Greater London Authority Act 1999 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections

Part X: Culture, Media and Sport

Section 375: The Cultural Strategy Group for London

570.Section 375 establishes the Cultural Strategy Group for London which will assist the Mayor in the preparation and implementation of a culture strategy for London, and provide expert advice on the strategy. Subsection (2)(b) makes provision for possible future additions to the Group's role and functions (eg functions which may be delegated under section 380).

571.Schedule 30 contains the constitution of the Cultural Strategy Group. It establishes that the Cultural Strategy Group is not a Crown body with the privileges entailed by that status, and its members and staff are not civil servants. It is able to undertake any actions or transactions which are necessary for the discharge of its functions. It is also able to acquire and hold land; this includes the provision of any required office space.

572.The Cultural Strategy Group will consist of between 10 and 25 members. It is for the Mayor to determine the exact size of the Group and its composition. The Mayor appoints members to the group - including appointing one of the members to chair it - and decides their length of tenure. Appointments are at the Mayor's discretion.

573.The Mayor can appoint individuals with relevant knowledge, experience or expertise. Before making any appointment it is the duty of the Mayor to consult appropriate persons or bodies. More specifically, in the case of appointments of representatives of particular bodies, the Mayor must consult that body first.

574.Schedule 30 also contains administrative provisions relating to members’ tenure of office (paragraph 4), members' expenses (paragraph 5), staff (paragraph 6), financial provisions (paragraph 7), the validity of the Group's proceedings (paragraph 8), and the validity of the Group's seal and members’ signatures on behalf of the Group (paragraphs 9 and 10).

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