need for specific authorisation by the Secretary of State.  Where a borough proposes to construct non- standard road humps, it must notify the Secretary of State and take his comments into account before proceeding.

387.Section 269 provides for TfL and boroughs to construct traffic-calming schemes which do not conform to current Government regulations without the need for specific authorisation by the Secretary of State.  Where a borough proposes to construct non-standard traffic calming schemes, it must notify the Secretary of State and take his comments into account before proceeding.

388.Section 270 introduces Schedule 22 which provides for stopping up and diversion orders to be made by London boroughs rather than the Secretary of State. The main provisions amend Part X of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and provide that a borough (including one acting on behalf of another) can make stopping up or diversion orders with regard to:

  • highways affected by development for which planning permission has been granted or by a government department (section 247);

  • highways crossing or entering the route of a proposed highway (section 248); or

  • the extinguishment of the right to use vehicles on a highway (section 249).

389.The decision on whether to dispense with a public inquiry in cases of opposed orders will be made by the Mayor. The Mayor must consent to the making of an opposed order where an inquiry has been held.

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