[An advisory committee established under paragraph 25 of the Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972.]
[An Advisory Committee on General Commissioners of Income Tax (Northern Ireland).]
The Advisory Committee on Justices of the Peace in Northern Ireland.
[The Advisory Committee on Juvenile Court Lay Panel (Northern Ireland). ]
The Advisory Committee on Pesticides for Northern Ireland.
[The Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland.]
The Agricultural Wages Board for Northern Ireland.
[The Agri-food and Biosciences Institute]
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland.
The Assembly Ombudsman for Northern Ireland.
[The Attorney General for Northern Ireland.]
[The Belfast Harbour Commissioners.]
The Board of Trustees of National Museums and Galleries of Northern Ireland.
[Boards of Visitors and Visiting Committees.]
The Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland.
[A central advisory committee established under paragraph 24 of the Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972.]
[The Certification Officer for Northern Ireland.]
The Charities Advisory Committee.
[The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland]
The Chief Electoral Officer for Northern Ireland.
[The Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland.]
The Civil Service Commissioners for Northern Ireland.
[Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta.]
[The Commission for Victims and Survivors for Northern Ireland]
[The Commissioner for Children and Young People for Northern Ireland]
[The Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland]
The Commissioner for Public Appointments for Northern Ireland.
[[The Commissioner for Victims and Survivors for Northern Ireland]]
The Construction Industry Training Board.
The consultative Civic Forum referred to in section 56(4) of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.
The Council for Catholic Maintained Schools.
The Council for Nature Conservation and the Countryside.
The County Court Rules Committee (Northern Ireland).
[The Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel for Northern Ireland, in relation to information held by it otherwise than as a tribunal.]
[A development corporation established under Part III of the Strategic Investment and Regeneration of Sites (Northern Ireland) Order 2003]
[The Disability Living Allowance Advisory Board for Northern Ireland.]
The Distinction and Meritorious Service Awards Committee.
[[A district policing partnership.]]
The Drainage Council for Northern Ireland.
An Education and Library Board established under Article 3 of the Education and Libraries (Northern Ireland) Order 1986.
[Enterprise Ulster.]
The Equality Commission for Northern Ireland.
The Family Proceedings Rules Committee (Northern Ireland).
[The Fire Authority for Northern Ireland.]
[The Fisheries Conservancy Board for Northern Ireland.]
The General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland.
[The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland.]
[The Governors of the Armargh Observatory and Planetarium.]
[The Harbour of Donaghadee Commissioners.]
The Health and Safety Agency for Northern Ireland.
The Historic Buildings Council.
The Historic Monuments Council.
The Independent Assessor of Military Complaints Procedures in Northern Ireland.
The Independent Commissioner for Holding Centres.
[The Independent Financial Review Panel]
[An independent monitoring board appointed under section 10 of the Prison Act (Northern Ireland) 1953.]
The Independent Reviewer of the Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act.
[The Industrial Development Board for Northern Ireland.]
[The Industrial Research and Technology Unit.]
[Invest Northern Ireland]
[The Juvenile Justice Board.]
The Labour Relations Agency.
[The Laganside Corporation.]
[[The Law Reform Advisory Committee for Northern Ireland.]]
The Lay Observer for Northern Ireland.
[[The Learning and Skills Advisory Board.]]
[The Legal Aid Advisory Committee (Northern Ireland).]
[[The Life Sentence Review Commissioners appointed under Article 3 of the Life Sentences (Northern Ireland) Order 2001.]]
The Livestock & Meat Commission for Northern Ireland.
[The Local Enterprise Development Unit.]
The Local Government Staff Commission.
[The Londonderry Port and Harbour Commissioners.]
The Magistrates’ Courts Rules Committee (Northern Ireland).
[The Mental Health Commission for Northern Ireland.]
[The Northern Ireland Advisory Committee on Telecommunications.]
The Northern Ireland Audit Office.
[The Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation.]
The Northern Ireland Building Regulations Advisory Committee.
The Northern Ireland Civil Service Appeal Board.
The Northern Ireland Commissioner for Complaints.
The Northern Ireland Community Relations Council.
[The Northern Ireland Consumer Committee for Electricity.]
The Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment.
[The Northern Ireland Council for Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education.]
[The Northern Ireland Court of Judicature Rules Committee.]
The Northern Ireland Crown Court Rules Committee.
[The Northern Ireland Economic Council.]
[The Northern Ireland Events Company.]
[The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service Board]
The Northern Ireland Fishery Harbour Authority.
[The Northern Ireland Health and Personal Social Services Regulation and Improvement Authority.]
The Northern Ireland Higher Education Council.
The Northern Ireland Housing Executive.
The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission.
The Northern Ireland Insolvency Rules Committee.
[The Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission.]
[The Northern Ireland Law Commission.]
[The Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission.]
[The Northern Ireland Library Authority]
The Northern Ireland Local Government Officers’ Superannuation Committee.
The Northern Ireland Museums Council.
[The Northern Ireland Pig Production Development Committee.]
[The Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery.]
[The Northern Ireland Social Care Council.]
[The Northern Ireland Supreme Court Rules Committee.]
The Northern Ireland Tourist Board.
The Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company.
[The Northern Ireland Water Council.]
[[Obstetrics Committee.]]
The Parades Commission.
[Parole Commissioners for Northern Ireland]
[The Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland, in respect of information held by it otherwise than as a tribunal.]
[The Poisons Board (Northern Ireland).]
The Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland.
[A policing and community safety partnership or a district policing and community safety partnership established under Part 3 of the Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2011.]
[The Prisoner Ombudsman for Northern Ireland.]
The Probation Board for Northern Ireland.
[The Royal Ulster Constabulary George Cross Foundation.]
The Rural Development Council for Northern Ireland.
[The Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland]
The Sentence Review Commissioners appointed under section 1 of the Northern Ireland (Sentences) Act 1998.
The social fund Commissioner appointed under Article 37 of the Social Security (Northern Ireland) Order 1998.
The Sports Council for Northern Ireland.
The Staff Commission for Education and Library Boards.
The Statistics Advisory Committee.
The Statute Law Committee for Northern Ireland.
[[A sub-group established under section 21 of the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000.]]
[The Training and Employment Agency.]
Ulster Supported Employment Ltd.
[The Warrenpoint Harbour Authority.]
[The Waste Management Advisory Board.]
The Youth Council for Northern Ireland.